Posts for Mitjitsu

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Kirkq wrote:
Blaze's N64 Super Smash Bros. 64
You're wrong in this instance, you should be favouring Comicalflop's run
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There is an auto-hold and turbo feature, by either left or right clicking the buttons on the 0.6 TAS input. Input is displayed on the window bar at the bottom much like the frame count.
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moozooh wrote:
kchrules wrote:
An improvement of 8 secs; damn.
You got the number wrong; damn.
I think he was thinking of Genisto's run, while being unaware of (or forgetting about) Jadelignboardx's run.
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We could talk forever about runs that should have been accepted and vice versa. Overall, there is more bad publications than rejections .
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From briefly playing whirlwind snooker it appears dull, slow and unnecessarily complicated game. Given the current TASable emus you're best going for World Championship Snooker on the PSX.
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adelikat wrote:
Holy crap! When did the question get changed?!
The question used to be... Vote: Should this movie be published? (Vote after watching!) But was changed to... Vote: Did you like watching this movie? (Vote after watching!) So his post does indeed answer the question. /sarcasm
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Interesting how this topic came up on the day after the World Snooker final.
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eternaljwh wrote:
Worry: Please tell me that you can't tailthwack to kill the Boomerang Brother. Or that it'd be slower to.
It's slower because the boomerang bros flies up in the air instead of going directly down, plus you must wait for the boomerang to go off screen. Hence the routine talk behind throwing the boomerang as early as possible while backing off.
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If anyones interested, I've included commentery
nineko wrote:
I won't be ablE to make an encode (for Some reasons), nor to wAtch the video to begin with. So yeah, I hope Someone makes an encode and/or put this on yoUtube, beCause I thinK this has potential to be aweSome :)
B[/b]e rI[/b]ghT[/b] T[/b]here tO[/b]night oR[/b] bR[/b]ing a tE[/b]N[/b]T[/b]
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AngerFist wrote:
Look, if you really want to be picky about it, so far, 56% of the votes are yes = majority of the viewers liked it. I thought it was alright choice of a game, nothing more, publishable material.
Whats stated in the submission is far more important than what voting statstistics say. There is many movies on the site with 80%+ yes votes that have been rejected. Many of the people who did state there yes vote weren't very enthusastic about it. If we were to apply a 50% or more majority rule to every submission then there would be a lot of very bad runs getting published, and hence turn many viewers away.
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As Warp said, I can only agree with keeping historically significant movies.
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Bisqwit wrote:
It had no visible mistakes (i.e. ones that make you say "ouch, why did he do that, that's horrible"
It's amazing how badly people are twisting this point in order to get it published. While this particular author is unlikely to submit a run with clearly visible mistakes that a random viewer would notice. it still contains clear strategic mistakes which lead to "ouch, why did he do that, that's horrible"
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Woot! Since when was DS TASing possible "files a lawsuit". I've given it a "meh" since I noticed the flagpole trick wasn't used and the way doors are entered looks unoptimized. It seems clear cut that entering via the center of them is faster. I think this should be redone before publishing.
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Xkeeper wrote:
It's not like one person's opinion is going to change anything.
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Xkeeper, I don't know why time and time again you choose to bring this subject. I'll simply state that your comparisions with the past are completely hoax. In the early days of the site, there was complete focus on being as fast as possible. Most runs didn't have any style or contain any trade offs, Many of the runs were boring *cough* Jaws *cough* Circus Charlie *cough*. Entertainment over the years has come more and more into focus, Nowadays, there are many runs which put a lot of emphasis on being stylistic or sacrifice a few frames not to irritate the viewer, or do something mildly amusing.
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andymac wrote:
I hate telling you this, but you could have looked at everyones cards before the game started to see who the killer was.
Sig Material :-D
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I agree the new voting system isn't working, although I suspected it would happen but felt it needed trialed anyway. There some good ideas suggested, while some are inpractical or wouldn't work well in practice. Another idea is to keep the rating system, but limit it to one rating with the question being "On a scale of 1 to 10 how publishable do you consider this movie to be?" Sadly, I doubt it will work. Since it will be bombed with 10's to an even worse extent than what the current rating system is.
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Could that blj into and out of water trick be of any use in a 120 star run?
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This was my attempt to try and tweak the commentary. I've rated it 6.8/9.3
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The happiest day of your life so far...
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That was truly epic I give it 8.6 for entertainment AND 7.5 for technical It's a shame the whole thing with the keys and eggs turned out to be such a con
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OmnipotentEntity wrote:
Are the Triforce locations and item locations determined by whether or not you have a treasure map?
Yes. I've tested trying to pick up a chest without a map and it doesn't work. The barrier outside Ganon's Castle can't be bypassed, Fierce made a video a long time ago which proved that it's invisible barrier. There will probably be a lot of glitches and shortcuts which haven't been discovered yet, but they'll mostly be restricted to dungeons. Still, this game will be plagued with sailing and various dull stretches and I expect Twilight Princess will get all the attention in the long run.
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Nitsuja's solution did solve the problem but the problem came back again. This time it's a lot worse since I was 80% of the way through as opposed to 30% the last time. It seems on odd ocassions if I load a savestate it will load from the power on and the .gmv gets treated like a load from savestate file. The main problem this causes is that the other healthy savestates to have corrupted input i.e all directions and buttons are being held.
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This will only apply to MM, since if you have a very light tilt on the analogue while taking damage then you can maintain that intial speed. A bomb explosion in MM is much more powerful than one in OoT. Someone with speed values will need to check for comparisions sake.
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Especially when the new trick used in Woodfall has more "WTF" value to it.