So, uh, you had plenty of bazooka ammo at the end, why didn't you use it to complete levels faster, like in level 36?
That's a good question, its definitely a routing issue that I ended with some unused rockets. I was aiming to have 2 ammo left to blast the characters back though the doors on the final level. Before starting the run I looked at the maps for all of the levels and wrote down how many walls I would need to break to get a good idea of how far out of my way I would need to go to get rocket ammo. But, a few things that I wasn't sure is how many rockets it would take to kill the boss and whether or not I would need to switch roles on which character would need to break certain walls. However, All of the rocket ammo pickups that I got were mostly along the way.
As for level 36, I don't feel that using more rocket launcher ammo would have made the level go faster. If you're referring to the fact that I used a soda grenade at the end of the boss fight that's because at that point it is much more effective than a rocket would be. No matter what position I would be in the spider would move out of the way of the rocket once hit, totaling about 1 to 3 damage. I tried different weapons for that part and found that the soda grenade was incredibly effective at that moment. The soda that was thrown in the boss fight did 6 damage of its 75 max health. Sodas aren't superior to the rocket launcher in this boss fight, however. The spider seems to try to actively avoid sodas, but at that point he was standing still long enough for it to hit.
If you're referring to the part where I blasted the characters back with the rocket launchers at the bottom left of the map. Normally that is slower than just walking, but when the characters are on the roof they slide towards the edge. The characters aren't effected by the sliding when they are getting blasted backwards, letting me clear the corner, and saving some time.
Tangent wrote:
Lord_Yoshi wrote:
So, uh, you had plenty of bazooka ammo at the end, why didn't you use it to complete levels faster, like in level 36?
Conversely, why'd you take the No Bazooka bonus in 34? It seems like there are a ton of places you could've made up the points for the bonus victim in the right place which would've taken less time than the bonus score awarding.
That's a good question too. I know this is a a very unsatisfying answer, but its because its really hard. Whenever a wall is broken it gives the characters 50 points, differing points for rescuing different survivors, and varying points for killing different monsters. The first two seem like they can be planned for by looking at maps, but there have been many times that I switch up the character's roles in doing a specific action because something that I couldn't foresee(e.g: having the male character go out of the way for a mystery potion instead of the female because she got an extra pair of speed shoes from a container, resulting in the female character to be the one to save the victim). I was actually planning on the male character to be the one that gets the most points. Then there are the monsters that aren't listed on the maps and spawn randomly.
I feel that to truly get the amount of points that I need to get the extra survivor on the correct level without wasting time I would need to reference a completed any% speedrun. Even then, the way the RNG works would likely make me take slightly different paths to distribute items to the characters that need them.
If I were to improve on this speedrun I will definitely route for this scenario.
Nice run (and comments). I've heard you can skip the final boss fight by getting the cheerleader killed. So if you were to get an extra victim for that final stage and do that, that could save some time.
Thank you!
I've heard about getting the cheerleader killed as well and I've considered it. I've decided against it for a few reasons. If you take a look at the final level I would have to collect the victim labeled as "2". For that I would have to go to the bottom left of the level though the tunnel, on to the walkway, get off at the bottom right, walk north through timed electricity, then have an extra skeleton key to save her, and then walk back again.
Furthermore (from what I've read, it may be possible to manipulate it another way), to get the girl in the boss room killed both characters need to be dead, while close to her, then the Dracula would fly towards the girl and kill her.
It may be possible to take enough damage while the doors are opening for the next level so that no time is wasted taking enough damage. And with extra speed shoes the trip to the 2nd survivor might be worth it. I would definitely say that if I were to run this game again it would be worth taking this bug into consideration.
Edit: Now that I think about it, there actually may be a way to manipulate the Dracula in to attacking the survivor without dying. If both characters were to take mystery potions and turn into zombies, the Dracula will ignore the players and attack the cheerleader instead. The only problem is that the zombie form lasts about 15 or 30 seconds. BUT, from what I hear the zombies can be very loosely controlled. It may be possible to guide the zombies into the door that opens up after the cheerleader's death. But I'm not sure that the characters are actually able to exit in that form.