Posts for Musicombo

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Here is a recording of my TAS. Note that this isn't a dump.
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ThunderAxe31 wrote:
Musicombo, if your movie doesn't aim for fastest completion, then you should explain exactly which limitations did you self-impose for the goal of this submission. Quoting from the Movie Rules: "The goal choices should be clear, so it's understood what needs to be accomplished in order to obsolete it." However, if you didn't follow any specific rule, you need to label this submission as "playaround" in the Branch name field.
Alright, I understand. I think my wording has been confusing. How about this: "The goal of the TAS is to beat Rotohex's Solo Mode in as little time as possible *while keeping the least number of tiles possible on the board at all times*". Casual runthroughs of Solo Mode are usually 30+ minutes (,, while speedruns on YouTube do not try to match as many hexagons as possible (
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Spikestuff wrote:
Musicombo wrote:
I changed my strategy in a huge way. Instead of letting the board fill up and using the color-changing powerup to instantly clear the level, I tried keeping the tile count as small as possible at all times.
In doing so, you created a TAS that is 2 times slower than your other submission. And slower than the only available speedrun that exists for this game (when looking at RTA timing): So, can you explain why it's 7 minutes slower?
Certainly, I treated this not as necessarily the fastest run of solo mode, and instead more of a demonstration of superhuman skills. In this run, I made many more superfluous matches than in the 7-minute run, and I did not instantaneously clear each level using my previous strategy with the color-matching powerup. There was also more time spent showing off tricks, and I was more dependent on luck in terms of getting the currently selected color in order to progress to the next level. Even though this run is around 14 minutes, I personally believe it is more entertaining to watch because there's less downtime watching for tiles to fall.
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Spikestuff wrote:
6403S wrote:
This TAS features Solo Mode completed in 7 minutes and 37 seconds, from the moment I selected Solo Mode to my final hexagon match of the game.
6405S wrote:
This TAS features Solo Mode completed in 14 minutes and 14 seconds, from the moment I selected Solo Mode to my final hexagon match of the game.
Question. What?
I changed my strategy in a huge way. Instead of letting the board fill up and using the color-changing powerup to instantly clear the level, I tried keeping the tile count as small as possible at all times.
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EZGames69 wrote:
Art Style: Rotohex is a remake of the GBA game Art Style: Dialhex
If this game is a remake of a GBA game, then why not just do the GBA game? Are they two different games or the same one?
They're two different games. The gameplay is mostly similar, it's mostly the graphics and audio that are revamped.
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EchoedMelodies wrote:
Musicombo wrote:
I used mostly frame advance though. I thought I had re-recorded more than 6 times.
Hiya~! I would like to point out real quick that just using frame advance is not really effective...this is your first TAS though, so I won't get nit-picky.
Hey, thanks for the advice! I realized last night that I got way too trigger-happy about my first TAS and yeah, I rushed it. I planned out and recorded a much better one and it already looks leagues better. Sorry about this one guys, will be canceling.
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Fog wrote:
Musicombo wrote:
Hey, what are your graphics settings in Dolphin? My GTX1050 is tremendously slowed down by the visually demanding ending of Solo mode.
Video dumping is independent of graphic settings.
Ok, my mistake.
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Fog wrote:
I've confirmed sync for this movie. Link to video
Hey, what are your graphics settings in Dolphin? My GTX1050 is tremendously slowed down by the visually demanding ending of Solo mode.
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Lobsterzelda wrote:
Musicombo wrote:
Spikestuff wrote:
According to Dolphin. 5.0-10293 was released 10 hours before this TAS was submitted. I have a lot of doubt on this movie.
Full disclosure: Right before recording this TAS, I was notified of the update to Dolphin and went ahead with it. Is this not commonly accepted?
I'm assuming that what he was referring to was the fact that this was made on the version of Dolphin that was released 10 hours ago, which would imply that the whole movie was started and finished less than 10 hours ago (which is very quick, especially for a first TAS). Also, your submission says you only had 6 rerecords. I hope that that is inaccurate, because if you really do have only 6 rerecords in a 7 minute TAS, then your TAS would hardly be better than what a human player can do in the game, which would render the TAS pointless.
I used mostly frame advance though. I thought I had re-recorded more than 6 times.
Experienced Forum User
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Spikestuff wrote:
According to Dolphin. 5.0-10293 was released 10 hours before this TAS was submitted. I have a lot of doubt on this movie.
Full disclosure: Right before recording this TAS, I was notified of the update to Dolphin and went ahead with it. Is this not commonly accepted?