Posts for Mitjitsu

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I'm on the fence with this, I'm not really sure what to make of it. It did have it's moments, but there is also significant detractors compared to just a regular 1p playthrough. BTW, I noticed all the music was different compared to the regular stages. Isn't that Mystic Caves tune supposed to be from the Hidden Palace stage?
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This doesn't offer anything over the current NES version.
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RachelB wrote:
I lost all motivation when a 3(?) minute time saver was found that would require us to basically start over.
Welcome to my world :-D
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There is no tutorial, but make sure you use the hold keys function. What I do is figure out the inputs for one character, and then the other character, then combine the inputs together. If they don't sync, then make adjustments.
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Zowayix wrote:
So what's the actual time?
Mupen runs SM64 at exactly 30fps, but NTSC runs the game at 29.97. So with enough number crunching you can figure it out based on that.
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Uploading it just now. Hopefully an encode will be available in the following hour. Link to video
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Wow, a lot of stuff that even I didn't expect to see. The ladder warps were what surprised me the most. Encase anyone is wondering, the reason the Japanese version is preferred is because of the map glitch, which involves holding >C when you enter a new area, it causes all the enemies and textures not to be loaded. As soon as you let go of >C it causes everything to be loaded again. Which you have to do anyway, since you can't enter a new area without loaded textures. It's useful because it can reduce lag, and allows warping tricks by getting trapped inside doors and objects. Therefore allowing warp speed tricks, but it can't be used everywhere, because most of time it causes the next area not to be loaded. One thing I will say was when I watching your run with memory addresses I noticed your direction seems to fluctuate when making what should be fairly basis movements, and you don't seem to get the most speed when edge running off walls. Were you using memory addresses by chance. Here was the memory addresses I was using. Direction - 00A3E5AC Speed - 00AFEA64 Ryu (coins) - 00A4E868 I noticed at the start the mokori slash could have been done better. EDIT: I'm working on an encode. I tried to get one done yesterday, but ran out of memory on my laptop. So I've had to delete a whole bunch of stuff to free up space. Hopefully I'll have it uploaded by tonight. EDIT_2: Have 40 mins captured of it so far, but sadly Mupen crashed during the credits and corrupted the AVI. So I'll have to try again tommorow.
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Lets say you're playing pool on a frictionless surface, and you hit the cue ball from the bottom left hand pocket at a 45° angle. What would be the formula for figuring out how many cushions the cue ball bounces off of before it goes into one of the corner pockets? Remember, the pool table can be any dimension. Whether it be 2x3 or 5435x4356.
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erokky wrote:
Argentina are not a one man team. They may not be a complete team in the sense that Germany are, but they're about as close as you can get.
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I picked Germany to win the tournament after seeing Dortmund and Bayern get the UCL final last year, and I intend to stick with that pick.
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Giving the fact Greece qualified by scoring the fewest goals. It's safe to assume they must have a strong defense.
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While a sizable improvement was expected with the new SMB3 glitch. Aesthetically, it was much worse.
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QuizmasterBos wrote:
CGF95 wrote:
I didn't feel like using the J version, because I didn't want to have to buy and then dump the whole file. I remember buying a U(not the Wii U) version years ago when Wii hacks were first made and made codes using a USB Gecko. But that's all in the past. And I prefer English text anyway, I personally think that if I used Japanese text, no one would be able to read it(other than our Japanese folks of course). I can always buy a Japanese copy, But that's gonna take days! I know we can probably remember text, but what's the fun in that? :P
Well, the text isn't exactly important in a TAS. People are not going to watch it as a let's play, so to speak. You could always try and procure a J version later, but this is not required. Now, I don't know when the route changed actually or if it did. Wasn't the original route that after getting the Wind Waker you'd go to Northern Fairy Island, get the wallet upgrade and then go in the submarine to get caught and thrown into Forsaken Fortress? Why did you go back to Outset?
Most people including me prefer the English version due to being able to read the text. There has never been a consensus or expectation that the J version must be used. The only game I've ever used the J version on is Mystical Ninja, and that was because it had a map glitch which wasn't in the U version.
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RGamma wrote:
Mitjitsu wrote:
... I've already submitted an essay to proponents of it saying why it won't work.
Got a link?
