I'm going with no. This isn't different enough to publish alongside the SNES version, and this version of the game neither looks nor sounds as good as the original, making obsoleting the SNES version undesirable.
I have to agree that perhaps some sort of full-game Luigi run would be worthy of publishing alongside the SNES runs.
I'll shorten a needlessly long rant I had written out directed at Mistralet:
1) The GBA sounds pretty awful for the most part, especially when it is playing SNES music (since you have a point of comparison). This isn't a simple speaker issue, since it persists on every model of GBA as well as emulators. The only reason that Golden Sun sounds so good is because great care was taken to avoid the GBA's sound limitations.
2) Spikestuff is almost certainly a native English speaker as he lives in Australia and he used a mondegreen (something that people who exclusively write a language virtually never do). If a person is not familiar enough with an expression to write it correctly, they lose the right to use it to insult others. Calling out/mocking him over that mistake, while certainly not a kind thing to do, is not entirely unreasonable.
1) Okay I was wrong about GBA sound, certainly because I listen mostly to good quality musics from this console, so I thought the quality was always good in good late games. And even if it is the case, SMW GBA is an early game of the GBA so I'm not surprised it doesn't sound nearly as good as on the SNES finally.
2) Maybe calling spikestuff tonedeath wasn't completely wrong (and tonedeath isn't a clear word to me anyway), but since every people opposing him used this term to throw it back in his face, I was "nerved" up if you see what I mean.
to Samsara: You're all wrong there, that's not because a console is handheld that it can't have a good sound processor !!
The GBA is like the SNES in that at first, games had somewhat bad quality sounds and musics, then with time it has gotten much better. Just listen to Golden Sun 2's map theme to convince yourself. Also the speaker problem was only there with the first GBA, not (or not much) because of the sound processor.
Taking some words of the person you talk to so as to attack him is very lame... If you couldn't notice, spikestuff isn't perfect in english so he couldn't speak in a moderate way. And he is right if he means there isn't very much difference between SNES and GBA sound processor, so your use of the word "butchering" is quite overdone.
If you want a run of Luigi, it will be slower, because Luigi can't sprint as fast as Mario.
Since you mostly have to sprint in the run, it will be slower. With hopping glitch with luigi, he will lose 2 pixel per 4 frames...
Then, maybe Luigi could be faster than mario if the TAS would be a 100% run, because he can jump higher (if I rememeber well). And anyway I think a 100% run is the way to go with this game, to make a TAS different enough from the SNES one ;).