Fails to beat the current WR for points [And believe me, Hector is INSANE. I would strongly recommend looking for any video where he shows how he mashes... mindblowing], and further to that, it was dreadfully boring watching the failures.
Spikestuff had most of it down in the assessment... and I have to agree. No Vote
Mr. Kelly R. Flewin
Just another random gamer
<OmnipotentEntity> How do you people get bored in the span of 10 seconds? Worst ADD ever.
Bringing this back from the dead after another insane find by PJ... this time on Difficulty 202.
Now, anyone who has ever DABBLED with 202 knows how batshit brutal this difficulty truly is. Most enemies will 1 shot you, all bosses have insane amounts of HP...
What I would like to know is... what the f*ck just happened here? PJ has successfully done this on the snake mini-boss [as you can see] and the Gargoyle... and even with a Lua Script and EMU, no one seems to be able to figure out why his attack, in the specific manner he delivered it, suddenly 1 shots a boss that should not be remotely close to taking this kind of damage.
Any of the resident geniuses care to offer some thoughts...?
Mr. Kelly R. Flewin
Just another random gamer
<OmnipotentEntity> How do you people get bored in the span of 10 seconds? Worst ADD ever.
Nope, and you're right I probably would have appreciated it much more if I had played the game. From an outsider's perspective, it's mostly just running and collecting things with a little bit of dodging here and there. It's hard to say this run is entertaining, especially when compared to something like Resident Evil 4's TAS.
I kinda had figured this was the case and I can't fault you for your thoughts as I can understand where you're coming from.
Just wanted to confirm my ideas... kinda relates to something I am toying with and that feedback definitely helps.
But yeah, RE4 was absolutely an amazing game [first RE game I played after seeing odd runs of 1 and 2 bitd] so I can totally understand why that shines over this. But then again, as I see it, this holds up not too bad for the roots of the series. It was a pinnacle of its time when graphics weren't the best. But yeah... plodding, backtracking and dodgemania without a more... illustrious memory or memories...
Then again, as bad as the Voice Acting in the first 3 games could be, and how horrible some of the thing are... still better than most Movie Adaptions of video games ^^;; So there's that at least. :)
Mr. Kelly R. Flewin
Just another random gamer
<OmnipotentEntity> How do you people get bored in the span of 10 seconds? Worst ADD ever.
Thank you for putting up a doorless encode. It made it watchable.
It's a good run and seems quite optimized. Still, from an entertainment standpoint I have to give it a 'Meh'. In other words, great for vault.
I guess then I have to wonder.... have you played the game before? I've played through and I have watched the speedrunning progression over the years, and it definitely helped to appreciate this TAS a lot more than if I was a casual viewer.
No criticism intended, just genuinely curious.
Mr. Kelly R. Flewin
Just another random gamer
<OmnipotentEntity> How do you people get bored in the span of 10 seconds? Worst ADD ever.
I would have thought this would have deliberately beaten the WR of 781,030 points set back in the 80's. Very disappointed it fails to beat an existing record.
It's deliberately failing to catch the cash among other things...
And I am well aware of that. But the extra bit of time grabbing the cash and beating that, would have merely been icing on the cake on an otherwise interesting run.
(Note I'm merely commenting for this title due the fact the other Punch-Out Arcade titles have scores way the hell up there, but this is in easy reach.)
Mr. Kelly R. Flewin
Just another random gamer
<OmnipotentEntity> How do you people get bored in the span of 10 seconds? Worst ADD ever.
I would have thought this would have deliberately beaten the WR of 781,030 points set back in the 80's. Very disappointed it fails to beat an existing record.
Mr. Kelly R. Flewin
Just another random gamer
<OmnipotentEntity> How do you people get bored in the span of 10 seconds? Worst ADD ever.
I can definitely say that the Commentary is what brought it all together and helped make this a yes vote. It's nice to hear what's going on, rather than having to read tons of paragraphs before watching the movie and hoping you remember it all.
Mr. Kelly R. Flewin
Just another random gamer
<OmnipotentEntity> How do you people get bored in the span of 10 seconds? Worst ADD ever.
Why only the first go? The game does get progressively more difficult in the next few rounds before it caps out. [And at that point, marathonable if you know what you're doing]
This game has no real ending?
