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Post subject: All my cheats used for map capture
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Click here to download it. Standalone cheats are for Director's Cut Mode only.
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ThunderAxe31 wrote:
Congratulations for your first accepted submission, M1D! Your TASing improved a lot from when you started, it was good to follow your progress! I'm looking forward to see your next work. 🙂
Many thanks. Yes, and finally all are worth doing. I knew it could be accepted since I always spare no effort to do anything.
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New ONE - 08/15/2022 Time_Challenge.bk2 In 20:46.82 (74470 frames), 109863 rerecords Info Download
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It reminds me of a game I ever played when I was a kid, "tom and jerry room escape" (123bee).
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Details: Easy /Normal Each kind of Enemies except for Bosses, need, on average, 3~5 punches or kicks to kill, usually one combo of attack, sometimes 2 combos. Details: Between Director's Cut / Time Challenge and Easy / Normal 1. Strength of Enemies (HP /DEF? + , ATK +); For instance, the Player will be easier to be knocked out if he is assaulted by 2 or 3 or more enemies. Usually 1 attack will cause 1/8 of Player HP loss if not defending. 2. 2-4 Boss Battle: TWO Thugs simultaneously; 3. ACT 3 MORE guards. 4. ACT 3-1 and ACT 7-1 no Throwing Knives (Darts) for Player at the beginning; 5. More complicated Map: ACT 3-3 (Very Long); ACT 6-1 (Longer, 4 Keys); ACT 7-2; 6. ACT 9-4: 2 Bosses simultaneously but this time no other non-Boss enemies; Diao is still the last Boss to show up; 7. ACT 9-5: True Story & End, Boss: Booth. 8. ACT 6-1, 8-1 MORE Searchlights. ACT 6-1 has 3 more and ACT 8-1 has 1 more. 9. MORE Enemies in ACT 2-4 (1 MORE Thug), 3-3, 5-1, 5-2, 5-3, 6-1, 7-2. 10. ACT 9-4: 2 LESS underlings (man in a Red dobok, tied at the waist with a colored belt that indicates rank, with a Stick in his hands and long braid); 2 LESS underlings (man in a Red dobok, with bare hands and no braid); 1 MORE underling (man in a Green dobok, with Darts in his hands); 1 MORE underling (man in a Black dobok, tied at the waist with a colored belt that indicates rank, with bare hands and long braid); 2 Thugs (Bosses) Added. The total number of enemies remains unchanged. 11. Wooden Doors and Stone Piles are difficult to destroy (Costing more frames). + NOTE: The 7 features above are all the same in Director's Cut Mode or Time Challenge Mode. The enemies are easy to kill in Normal Mode, but it's even easier in Easy Mode. There are less guards in Easy Mode than those in Normal Mode.
Details: Between Time Challenge and Director's Cut 1. Of course Time Limited 2. Different Attacking Methods and Routes of Enemies (If you use my BK2 File and change it to Director's Cut Mode, you will see the same method won't work fine within Director's Cut Mode in ACT 2-3, ACT 2-4 and so on. This is hard to tell if only using your eyes for analysis.
Defense from behind the Bosses: Diao: 4 Darts to kill; Jamal: 3 Darts Thug: 2 Darts + 1 or 2 Back-aimed Kick or Punch Texas: 2 Darts + NOTICE that the Bosses usually need ONLY 1 or 2 Darts to kill if it's in Easy Mode; At most 3 Darts for each Boss I guess if it's in Normal Mode. Each kind of underlings, even the Boss-type underlings, need only 1 Dart to kill from behind, in ALL Mode. In addition, the type with long braid can be killed, using a dart, from the front. But this will never work if in Director's Cut Mode or Time Challenge Mode, and instead, Player will be given an instant failure in Stealthy ACT. Backward Punch (l + B, 16 frames cost, aimed at the Back of enemies, in other words, attacking from behind) always causes the most damage to the enemies if no Darts in possession. Most kinds of enemies can be one-hit killed using this skill, even in the Director's Cut Mode and Time Challenge Mode. Honestly speaking, any player can complete through the Easy Mode or Normal Mode easily though they are not skillful at the initial stage. But only skillful and experienced players can meet the completion of Director's Cut Mode. More accomplished players, who have a further understanding of the game mechanics, can even bring the Time Challenge Mode to an end.
ACTTime Challenge Mode / Director's Cut ModeNormal Mode / Easy Mode
3-33 Keys2 Keys
6-14 Keys2 Keys
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Post subject: 49 frames Saved Totally If Taking Damage
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Here is the TAS with Damage Taken. Download it here.
Notice: Although this TAS with Damage Taken is optimized by me, but it'll be shown only as a proof. No Need To Replace the Current TAS with It.
ACTTaking DamageNo Damage
5-11878 frames1884 frames
Duration25786 - 2390825792 - 23908
6-24455 frames4498 frames
Duration43618 - 3916343667 - 39169
Conclusion: Taking damage does save frames overall.
"La tristesse durera toujours." Just inform that my Discord account was hacked in recent days. I deleted that Discord account and will never ever use Discord again. Sorry for disturbing and disgusting spamming by that vicious hacker.
Post subject: ACT 6-1 will be overall slower if taking damage
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Here is the proof. Download it here. ACT 6-1: Although it'll be faster at beginning if taking damage, but it will change the balance of each periodic function.
ACTTaking DamageNo Damage
6-19108 frames9083 frames
Duration39116 - 3000839097 - 30014
"La tristesse durera toujours." Just inform that my Discord account was hacked in recent days. I deleted that Discord account and will never ever use Discord again. Sorry for disturbing and disgusting spamming by that vicious hacker.
