Posts for Mitjitsu

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I personally think that detouring to get the bean after Spirit and planting it after Dondongo, or heading for Kakariko and cucco diving would be your best option. I'm fairly confident that both Dondongo's eyes can't be lit at the same time as I've tried hand placing bombs and bombchus, its not possible either to bomb both boulders at once in Death Mountain as I've levatated inbeteen them. The power crouch conserving from the armos and carrying onto the Iron Knuckle is a theory, but highly likely that it'll work; unless equipping a deku stick cancels it out. Getting bombs would not be worthwhile, although there is no way your ever gonna complete the game with just 10 bombchu's. I tested it and it roughly takes 2 mins to dive into the well and climb out, either by boundary or cutscene method, it may be worth testing out the time saved by ground jumps and by getting the bombs in Dondongo complared to diving into the well. Edit: I worked out that 9 bombchu's are required for Child Link and 7 for Adult and the extra to get the extra 10 means that 17 are required and thats not even considering the boulders in Zora's river or rock at Great Fairy Fountain.
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YautjaElder wrote:
AKA wrote:
According to Yautja, the leap of faith can be made.
What exactly do you mean with leap of faith?
You should have read what I said in brackets at the bottom of the page That is what I'm refering to you. I guess I misinterptreted your comment on it.
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mwl wrote:
AKA, what the heck are you talking about? Guano collected three Deku Sticks before entering the tree. He might as well use them before he becomes an adult and can't equip them anymore. I've simply suggested the three best enemies to use them on as to minimize wasted time. A missed jumpslash is a few seconds' loss.
A missed jumpslash on Dondongo or Barinade will not waste time. 1. When Dondongo swallows a bomb there is more than enough time to miss with a stick and then crouch stab without losing any time. The second time Dondongo is stunned you just keep power crouch until he falls as picking up a bomb does not cancel out a power crouch. Endlessley power-crouching while Dondongo is stunned is just as fast and much easier as it saves time trying to jumpslash with frame perfect timing. 2. For Barinade there is plenty of oportunities to mis-jumpslash with a stick without losing time. Chill out, you only need 3 sticks, but you would require 5 maybe more if you didn't mis jump slash. My logic is 1. Use on Gohma 2. *Use on Iron knuckle 3. Mis-jumpslash Barinade and Dondongo. * we may be able to use it on the armos and carry the power crouch over to the knuckle, but I don't know since I haven't tested this theory. So infact there is only need to break 2 sticks.
OmnipotentEntity wrote:
I didn't know Light Arrows actually did damage to Ganon. I thought they only did stun time. How many arrows does it take? Will you have enough magic?
Light arrows stun Ganon if you shoot him in the face. Using light arrows on Ganon shouldn't be part of any run ,only as a last resort. I reccon that there is 4 light arrows needed unless there is a faster way. 1. On stalfos in tower 1. For Ganondorf 2. On stalfos during escape According to Yautja, the leap of faith can be made. The only phase left is the valley of doom. (Refer to my link if you don't understand what I'm saying)
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Getting extra sticks also waste time.
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So where is Guabo (sry had to do that) now. Has he made it to Zelda yet. During the guard sequence you can backwalk past the guards, but its important to manipulate the right setup for the last set of guards. I've now worked out that pretty much all Deku sticks can be saved. On the Iron Knuckle you don't have to jump slash with a deku stick, all you have to do is jump slash with a stick and miss, then just use crouch stabs. Same thing applied to Dondongo and Barinade.
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Doing it on the left side of the Beamos will give you more time. I take it you only have three hearts. The Iron knuckle will revive all your energy.
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mwl wrote:
By the way, the three Deku sticks are to be rationed as follows: 1. ST - Iron Knuckle (Jumping stick attack followed by 7 crouching stabs) 2. DC - Boss (Jumping stick attack on first cycle and crouch stab on second) 3. JJ - Boss (Jumping stick attack on last phase followed by crouching stabs)
1. Already being done, but worth saying anyway 2. Yes if we can preserve the shield, which shouldn't be hard for TAS 3. What do you mean, you can only attack once in each stage Does bomerang cancel out the damage crounch stab does?