Nope. No ending whatsoever. I had the pleasure of the gentleman who got the WR on Arcade Punch-Out, to send me a copy of his run. He finished a bit over 16 Million Points. Difficulty ramps up and then just stops at a fixed point. I just can't recall when it caps out and I am still trying to figure where I put the recording, as the guy even comments when it caps out.
None the less, it's an impressive TAS when you've played the game and understand just how amazing some of these strats truly are.
Mr. Kelly R. Flewin
Just another random gamer
<OmnipotentEntity> How do you people get bored in the span of 10 seconds? Worst ADD ever.
Why only the first go? The game does get progressively more difficult in the next few rounds before it caps out. [And at that point, marathonable if you know what you're doing]
And will you be attempting Super Punch-Out Arcade:?
Mr. Kelly R. Flewin
Just another random gamer
<OmnipotentEntity> How do you people get bored in the span of 10 seconds? Worst ADD ever.
It's just Nintendo being the usual bullying jackasses they always are. What's baffling to me is the amount of people so quick to ignorantly flock to defending them as if they're "doing their jobs". They're not.
It's a bunch of dumb fossils acting like dumb fossils.
Actually, it's not as much bullying as doing what they need to do to... as wrong as it comes off as.
Copyright laws are really anal and particular. In a lot of instances, if you don't protect your IP sufficiently enough, it can come back and haunt you down the road big time. Don't protect it or don't do something with it after a set period of time and in can expire [or be considered as abandonware]
And this is just barely scratching the surface, as copyright law is a phenomenal nightmare.
Sure, point at Sega going "Well, go for it kids! Let's see what you can do!". Also note where Sega is in the landscape of gaming compared to Nintendo. Sega is at a point in their life where this kind of model just works for them and they are embracing it. This also keeps them relevant and afloat in the industry... and yeah, some decent positive spin is always a good thing.
Nintendo has been around for... well since 1889. 127 years and change. You don't last this long without doing what's best for your business. Even if it doesn't exactly jive with everyone.
Does it suck? Yep. Are they gonna keep doing it? Yep. Should these people trying to pay homage be a lot smarter about it? Yep. Is it fair? Yep. [See question 1]
Would it be cool to see Nintendo embrace some of these fans creations? Oh hell yeah! But how many of them ever considered trying to contact Nintendo as an independent studio and showed them some stuff and seen if Nintendo might want to work with them? Probably None. [Granted to this point, this is where you can argue Nintendo probably would have dropped an immediate NO down and kiboshed most projects and then there's so much more legal crap in this instance too.. but I digress]
Mr. Kelly R. Flewin
Just another random gamer
<OmnipotentEntity> How do you people get bored in the span of 10 seconds? Worst ADD ever.
The TAS was well made.
However, due to the routing that was chosen by using warps instead of all exits what was shown off just tastes bland.
It doesn't show off much of this hack.
I'm going to give this a solid Meh Vote.
It's not terribly often I find myself in almost total agreeance of SpikeStuff, but these 2 points alone are worth noting.
This game is very robust in its levels and ingenuity and evilness. There's a phenomenal amount of gameplay to explore and a lot of the secrets are just down right... well DAMN.
I would be much happier to see a 100% run... hopefully with less of that final Bowser level fluff [Although, that was actually clever to fly under all that].
My vote echoes SpikeStuff.
Mr. Kelly R. Flewin
Just another random gamer
<OmnipotentEntity> How do you people get bored in the span of 10 seconds? Worst ADD ever.
Personally would have preferred the Genesis version, but wow did they seriously pack a lot into this port! I was kinda bored by the farming... I wish there was a more exciting way [or array of enemies] to accomplish this... but in the end, the slow as hell Vampire Dragon fight actually made me smile a bit and laugh at the craziness.
It essentially bordered on MEH for most of the run, but those antics just made it into a weak yes.
In regards to categories... Any% being this... Any% No Charm Doors [Only for sanity] and 100% all make sense. The others are just clutter.
Mr. Kelly R. Flewin
Just another random gamer
<OmnipotentEntity> How do you people get bored in the span of 10 seconds? Worst ADD ever.
Level 11, 12 and Fortress 3 had my jaw drop in shock and awe! This is beyond my expectations when I started the thread for this last year! Definite Yes vote!!
Mr. Kelly R. Flewin
Just another random gamer
<OmnipotentEntity> How do you people get bored in the span of 10 seconds? Worst ADD ever.
