Posts for MezzoDragon

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I'm tracking a few topics on this site, but have gotten no messages about topics being updated.
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I'd watch an any% run. I'd also watch a NG+ if it leads into a 100% run.
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Anything new about getting around legal problems with the Xbox emulator? Or the Xbox 360? The latter more than the former as I'd like to see a TAS of Banjo & Kazooie: Nuts & Nuts; any% or 100%.
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The Grinch and The Cat in the Hat (any% and 100%). I know these games are terrible movie tie-ins, but they may be great to TAS. Besides, every other game I want to see TAS has already been mentioned.
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I hope the problems get fixed soon.
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Mysterypea wrote:
Wren wrote:
It's just a crying shame that you can't get a 100% save file due to a programming error. Unless there is some sort of trick I never knew about. Either way, this game was easily one of the best games for the N64 in my book, so a TAS would be awesome.
You can still do a "Possible 100% run". Which requires you to get everything that's possible to get.
Perhaps someone can fix the error. I know that means hacking into the game, but this could be one of the few times it will be acceptable.
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DDRKhat wrote:
Oh wow, this generated much more interested than I thought. @Atma I would go for that too but unfortunately I'm NO good at this "Ram Address" watching... I used to use a DEV version of Desume (TAS) and whenever going into a duel, this printed into the console;
Console Output wrote:
Read below 0x8000 (0x1000) from: ARM9 022BC6C4 Read below 0x8000 (0x1200) from: ARM9 022BC6C4 Read below 0x8000 (0x1400) from: ARM9 022BC6C4
Which leads me to believe that somehow the information for the decks is above/below that location. However upon doing a ram search the DATA was exactly the same regardless of choosing first/second (which I could physically SEE produced different results) So I suppose I'm asking more for help with learning how/watch to watch in the RAM rather than someone to just provide a code to modify the game really... @Mezzo I will at LEAST be posting it on YouTube, but I doubted it would be seen as "interesting enough" to get published here so I decided I would only post it on my YouTube account. @Scepheo I have been doing luck manipulation, It's interesting that deciding to go first or second literally changes the entire play order of the players decks. I have also with a bit of luck manipulation managed to purchase packs so i will only need that one set, I go for the "Synchro AWakening" Pack and manage to score not only a Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Boundary (HATE IT HATE IT HATE IT! but for the TAS it'd just be too powerful NOT to use..) but a Cyber Dragon also. So the moment the deck becomes editable those will obviously go straight in...
Sorry for being rude.
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This will be an interesting TAS. I hope you at least post it on Youtube or some site that allows it.
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Mr. Bones
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Kitsune wrote:
Well, I think there would be a Mario run and a Luigi run, myself. A 100% run would probably be too long, like it would be on the first game, so I kind of doubt there will ever be a 100% TAS of either game.
That's unfortunate. They seem to be fun games, and I'd watch a TAS of them.
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Also, and this probably was mentioned before, Spider: The Video Game.
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I think I mentioned these before, but I shall mention them again: Jersey Devil and Eggs of Steel.
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I hope to see a 100% run of this game.
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If you are going to a 100% run, yes if they are necessary. Otherwise, they will be nothing more than a waste of time; be they interesting to watch or not.
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If the run is going to be too repetitive to be accepted on this site, then post it on Youtube. I'd love watching 100% runs.
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Stunning enemies, perhaps. Speaking of which, the second controller can paralyze enemies. That could be useful, no?
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Doing a 2-player TAS of this game will be very cool. I would like to see a 100% run of this game, but that may be far too difficult for a first run. Perhaps after an any%. Though, this game may not be TASable yet. Is it?
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This game is kinda cool, but the laugh track kills it. As for the 100% run, I watched the normal version of this concept, and truly believe a TAS version will be much cooler. Can't wait to see it.
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Doing an any% allows the TASer to experience the game before going for the harder challenge of 100% completion. Besides, everyone has to start somewhere, no?
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Same here. Though, I'd rather see a 100% TAS than an any%. Both will be interesting, nonetheless.
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Try whatever is easier. Perhaps you should do an any% run before trying a 100% run.
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Even if a 100% TAS is going to be long (albeit shorter than the SDA run), I would watch it in its entirety. Besides, having 100% on the shooting parts will be cool, no?
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I'd watch both your runs, Bobmario511. They are amazing. I hope to see more soon.
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How will the leveling be managed? I know avoiding enemies will save time, yet will make the playable trio weaker in comparison. Though, using tool-assist, you can always get the highest amount on the first rotation. Moreover, dodging, countering, and damage boosting will be easy as well, no?
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Can't there be 2 versions of Metroid Prime? The Gamecube version is indeed better. However, the Wii version should not be ignored. Either way, I will enjoy seeing 100% on the Prime Trilogy.