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After beating Ganondorf is it possible to replace B with the master sword. Anyway, How do you reverse the effects of the bottle adventure anyway?
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Here's my best ever completion time of Kokiri Forest. I don't know what I do that would be much different from Guamo, but here's my tactics for Kokiri Forest. From gaining control to activating Hyrule scene I took roughly 16:50. This also shows how feeble humans are compared to TAS runners. Sorry about the quality it was a heavilly compressed file.;5045393;;/fileinfo.html
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Whats the difference between hard and soft resets. When will an emulator with slow down and maybe even manual angle input e.g. 220 degrees. So without having watched Guamo's run I take it he's got as far as the Spirit. Is it possible to get debug code for this game so I could put a fake armos statue in the main entrance room of the Spirit so I can test if its possible to glitch through the walls. If its possible then Adult Link could perform this on a live armos and avoid ever completing the Spirit as a child because all we'd do is get the Requiem as a child. Edit: Can't anyone convert the files into a format so it can be run of Windows Media Player or other player applications.
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If the ground jump enabled Link to jump 50% higher then Mido could be skipped Gate in Fortress could be glitched through Gerudo valley could be by passed more easily (although probally slower) Dondongo could be side tracked in the penultimate room They are probnally others but theres the main ones I can think of. We won't use bombchu's on the pillars (only on consoles) We'll use Acrtye's hover boost backflip instead (which I've only ever done once) I tried to run the rom, but I got a blue screen telling me how seriouly harmfuil this would be if I ran this program and my computer did a forced restart. This has contined to happen.
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No way in hell am I gonna try to re-create the poe boost. It was pulled off after roughly seven hours worth of attempts and there's so many factors that have to be exact when doing it. The poe has to come at an upwards and hit you at the peak of a sword jump. Its hard enough to make the poe hit you while doing all that. When I pulled it off half Links body was hanging over the edge.
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FIERCE's route isn't the optimal route through the Wasteland. Mine is although not technically perfect its near enough the path. Can the lens section of the destert be done in two backwalks? I feel really embarrassed but I can never get Guamo's movie to run I haven Mupen 0.5.1 which is probally some beta version. Do I need addionial programs or do I have to open it in Mupen in a certain way. Do SAVE/RESETS count as additional time i.e. Title menu screen and the delayed reset? Ruppee's should not be a problem if Spirit is done first because you get 20 Ruppee's from the Amos(thing) after you burn it. I assume that the run will attempt to skip the bean using the poe boost, but be warned it'll take 100's of re-records and possibly days to pull off.
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I'm actually begging to wonder if its really faster to get to Lake Hylia from Links house compared to drawbridge, don't forget that the transitition scenes waste time. I think it would be much better to head directly to Spirit First after Kokiri SAVE/RESET Hyrule Castle Backwalk to Lake Hylia Get gold scale get bottle use to bypass King Zora Enter Jabu through side of mouth Save/Quit Lost Woods Saria's song etc etc.. It defititley is probally better to restart and do that instead, because Save/Resets are costly in terms of time wasted.
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I talked to TSA about the gate in the Fortress a week ago, and in my mind he used 'cheats' to get through it. He used a gameshark and did a jumpslash with superspeed. CoolBumpty its best to click on my link and the only only way of getting through the gate is produce an explosive boost and by rapid rolling. Although I can't get the speed or control from it, or by getting halfway up the gate at a diagonal angle and jumpslashing through it. Is there any emulators where I can use slow down to test that. I thought Pro64 had it but I can find it.
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Why would you use bomb boosts in to Jabu. I only use it because it has a higher success rate. Its best to use a jump slash because a TAS runner would have to properly line themselves up. There is also rolling into one of the corners of Jabu's mouth but it has to be pixel perfect, so that might be considered.
