Posts for Mitjitsu

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Balder's Gate and Kingdom Hearts are probally the best games that fall into your catagory.
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About the lag, I requested if I could do the run on "Piece of Cake" difficulty, mainly becuase I knew the lag would be heavily existent in places, More time could have been saved by staring at the floor and walls but I knew that would simply confuse too many people as to whats happening. The lags is at its worst when multiple enemies are firing machine gun based weapons at you and again it should also be strongly noted that all the PC run times are done on the easiest difficulty setting.
Hoe wrote:
A few more things. It probably would of been best to spend the time in the first stage to get the Vitamin X, and use it after you use the key card in stage 2. There's also some Vitamin X in Toxic Dump and The Abyss which you did not get. In Incubator, there is a pipe bomb assited small ledge push in the yellow key room. There's a few alternatives to your path in Lunar Reactor which may decrease the time. There's a sequence break in Dark Side which you may want to look into because you do have a jet pack
When I tested using vit_x on the first stage and getting the jet pack it turned out to be about a second slower than just heading directly to the jet pack. the second level is too short with too many doors to be worth using steroids given how many seconds it'll waste getting and not using it in the first stage. Skipping the jetpack is simply not worth it as it saves as its at least a 5 second net gain in the second stage. I'm sorry there is only one location for Vit_X in Death Row and its in a obsure location, I take it you're suggesting to get it there and to use a small ledge push. I don't know where Vit_X is in Toxic dump although I feel it may divert too much time to get it. About the Dark Side Shortcut, I couldn't figure this out from what you'd written, I got onto the track failry easilly but couldn't figure out where the warp was.
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Hoe wrote:
I thought the movements were decent, but you seemed to of not used a lot of glitches which we have used in the PC version. In Toxic Dump, can you no longer jump/duck/jump to avoid needing the shrink ray to fit in the small pathways? In the PC version, you could do a small ledge push on the blue key pad in Launch Facility ( ) In Rabid Transit there was a weird glitch that if you kicked the door that opened witrh the blue key, it would open regardless. It was some odd LoTag setting glitch. We also had different paths in Death Row, Rancid Meat, and a few others. Our videos can be seen at
The Toxic dump shortcut does work, unfortunaltely at the time I couldn't get it to work and also from reading the thread I thought the glitch didn't transend, I only figured out how to do it once I was at Fusion Station, but unfortunatley I couldn't hex in the stages becuase the game irregularly updates frames. I reckon that glitch in the Toxic Dump and Abyss save about 30-40 seconds overall. The transit level is the level thats changed the most since the PC version, I didn't realise that kicking the blue key card door was purposful, I'll give that one a try later. EDIT: This one does indeed work I couldn't for the life of me get the glitch in the Launch Facilty to work even with steroids or steroids + pipe bomb. The reason I beleve it doesn't work is because the blue key card switch has been moved on the N64 version.
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I'm afraid I'm gonna have to vote no for several reasons, but I'll start with the positives, the game is good well known and popular and quite fun to play as well is that is was the first game to have actual proper 3D graphics. Firstly, I still own the game be it StarWing but it was quite a shock to see the game being so visually unappealing it simply made my eyes bleed, secondly it all seemed possible there were few thing on screen and they didn't seem too tricky to shoot. Maybe no ones got 100% in continuation but I'm sure every stage has had 100% at some point, this leads directly onto my next point, thirdly how is it possible to obselete this movie when its on rails and all the stages have knowingly perfect scores. I mean I enjoyed watching footage of SF64 because enemies fill the screen and the odd few were very evasive plus you can increase you score by killing multiple enemies at once so you never trully know if you got a perfect score.
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Voting yes, couldn't really fault it, although I tried to do the glitch at the end in real time but I wasn't able to do it, it has nothing to do with 30hz button bashing but more of a frame precise rhythm which is equally as hard.
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I forgot to add my yes vote.
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The game runs perfectly fine for me, two things. 1. It might be worth getting a bomb drop in the LW, there is bushes just after Mido, I beleve its at the bit just after you make the turn. 2. You unequip the boots after the first mega jump, it would have been great benifit to keep them on since there is a shortcut after you climb climb the ladders in the pushing block room.
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A few questions now that I've done some thinking 1. It may well be worth testing the bottle dive in LW and then hookshot laddder glitch in ZD in order to get to Lake Hylia. 2. I've now definitley think its illogical to use a death warp to the ToT, there is no chance in hell that its quicker to get from there (considering there is also time wasted from the use of a death/savewarp} as opposed to going directly on foot KF the angle into the ladder completely negligable, and anyway why not just use a deathwarp once you have the bottle on B. 3. When this is submitted would this obselete the current run becuase by definition the current run is supposed to be the fastest possible route through the game. Obseleting that would give a greater justification for a all medalion run.
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laughing_gas wrote:
I'm not sure if it is possible to bunnyhop in Quake 64, even though AKA says it is. The highest controller sensitivity turns you too fast to gain any speed, but using a lower sensitivity would mean I can't confront enemies as quickly.
In a TAS you'd want the sensitivty to be as high as possible, its more than possible to get the right control desired although making it looks smooth is another thing, plus high sensitivity looks more sureal as well.
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laughing_gas wrote:
Would Quake 64 be a good choice or redundant? Unlike the PC version, you can't aim while moving and bunnyhopping doesn't make you go faster, so I'm not sure if people would want to watch a TAS of it when quake done quick (with a vengeance) is already available.
