Posts for Mitjitsu

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Zurreco wrote:
I generally have found every SMB2 run to be somewhat boring. This one wasn't so bad. Yes vote. However, I don't think this should get a star. I also don't feel that the other SMB2 runs deserve stars, but that's just me.
Finally something we agree on at least for just now
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More leveling up action, it just doesn't get any better than this. Yes vote
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Just mentioning, if we could get onto Dondongo's head at the start of the dungeon then we'd be able to skip straight to the bomb bag. Although I don't see a way of doing it unless we have loads of bombchus.
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Nice run + yes vote I don't see why this should be favoured over the warp run the, extra levels had roughly the same entertainment value when directly compared to it. p.s. Most people only care about Mario games beaten in ludicrisly fast times, at least more casual fans anyway :)
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Hopefully complaints won't be quite as potent as the previous one, the improvements were quite difficult to spot, but this is to be fully expected, I noticed a few subtle differences in 7-1 and 7-2 which seemed to save time. A 'yes' vote and also using the opertunity to conventiently obselete the "Peach only" run.
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Fabian wrote:
Don't think I understood. Did it waste 0 frames or 1 frame?
Fabian wrote:
It's a huge bummer there's no possible way to read the submission text
Thank you for your query Fabian, the spefic part that stickyman05 referred to didn't :)
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stickyman05 wrote:
One question, in transylvania right before you enter the castle (i dont know the frame number) you miss a bat with your plunger. is there a reason for this? because, to me, it looks as if it was just a sloppy missed shot. EDIT i also noticed, still in transylvania (but in the underwater part) you shoot at a big black ball, where your plungers fly past and stick to a wall. you do not use one of these plungers, and it just fades away... is this, too, a missed shot?
In order to get the fastest time, you need to make Donald slide for as much as possible, shooting the plungers causes his hit box to rise and so you can avoid having to jump so high or even clear certain obstacles without being hit. Donald is quite a sloppy character and I tried to convey that without wasting time (ok 1 frame) thats why there is a lot of missed shots but there purposeful when Donald doesn't require to wait such as the first point you brought up. To sum up, that was a stylistic choice which doesn't incur any time.
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Very good run, I liked some of the music in the earlier levels as well as the whole theme in general. I like how Alex has teleporting powers on the ladders. Although I will say that a lot of the SMS games seem to have abusable elements if L+R is used. I suspect its possible to shave a few frames in some places but it would require solid testing. None the less yes vote.
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DeHackEd wrote:
  • Mupen64 uses 4 bytes per controller -- 1 byte per analog axis, and 2 bytes for the buttons.
Small correction 1st byte = Button push; 2nd byte = D-pad; 3rd byte = X-axis analougue; 4th byte = Y-axis analougue;
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Just remember I've done a semi optimalish TAS of the [URL=] first level [/url] I'm almost certain you can get a unit lower. L+R causes sonic to zip backwards but I doubt it has any use.
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One thing I have to add incase a new entertainment catagory came along. What if a whole load of people complain that an improvement run was more boring compared to the current published one, wouldn't the entertainment catagory be used as an excuse to keep the obseleted run published?
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I desperately hated this game when I was younger and its one of the worst games I can recall playing on the Genesis, but 6 mins wtf, must watch this later. Watching the run reminds me of all the frustrations I used to have when travelling around each floor for 5-10 mins and then get pounded by monsters who cast all sorts of spells on you >:D While it confusing as to why certain things were happening it became clear how obvious the luck manipulation was since you were geting placed close to nearby exits in the next level. Plus the run is a nice length so boredom didn't kick in, so I'll give this one a yes.
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Comicalflop wrote:
Here is what it looks like -Not only do I suck at lag reduction, but making a lag perfect run is just not going to happen for this game.
Thank you for uploading Just because its hard to reduce lag doesn't mean you shouldn't try. This does sound like the hardest element in the run, but its also the hardest element to do in SMB3 and Genisito pretty much nails it, I don't see how it would detract from the fun if you destroy enemies at the earliest opertunity in order to reduce lag or other possible methods.
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Fabian wrote:
Also some very zzz stuff since this is RCR, after all. Voting yes because I like the authors.
Fabian wrote:
A game I played a lot as a kid, I enjoyed this run, good improvement. That said... I'm voting no.
Fabian wrote:
AKA wrote:
People vote on there own terms in reality and votes are manipulated in a multitude of ways.
Aint that the truth.
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Just a thought, I think it would be better to start the game using 1p and then let 2p join in, that way there will be less enemies to fight at least in the first level.
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It was strictly necesscary to use the explosives at HC in order to meet zelda before nightfall.
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CyruS wrote:
i can't believe people voting no when they had fun watching. The poll say: Did you like watching this movie? I love it, yes vote.
People vote on there own terms in reality and votes are manipulated in a multitude of ways. For example I interpret the question as being... Do you think the movie was good,fun to watch and should it be published? In this instance for me it was no to all these parts.
Chamale wrote:
I think a pure entertainment category would end all those infuriating debates about speed vs. entertainment.
If someone wants to setup a simalar site to then they can. This will create huge inconisities in future publications i.e. Why is X published and Y rejected?
Kles wrote:
Okay. I had a string of insults here but I think I'll surpress the side of me with my head in my hands to remind you that the life blood of these kind of sites is CONTENT. Entertainment is subjective, but arguably more important than speed. Most people agree on this, yet we get lots of boring as fuck, but very fast videos published. I'm not sure what's more important; a video that entertains 60-80% of the community despite having non-speed goals or a dreadfully boring video that while technically accurate, is not at all entertaining to watch and at best only appeals to those who play the game itself.
All submissions have a yes vote bias for obvious reasons.
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You could probally encode it with both Jabo 1.6 and Rice and then edit in the best rendered levels.
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You know what else is annoying? Seeing the same motherfucking game ran 2 seconds faster than the previous version, even when the run before was near perfect and is relativley short. (I vote yes)
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I messed around a bit with Sonic 2 and did the first level just a shade short of 18 seconds. I guess in a way you could say its like watching Mario World. It seems getting into a roll and jumping is the best way to move since Sonic's speed inreases by a fair bit. As I said I did the [URL=] first level [/url] but I'm personally not interested in doing it because the stages are short, unsmooth and uneventul. If any of you refer to the TSC time, you'll notice that it gets 17 seconds as the nature of the timer is inconsistent between versions.
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One feature I'd like is to be able to view all movies ever published in either ascending or descending order.
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They are many runs that have been improved by 2 seconds or less, or even percentage wise by a lot less. EDIT: I pick number 3
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Finally, a worthy run (not counting the first one) of HoD. There wasn't anything too obvious in terms of generic improvements. If anything I thought the cross weapon could have been used more effecttivley in places. Still yes vote.
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Xkeeper wrote:
I thought, more recently, it was more of a "high scores" chart for games, but I suppose they're basically the same.
If you're desperately waiting for a high score run then I suggest you wait a very long time for Starfox 64
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In the opening parts he mentions he has Nights but that there is also an extremely rare Christmas edition, although I find that bit hard to beleve since I got it when I first purchased the Saturn, and as a freebie with one of the magazines. I even snapped the first one I had because it was so badly scratched. Plus it was only intended to be a demo version, but mighty fine for a demo given all the cool additional stuff you could get if you pegged through it hard enough.