This is the original video, where the deadline is the end of July. This was my critique of it, as I stated at the end of the essay a thousand words isn't enough to be able to successfully challenge such an idea. ----------------------------------- Proponents of Zeitgeist do not understand what money or capitalism really is. People who don't understand the root of our current economic problems, but lash out at the symptoms of our problem tend to think the solution is some kind of radical collectivist system. Collectivist systems have and will always fail. because it makes everyone equally poor and does not incentivize people to build great nations or communities . This is an undeniable fact, and something collectivists will always try to deny or runaway from. When people no longer believe they're getting anything out of the system. Buy in will collapse, and when buy in collapses. People will try to get as much out of the system as they can. While putting in the least amount possible. Zeitgeist will also make it very difficult for people to climb the social ladder. Due to the awkwardness of facilitating trade. It's very difficult for two people to meet up and have the exact thing each other wants. This will become especially difficult when it comes to dealing with large and high value goods like cows, cars and combine harvesters. The people who make it to the top of the social ladder in a RBE will most likely be the people who are best at practicing theft and violence. Thousands of years ago when there wasn't much in the way of money to facilitate trade. Becoming a Robin Hood figure was the only realistic way of bettering yourself. The main criticisms labelled at capitalism is the injustice and inequality it causes. Firstly, the inequality in our current system is guaranteed to happen by design. This happens because of what is known as the DEBT MONEY SYSTEM. This is not to be confused with capitalism itself. Most critics believe our currencies aren't backed by anything, but there is in fact two things which back them up. Firstly, they are backed up by force. Government demands you must use them in order to pay taxes, and if you're a shop keeper, you cannot refuse to accept it either. Governments inherently hate competition and will use it's monopoly of violence to ensure no citizen can issue their own home grown currency. Of course crypto currencies have challenged this in recent times, due to being structured in a mass decentralized way. The second thing that backs currency is debt. That note, that coin and credit on your card is owed by someone to the bank. When you or the government goes to the bank to borrow money. You are not borrowing it against someone else's savings. Instead the bank creates new money by typing numbers into a computer and you'll be expected to pay this back with interest. How do you repay it with interest? This is where the paradox lies. The interest never exists. The only way you as an individual can repay is by taking money from someone else who is in debt, or have someone who is already in debt go deeper into debt. Governments cannot do this, and must go into ever increasing levels of debt. Just to keep the system going. One day in the near future it will collapse. Currency is like gravity, and will always end up back at the banks. When banks receive your money they destroy it. What causes the rich to get richer and the poor to get poorer is a phenomena known as COMPOUND INTEREST. The bottom 90% of society who are largely in debt pay compound interest on their debts. While the top 10% of society who generally aren't in debt receive compound interest on their assets. As for the injustice of capitalism. This does not happen because we live in a capitalist society. This happens because we live in a CRONY CAPITALIST system. Real capitalists make their money in open competitive markets, are entitled to their vast wealth. They do this by providing goods and services we want. By working out correctly what assets will be in most demand or by investing capital in successful projects. All these activities boost economic growth, increase employment, help develop poor economies and most crucially lift living standards. By increasing your average citizens purchasing power. However, crony capitalists, rely on government support, don’t deserve their ill gotten gains. The way crony capitalists make money is by getting the government to rig markets in their favor. By raising barriers to entry to restrict competition. By providing them with cheap credit or by allowing them to use their political connections to grab contracts and other privileges. None of these activities add any value to the economy. Instead of growing the economy, they redistribute wealth to themselves. The real solution would be to take away the banks power to create money, and instead give that to the government. Governments can create the money and spend it into the economy. While I expect the "dangerously inflationary" argument to be thrown at me. Historically, their has been no evidence of governments printing too much money under this system. Other than during times of war or political instability. The other solution which I think everyone will agree with. Is to roll back the state. Get rid of all the unnecessary government bureaucracies, programs and cut back significantly on military spending. No subsides to anyone, no bailouts and no direct form of taxation i.e. income,corporation, land and property taxes. The only taxes that should exist are taxes on goods and services. As they can be used for political purposes. Such as discouraging people from eating junk food, using fuel, smoking or consuming alcohol. I wish I could go on, but I'm limited to a thousand words. ------------------------------------------------
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I thought Zeitgeist was a belief system; not a conspiracy theory. I understand why people would want to go for a resource based economy under our current economic situation, but it is not a viable solution. I've already submitted an essay to proponents of it saying why it won't work.
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My opinion is that the EU was founded on a lie. It was pitched as a common market where we'd all have common trade laws and freedom of movement, but it's real intention was to have a United States of Europe. It's undemocratic and the average citizen has no say in what it does. MEP's don't even have the power to initiate their own legislation. It's done by unelected commissioners. The Lisbon treaty was bad enough, but the TPP was the straw that broke the camels back for me. It's clear they work for globalists and to hell with anyone else. Cathy Ashton is EU foreign minister despite never being elected to anything in her life. Yet she is responsible for the disastrous foreign policies towards Ukraine.
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Voting no because Rockman is a racist.
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Despite my high tolerance level to trolling. You could have at least tried to be funny while doing it.
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Don't find this interesting at all. I'd rather watch a full game run.
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I've wanted to get a greater understanding on the glitch, but I keep getting a desync on 1-2. Despite having the right rom and the most upto date emulator.
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Doesn't Akuma have abilities he doesn't have when he's selected as a secret character in Street Fighter?
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I had a bullshit ruling made against me Ebay last night. Their policies give sellers no rights or protection.
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I think it would be more enjoyable to watch if ring outs weren't allowed.
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That's got to be the hardest opening level of any game :-0