This was absolutely entertaining for the most part... there were a few dull moments, but not many that ruined it. Thank you for your hard work on this!
Mr. Kelly R. Flewin
Just another random gamer
<OmnipotentEntity> How do you people get bored in the span of 10 seconds? Worst ADD ever.
These were some quick tests with B.D. Joe and Gus. Gena was terrible even with the lump jump at the end she couldn't get to 300 easily. Gus seemed to be the easiest to get into the 350s+
Why aren't you using the rickshaw? As I recall, that was the FASTEST vehicle in the game and what people used for most records.
Mr. Kelly R. Flewin
Just another random gamer
<OmnipotentEntity> How do you people get bored in the span of 10 seconds? Worst ADD ever.
Absolutely entertained! The fact it syncs with both is a bewildering bonus! The side scrollers were pure entertainment as well!
I definitely hope the Arcade version can one day be given this golden treatment!
Yes vote without any hesitation!
Mr. Kelly R. Flewin
Mr. Kelly R. Flewin
Just another random gamer
<OmnipotentEntity> How do you people get bored in the span of 10 seconds? Worst ADD ever.
The movie had its moments... and some meh to it. The Rose vs Rose match was entertaining though. Akuma was more versatile then I recalled him in Alpha 1 though. You definitely added some nice entertainment value. [Alright, Dan didn't hurt either] This is just over enough for a Yes, but it was dicey in places. But still, enjoyed.
Thanks for all your hard work on this.
Mr. Kelly R. Flewin
Mr. Kelly R. Flewin
Just another random gamer
<OmnipotentEntity> How do you people get bored in the span of 10 seconds? Worst ADD ever.
That music was absolutely hideous (except, perhaps, for the levels that used original Doom music.)
It felt more appropriate for some wacky SNES platformer than Doom.
This is one of the reasons I chose to vote No. Another was... well? This wad was absolutely atrocious! Weak maps, some overlittered with enemies with no real concern for gameplay [And I have played and watched numerous Slaughter maps that do it right... this was NOT one of them].
The only saving grace was literally some of the interesting tricks and Archie jumps were actually really awesome... but unfortunately the quality of everything else [outside of your control per se, except you did choose this wad] just steamrolled over a potential Meh.
Now, this is not to say skills weren't there. It was obvious you do have excellent skills and did your best to make this entertaining, but overall... poor wad choice, imho.
Now... if it was something like the recently [few months ago] released awesomeness that was Valiant? That would have been an entirely different story.
Mr. Kelly R. Flewin
Mr. Kelly R. Flewin
Just another random gamer
<OmnipotentEntity> How do you people get bored in the span of 10 seconds? Worst ADD ever.
I worded it a bit badly there -- by page 2, slot 3, I meant page 2 slot 3 PAST the end of the actual inventory. Basically, the slot I use at the very end is the same data that the game uses to determine what items are present in the lab, so by taking the horseshoe I change it to the value I need.
But you've got the gist -- put the magic value in the right place, use it, and boom, game complete ^^
That makes sense. Also watching someone doing this real time has assisted me in grasping the concept a bit better.
That's part of what I'm looking to test before submitting this -- right now the $D2 value is specific to the wraith room, but I do think it should be possible to use other values from other rooms. The question is if we can get those values into memory where the inventory overflow can reach.
Jiseed [], is at time of this post, currently doing End of Game glitch attempts and he actually proved my curiousity accurate. Literally does the Glasses glitch in the hallway and then moves forward one room, "USE" and poof! Game end! AND!!! It went wayyyyyy faster than the super slowdown of your version.
With this, he's currently sitting at a PB of 5m52s.
Thanks! I haven't really looked at either Deja Vu or Uninvited, but I know that there's the bullet overflow glitch in Deja Vu, and I think Uninvited has something similar? It may be possible!
Deja Vu does have the bullet overflow glitch... but I mean if you managed to surf the code to this execution, I would not be surprised if you'd figure another pathway via the glitch to execute the End Game scenario via proper flagging.
Uninvited, no one has discovered anything... well that's been publicly known or documented somewhere that we are aware of... so who knows, your magic fingers may find the element required.
Mr. Kelly R. Flewin
Mr. Kelly R. Flewin
Just another random gamer
<OmnipotentEntity> How do you people get bored in the span of 10 seconds? Worst ADD ever.