Posts for Mitjitsu

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LittleKuriboh finally finished the abridged series its definitley well worth watching all 19 episodes.
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trytoguess wrote:
It wasn't much fun, but I think it should be put up simply because it's the first of it's kind.
I don't see how thats a justification, when looking at the votes and what more importantly whats been said I don't see any reason why to publish it.
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Going by the topic title shouldn't we be disscussing techniques we use/learned in relation to producing an optimal TAS not keyboard preferences.
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The game doesn't end correctly you terminate the process too early and it causes the game to pause, so I had to finish off the game myself. Personally I'm not sure this is such a great game to do after all, its really not that interesting for a game thats gonna be nearly an hour long, although it'll take a lot of surprising tricks an shortcuts to make me vote yes so you better be looking for them.
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Thats a possible soloution but it wouldn't be the silver bullet in relation to solving N64 desyncing issues.
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Don't you actually need the original disks/CD's to be able to play stuff on DOSbox. The game I've been thinking about for a while is Tomb Raider but there has been a lengthy debate as to whether a TAS would be able to differenciate itself from a normal speedrun, although optimized corner glitches might just about be enough.
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Bag of Magic Food wrote:
Wait, Xkeeper said this topic was about stuff in actual games, but people are linking stuff from just anywhere, not about games. Or are they playing a game of "Gross-Out" now?
I guess the topic has just mutated.
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notBowen wrote:
Or perhaps he meant the other method has the potential to be faster if fully optimized.
yes, thats exactly what I meant, but I'd prefer to see that strat used in the 120 star run, for stylistic reasons.
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Is there any remote possibilty of skipping the badge checks on the way to the pokemon league, for example does the game check that you have every badge when the people are doing the badge checks or would it just check to see if you have the last badge. I'm still wondering if some sort of glitch city trick or maybe a trick that allows you to use fly into the last location might work.
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The new lost penguin strat is exactly the same frame count wise, but I'm convinced its slightly slower overall.
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I watched some of it, so I'm not voting yet I thought this would make a fitting screenshot [URL=][/URL] A note, please don't do that annoying A,B autofire espeacially when its not needed, it makes the game harder to watch. EDIT: Well there is certainly a lot of difference compared to the blue/red run, although it just didn't seem as fun to watch as compared to the other run, the blue/red run felt like I was watching an exceptionally good trainer who was blessed with uber luck, and it simply became hysterical when the battles got really predictable. This run felt like the runner got given a gun to take to a knifefight, and it wasn't really fun to effectively see a no contest in every fight as there was no real drama as to whats happening. I'm voting yes becuase I really liked the way Nidoking was manipulated at the start and for few long moments I thought the game had desynced during the Ratata fight.
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If you're going for fastest mission time on Statue,Archives and Streets then it would be of benefit to use the pause speach bug which helps speed up conversations ingame wise, its simply done by double tapping the pause button.
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Dammit thats annoying I have the right emu, rom and settings but the game much like Mario Kart crashes within the opening credits of the game and I have no idea whats causing it to happen.
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Spider-Waffle wrote:
This run is going for mission time so why not let us see the mission times after they are completed, that would make a lot of sense?
You can see the mission time if you pause the game, and that would then raise issues of how fast is too fast when skipping throught ending/starting mission texts.
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I'm voting yes but I take stark contrast to what everyone else has just said, firstly the other character only gave additonal firepower there was no real form of link up play at all in 2p, the other character doesn't help speed up normal play in any way. This is not a showcase 2p run and I see no form of independence in characters movements either.
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Spider-Waffle wrote:
yousendit? can anyone host this under something you dont' have to register to?
Just []BUGMENOT it[/url]
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I'd personally prefer music that doesn't have any words in it, the music I seen in some stunt videos would be ideal canditdates.
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Here's how the run would have looked like with the brightness turned up.
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I just hope that the Frigate isn't going to cause the same problems that the Facility caused. I'd say do the run with the single controller in which you're using and then a future improvement can use Anno Domini settings.
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This sounds like quite an odd run to do, but I'll watch it anyway. I'm sorry I don't understand how that consitutes as exceptional play, espeacially when the goalies are automated, you could probally have a more interesting shootout in a FIFA or ISS game. The only part I enjoyed was the time when the number 11 scored in the last second and why did you not use the 98 version of the game, voting no.
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Truncated wrote:
AKA: I'm not sure how to interpret what you just wrote. - Does more enemies cause more lag, or more skipped frames, or both? - Do enemies fire less often in easy mode?
The game runs at the same speed as the PC version, more enemies tend to cause more skipped frames as well as lag, lag can only be prevented by killing the enemies but firing causes slight pauses as well simalar to when a certain action has successfully happened, e.g. switch or door opening, generally you're better off ignoring them and trying get past them as quickly as possible. No enemies are exactly the same in the harder modes there is more of them and the harder ones appear earlier on and in groups, boss fights are exactly the same there is no damage or ammo difference either.
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I know the first level in a warpless run can be improved by one frame but that has setbacks due to the hammer bro, the only level I can envision being improved is the castle level in world 8, if that walking through walls glitch could work with the invisible coin block, I tried doing that for a good hour or so but gave up in the end.
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moozooh wrote:
AKA wrote:
Lag is generally at its worst when multiple enemies are firing all at once there is little that can be done about it other than killing or manipulating them so they can't shoot at you.
Hence the easy mode. Less enemies there, and they're dumber.
No thats a myth, there is simply more enemies on the higher difficulty and the more deadly ones early on, but I still must remind everyone that they shouldn't confuse lag with skipped frames.
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If I was doing another movie I'd probally look at breaking 14 mins although I'd probally just fall short of it. Playing on easy would save time although maybe not on the first level. Lag is generally avoided by looking at walls and floors but if people are complaining about how confusing the game is why should I resort to staring at walls and floors. Lag is generally at its worst when multiple enemies are firing all at once there is little that can be done about it other than killing or manipulating them so they can't shoot at you.
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Happens all the time I don't think this topic deserves a thread.