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How much forward planing has been done for this game. In terms of getting ruppee's and deku Sticks. You must get at least 7 sticks in the child adventure if you are to complete it efficently. Unless you're gonna be insane enough to get a poe boost in the graveyard then you'll need 10 ruppee's for the bean. I tested on emulator and it is possible to be boosted by the poe onto the higher level where the crate is so Shadow Early can be done. It would drive the runner insane to do because you have to get the poe to attack you at an angle , while your at the peak of a sword jump. Is this game definitley going to use save warps to assist in getting a faster time.
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Is this too much to ask but can the video be put in a downloadable format e.g. AVI. as I would purely like to see it. The Deku tree sounds astonishing, I mean my best time for beating it is 5:30 and I felt like I only made 7 seconds worth of mistakes. Did the person get the two deku sticks in the room after the spikes because if Guano didn't then you'll be screwed for the rest of Young Links adventure. Espeacially as your doing Spirit as a Child first.You need the deku stick for the armos, unless your gonna waste time by equipping deku nuts. You should definitley manipulate the wolfos in the Meadow so it gives you a deku stick, as you need 2 sticks for the boss. You also need 2 for Barinade as well. All I'm saying is a deku stick route planned with luck manipulation involoved.
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Isn't the slow sub menu meant to be a part of it , I use the Gc version and there is a lag between pressing start and being able to access the start menu. When you say subtract time do you mean take the whole pause thing out of the equation or just the notciable lag between the Rom and N64 version. Keep it up Guano, I would estimate if enough people work hard on this (I'm assuming this is a possible team project), then 2:15 will probally be the eventual finishing time provided no big skips have been found during the course of this run. The gate in Gerudo Fortress is breachable, but you need to get halfway up the gate at a diagonal angle in order to use an Iron Knuckle style glitch. I tried hyper boosting into the left corner i.e. putting a bomb directly behind me and rapidly rolling in the corner. I notciced that I can get stuck halfway through the gate on odd ocasions, but didin't have slow down to do the frame by frame inputs. This alsos work with a bombchu. Here's a link to some of my tricks
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You should never require to pick up a magic jar in this game, because I recently discovered how to skip Din's . It would be useful to manipulate luck on getting Deku nuts from a few enemies, is Guano using a pad converter for this game. I would advise on getting the hearpiece at the end of Gohma because you are required to get 20 ruppee's for the fishing game. The reason why you need the heartpiece is because you'll get hearts instead of ruppee's from the bushes at Lake Hylia. Since Mido is being skipped, then it won't be possible to get 5 ruppees from the blocks in Kokiri. I haven't seen it yet, but can anyone tell me what is Guano's time for the ruppee run; starting from moment of gaining control in Links house to holding shield above his head. My best is 2:11, but I would consider 2:07 to be perfect. I have problems running it, mainly because every time I load the zelda rom, which is a PAL 1.1. My computer automatically restarts, which has driven me beyond the boundaries of frustration. I'm working on Ganon early at the moment. I know exactly what I need to do to get it i.e. climb seam on right at entry and getting accross the other side. Its just I'm trying to make it from the land on the top right to the land on the left which is lower down. I tried megajumping from the optimal position to Ganon's castle but fell fractionally short. I haven't pulled off the hover boost yet. If I can do this then I could skip Spirit; get hover boots from shadow and leave; and complete Forest so I do do the bottle adventure to put light arrows on "B". Although megaton hammer could be required for the jump slash for the Ganon glitch. The reason I say all this is, because it would have a dramatic effect on a TAS run as sub 1:xx would be possible. At the moment its still a theory about how to make those gaps at Ganon's castle.
Post subject: New to TAS but not to speedrunning
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Some of you may already know me from SDA. I'm currently the provisional record holder for this game. My best competive time for this game is 4:40 and I also have a 3:57, but that was under casual playing condictions where big skips were used. I have been interseted in doing a TAS run, but I'm more interseted in beating this game in under 3 Hours in an SS (on a console of course). I also discovered big tricks myself all which can be found on SDA. Is your 13 min run from the moment of gain control or from when power is on.My best time for Kokiri; from gain control to activating the Hyrule cutscene is 16:55. The vine text skip is not worth skipping from experience. If anyone needs help on TASing this game then I'm defintitley a valuable asset.