I had a look into Quake 64 and it seems a poor choice for 2 reasons 1. Massive loading times 2. No Overworld, you do each level in order so there is no early rocket or grenade launcher making much of the run pointless, but all the stuff seen in the PC version does work.
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Thats pretty cool I like how you just fall down the sky scraper and enter points relavent to the objective, although I must ask why couldn't I get any sound.
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mmbossman wrote:
*Said in the voice of Towely* You guys... you guys.. I have no idea what's going on... Seriously, it looks well played, and maybe my 3 month old laptop just doesn't have the processing power this games needs, but my frame rates ranged between 9 and 25 most of the time I was watching. Must be game specific I'm thinking.
Basically the game updates frames irreguarly, from watching normally the game will appear to be 30fps, but the game updates frames anywhere between 1 to 10 frames, so thats a range of 6 to 60fps, although the game uses a clever trick because the slower the update the bigger the difference between one frame and the last, although I haven't really been able to abuse this feature exept maybe by being able to dash through enemies in certain tight spaces.
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The cage star is improvable, its best to use the cage as a collision into the star so you collect collect when you fall without diving.
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Space The Final Frontier (or is it...) Here's episode 2 , there is a lot of glitches and shortcuts used to radically cut down pretty much every level, I hope you like the boss fight
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Is it really best to use a deathwarp ToT, as deaths cost quite a lot of time espeacially when you need to save quit, the time saved from using the PoL is quite minimal in my opinion espeacially when you need to enter Hyrule anyway for the BA. Of course you could test both going to Kokiri >> Lake Hylia >> ToT and deathwarp >> ToT >> learn Prelude(this in itself is a diversion) >> Lake Hylia >> play prelude. Then again it might be extensive testing them out but it could make the difference between getting a Sub-2.
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I managed to notice most of the improvements although they only save small amount of time, but they all add up in the end, it although should be noted that the time in my other submisson is wrong it should say 26:98 and not 27:98. Voting yes becuase of its a good improvement over an already highly optimized run, but I noticed two mistakes 1. You save after collecting the bowser star 2. Penguin star could have been improved
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I think now that there is a faster one in the que this one should be at least briefly published in order to document it, hex editing the improvement would not be worthwhile, although it should be noted that many of the strategies and generic improvements in the other submission are directly copied from this run.
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bkDJ wrote:
To clarify, when you give frame numbers are they out of 60 per second, or the number of extra times you push the frame advance button?
From looking at the figures, some of them are odd numbers so I'd automaticly assume he's talking about number of times frame advance is pressed.
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djs wrote:
It is an AVI. EDIT: Whoa thats pretty cool although you have a serious problem now, I assume you entered the FT with 9 bombs that means you're probally gonna have 9 bombchus and no bombs left by the end of it, which means no superslides or quick deathwarps. Personally I think you'd benifit from at least one bomb drop in the Lost Woods although ideally since no matter what you'll need to manipulate a enough bombs drops to fill up you're whole inventory. As I was also saying many pages back don't worry about bombs and bombchus once you're inside Ganon's Castle as the beamos in the Spirit chamber drops them and there is a chest of 20 bombchu's in the next room.
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Mukki wrote:
I've stumbled across a new glitch for the first star in Hazy Maze cave. I did this at 100% on my emulator so I'm sure it could perhaps be a few seconds faster than the route in the current 120 star.
That was weird although it wouldn't be used for that paticular star there is two other stars for which it could be used for.
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Voting yes, although did the improvements come from new glitches or better optimization of existing glitches.
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Well here's what I did for the first phase of the trick but I've yet to make it over the door with the bomb hover , I'm not sure if its possible to do it from the oposite side where the you can use the acute angle since its a higher off the ground so you might be able to get enough speed and have the height and distance to use a jumpslash over the iron bars door. Quality of the videos bad but it gets the point over plus I wanted a really low filesize anyway.
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I've got a better idea, wouldn't it be better to use the acute angle glitch and then use a hoverboost in order to reach the position that Acryte show in one of his screenshots where Link superslides from, that way you could get the boss room in only 2 bombs with no bombchu's required.
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Dammit why didn't I think of the idea that Acrtye came up with. Its 100% possible to do its just a matter of how many bombs does it take to reach the boss room. This could be annoying for Guano as the Poe trick is useless now, but I think its best to wait for a video from Acryte, I've had a go at it, but have yet to do it, then again wouldn't hover side steps be better instead of using backflips as its good for helping Link fall down large distances, although that means that the normal boots need to be equipped in order to reach the boss room with the final sidestep. Just to clarify with Acryte is the boss room directly under the stalfos room where the key is usually obtained. I can also confirm that Mupen crashed on me after I used the third bombchu to hover but it worked fine with bombs. One question about the Minet Skip, how come you just hovered directly against the wall instead of hovering across it leftways and then simply doing a side hop or jumpslash or a combination of both. If the boss room early is prooven to be succesful then the best option would be to go back the LW and manipulate a couple of bomb drops from the bushes and ignore doing the Minuet Skip, since all the bombs will be required to hover up the blocks and skip to the boss.
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Aqfaq wrote:
Strange. Gens shows the movie lenght as 0:56.55 NesVideoAgent shows: 0:57.55
This is the exact same occurance with my SM64 run, it say 15:27:98, but when I did my own calculations it was 15:26:98