Nitsuja, have you ever considered time attacking the sonic advance games legitimatly? You've really surprised me with these newly found routes and just how low some of these times can really go!
Sonic Advance 3 isn't that hard to time attack compared to the other two :o
Just a comment. Nicely done!
Glad to see this topic has interest in it again
Nitsuja's already ass raping sonic advance 2, and BBQPWNED the first level in Sonic Advance.
I think everything will be ok...
Haha, I know those times are impossible legit, but I just really really really have a strong urge to pick up Sonic Advance now and go for sub 20
In fact, I've got nothing better to do for the next two days, so I think I will!
I've been extremly busy lately and haven't had time to really check up on the progress of this run, but I must say you are literally kicking the living shit out of this game, no doubt. I'm even surprised how low you really got some of those times to go!
I'll try and find some time to watch all the new runs you've done and most certainly comment on, althoughI can tell you right now I never really took Techno Base 1 seriously, nor did anyone else at TSC it would seem.
NintenDan: do you have any sort of video's or such from sonic advance 1? I've watched the SDA run, but i can't tell if all paths taken are the best route.
Well, for the most part, since it's a speedrun,I have to take the fastest route for each level. There were a few times were I made exceptions though because it was a single segment run. For example, in Ice mountain 1, you can get a much faster beginning then I do in the speedrun. Also at the very end, you can spindash jump over that final gap underwater. It seems to be faster then just letting the springs take you, but it's hard to time, and risky to only cut 1 second off a jump that could lead to instant death!
Apparently, it says some of those videos aren't up, so I'll have to give em to Rolken to upload I suppose. I do know some of them can use a little improvement (like the Ice Mountain 1 vid) but when perfection is required...well...that's where you guys come in!
Anyway, I better wrap this post up. I'll be sure to try and stop by more often. And keep up the good work nitsuja. You are raping this game in ways I could never dream of!
Holy crap, 33 seconds on Hot Crater act 1?
This I must see!
Maybe I can somehow attempt to follow your route, get my time down a bit lower.
As for the boss, I'm not entirely sure. The way we timed it, you could basically land 8 hits and get 5:50 supposing you got the first hit as soon as possible, though now that I think about it, I'm not 100% how exactly we timed it. You'll probably have to talk to SadisticMystic about that if you want an answer.
If that's as close as you can get, then that's fine. It might be something with just that boss. I know that for Boss 3 (egg totem) I've gotten my time down to 5:57 (I think, definetly sub 5:60) and for Boss 4 (Aero Egg) I've managed a 5:50.
Ok, so now you're going to have to deal with Hot Crater Act 2? That was never really my fact, I forgot the route I take! Recently, due to my lack of competition and not really caring anymore, my sonic advance 2 championship has been taken from me (though seeing your times really inspires me to pick this game up again). Either way, the new champ has been sincere enough to provide a few new videos, including one for Hot Crater 2. Do the best you can with it, as I really don't know or remember jack about the level. I can't even view the video for some reason...I guess my computer just hates putfile
Hope that works or helps in some way...
My eyes have melted.
This will clearly be the best speedrun ever upon completion.
I just watched your run and I must say it's looking very impressive. You definetly use the airdash to its fullest potential
route planning is tricky, I agree. Leaf Forest 1 looks fine. For leaf forest 2, one thing that always bothered me was the very ending. In my video, I took the top route, but I achieved a faster record by navigating quickly through the bottom route. I see you also go above the giant loop near the end rather then around it. I've considered that in the past, but it just seemed slower...
For bosses, the best theoretical time you can get is 5:50. You'reonly a few centiseconds off! Anyway you can knock it down a bit? Either way, it's definetly a most impressive fight. Just keep in mind that 5:50 is theoretically possible.
As for Hot Crater, my current 44 vid is crap. I achieved 40 seconds using the same route (for the most part) but getting boost mode a bit earlier
At the very beginning, there's a boost plate ontop of a loop (right under that rail sonic glides down using his hand). I used that instead of the speed shoes. Right above the speedshoes are a set of rails that sonic can grind. Take this path and navigate your way quickly. You'll soon rejoin with the normal path, and then just take that.
The only way the speedshoes help is by making sonic clear jumps faster and farther. It only affects his speed in the air really.
Also, near the end of the level is a big jump followed by a series of loops and one final rail that you grind/airdash off of to the finish line. If you notice, however, there is a turtle floating somewhere above one of the loops that you might be able to hit and soar over all the other loops. It's definetly an intended path since on top of the very last loop in the level lies a ramp. The thing is I don't know if it's faster or not, but I've never been able to test it out efficiently. Try it out, I dunno
sorry for my wording. I'm kind of in a rush right now, and I'm just not very good at explaining things. If you need me to rephrase something, just let me know
Either way, the run is shaping up to look very very good. Keep up the good work!
Oh, someone actually did something!
Nice times there btw, I knew faster could be done! I'll be sure to check this out when I get a chance.
Keep up the good work though!
Those videos on the TSC would be MY videos.
I have them all saved on my PC, but they should be getting back up on the site sooner or later.
So I can just send them out to whoever would be doing this run
Advance 2
This game offers a lot of potential when it comes to speed. Using air dash and boost mode effectivly can allow the player to go faster then the camera can keep up with!
I'm extremly bad when it comes to the emulating scene. However, I am extremly good at this game, and I know many shortcuts and techniques I can share with whoever's up for this. I'd love to see a run for this. I know the request system doesn't exactly work here, but still, I think a run on this game would be extremly impressive, if perfected.
Advance 1 would be nice too, but it's a bit slower. I recently made a speedrun of it at SDA, so you could just use that for reference, and perfect the techniques. Airdash matters alot in this game, and if used correctly, can make sonic go EXTREMLY fast. What better way to achieve this perfection then through the art of emulation?
So, is there anyone by chance that has been thinking about a run to do, or even considered this as a possible run? Like I said, I can help out with just about anything for route planning for these runs, so most of the work is already done for you!
Edit: Oh, and I would say advance 3, but I don't think it'd be as great as these two for speedrunning. There are a few nifty tricks in there, but it's hard enough just to chose one combo for 20 levels.
I knew that, I would have credited you for it had I known you were registered on these forums :P
I've actually been here a few times, but I only viewed it as a guest. I registered here recently though because I was directed to a certain topic. After I registered, I'd figure I'd check out the other forums, and sure enough, gbagcn was talking about sonic advance 3! Pretty good timing if you ask me. :O
Personally, I'd rather see a run of the first or second game. The second moreso because the boost mode would make it rather interesting.
Same here. I've actually been working on a run for the first sonic advance to put on Speed Demos Archive, but it's proving to be quite difficult. Summer's here though, so hopefully I can finish it soon :D
As for Advance 2, that is impossible to speedrun without tool assistance. Seriously, I will bow down and worship anyone that can get a halfway decent runthrough the game. Alot of the leves have to have perfected jumps and airdashes. Going for individual level times alone is a *****, so a speedrun through the whole game is like...well...I dont know what word to use to describe how much pain you'd go through!
I'd love to see any of the 3 advance games tool assisted though. I bet it'd be the sickest thing you've ever seen, with the airdash and all. But like I said, I have no knowledge about emulator recording.
If anybody wants to attempt advance 1 or 2 that'd be great. As for which route is the fastest, I can help out with that. Not advance 3 though. I haven't played that game for like...6 months. gbagcn probably has the best knowledge of the game.
Seriously, somebody make a tool-assisted run of these games! I've gotten sonic to go EXTREMLY fast. I can already see how fast he could probably go with an emulator. I think you could maybe even sub 20 seconds on neogreenhill zone 1, or 35 seconds on route99 act 1!
It's been ages since I've played this game, and alas, people such as gbagcn have surpassed me :(
I do agree that this game would really be interesting to watch for a tool assisted speed run.
I've actually always wanted to do a sonic advance speedrun, but I have little knowledge of how emulators work. So I'll most likely be attempting a legit run through the game during Summer for Speed Demos Archive.
If I get back into sonic advance 3 though, I may try a run for this as well (or could at least offer some pointers)
gbagcn has more knowledge of this game then me when it comes to time attacking it.
Chaos Angel 3 would definately be interesting to watch as well. I saw a video on Soniccenter which shows quite well how you can abuse the collision glitches with spikes on top of columns.
That was me! I sort of regret posting that video up though since it gave away why I was a whole minute ahead of second place. It was fun while it lasted though. that record has been broken however, by chaosangel73 (I think that's his name) using Amy and Cream. As far as I know, the world record for chaos angel 3 now stands at 52 seconds! I'm pretty sure the strat is posted at soniccenter (which should be up in a week hopefully).