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The Time Challenge Mode is still different from any other mode of the game. The most obvious one is the Strength of Enemies. And the Maps of ACT 2-3, ACT 6-1 and ACT 7-2 are far more complicated than the Easy Mode's or Normal Mode's. I'm sure you may take a closer look at it again.
"La tristesse durera toujours." Just inform that my Discord account was hacked in recent days. I deleted that Discord account and will never ever use Discord again. Sorry for disturbing and disgusting spamming by that vicious hacker.
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feos wrote:
Don't feel sorry, feel proud that you made it better! I'll wait as long as needed if you still have ideas to try. And please make new posts for new improved movies, it makes it easier to notice for me (I don't get email notifications for post edits).
I thought ACT 8-1 could be improved but I had tried then. It wouldn't be. The location coordinate and the timing is such a coincidence that it may be the optimum for ACT 8-1. So the TAS project won't be updated.
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feos wrote:
Nice! Don't hesitate to try improving it further, even the craziest ideas are often worth checking, as long as you feel the potential is there. I put some advises about this approach on Wiki: TasingGuide/TASArt.
M1D wrote:
Optimization: All Except for Boss ACTs. I've got them all done. ACT 1, ACT 2, ACT 3, ACT 5, ACT 6, ACT 7, ACT 8, ACT 9-2 Route Rearranged. Finally, it comes to an end. I've just updated the new one in my userfile Replace the current with it. Time_Challenge.bk2 In 20:50.39 (74683 frames), 105763 rerecords DOWNLOAD HERE. 2022.07.25 THE END
I'm sorry to disturb. I caught a cold in recent days and I find a chance of improvement in ACT 7-2 after recovery today. Luckily this minor optimization didn't take too mach time. 8 frames saved, this time. And now it's All Done. I feel sorry to keep you waiting so long. Eventually it comes to an end. You can resume the judgement right now. Many thanks.
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Post subject: I may delay it for 3 days or more.
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feos wrote:
I promise not to do any more changes before the completion of judgement
Do as many changes as you need, just announce replacement files here in the thread instead of the submission text. That way it will be easier for me to notice. I can delay the judgment if you still have tests to do.
I can still see any chances of optimization in ACT 3-3, 6-1 & 6-2. I may delay it for 3 days or more.
"La tristesse durera toujours." Just inform that my Discord account was hacked in recent days. I deleted that Discord account and will never ever use Discord again. Sorry for disturbing and disgusting spamming by that vicious hacker.
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feos wrote:
To get the link to your actual file you need to copy the link to its Information page.
Sorry, I may not get the point. Do you mean the Submission Comments?
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Post subject: I find something new and will update new one soon. The judgement may be delayed if needed.
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Optimization: All Except for Boss ACTs. I've got them all done. ACT 1, ACT 2, ACT 3, ACT 5, ACT 6, ACT 7, ACT 8, ACT 9-2 Route Rearranged. Finally, it comes to an end. I've just updated the new one in my userfile Replace the current with it. Time_Challenge.bk2 In 20:50.39 (74683 frames), 105763 rerecords DOWNLOAD HERE. 2022.07.25 THE END
"La tristesse durera toujours." Just inform that my Discord account was hacked in recent days. I deleted that Discord account and will never ever use Discord again. Sorry for disturbing and disgusting spamming by that vicious hacker.
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feos wrote:
I promise not to do any more changes before the completion of judgement
Do as many changes as you need, just announce replacement files here in the thread instead of the submission text. That way it will be easier for me to notice. I can delay the judgment if you still have tests to do.
OK. I will follow the advice next time.
"La tristesse durera toujours." Just inform that my Discord account was hacked in recent days. I deleted that Discord account and will never ever use Discord again. Sorry for disturbing and disgusting spamming by that vicious hacker.
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In conclusion, I lead this TAS project to a completion myself, with over 14 hours on average per day. It all starts because I could not find a TAS that met my standard about this game, so I made one on my own. Ultimately, it shows up as the First and the Only. As Spikestuff Says, it still appears to have some possibilities of further optimization, in spite of which, I'm about to put an end to my work. You can take a closer look at my work and optimize it in your own way. All notes I took are shown to you without anything left. I've fulfilled my duties all along. It's time for a new beginning. I have other things of importance to do. Then, say bye.
"La tristesse durera toujours." Just inform that my Discord account was hacked in recent days. I deleted that Discord account and will never ever use Discord again. Sorry for disturbing and disgusting spamming by that vicious hacker.
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Spikestuff wrote:
There's input which can be compared to TrueSnokido's TAS of this title where there are elements in that TAS that come out faster such as climbing the ship adding a jump at frame 9926 in your input does shave off 4 frames as well as what goes on in that ship, not taking the bars across and instead running below is also faster in comparison. Memory also in the Judgement has an input file as well improving on that submission. Both of their TASes was done on the Easiest difficulty but I was strictly focusing on the movement. You can also save a frame by using that blank frame at 956 to start inputting the cheat a frame earlier (holding L). This is why I said last time to take your time as you would be able to find something new especially in the movement variety, I honestly thought you saw that submission before you started your newest installment. You have found new stuff in your inputs which is great such as what happens in 1-2. However, some of your input is still comparable to what I provided to you last time where my input in 1-3 is still faster in comparison unfortunately. I do have input in Act 2 that would also be comparable to what improvements can be made but that input sequence is based on what you made, but, what Memory and TrueSnokido's have provided is probably more than enough to compare against. I'm not beating around the bush on this one, this is a real good TAS that should've had another look around in its input before a submission and seeing what else can be scrapped off. A light spike as well where I personally don't believe the showcasing of the final IGT is necessary and can be left as a statement of 19:15, or that it should've been the alternative file. I'm also personally still against using the Time Challenge mode as there's no real change in comparison to Director's Cut mode as it's just a timer, and since this is a TAS going fast is the immediate priority, not what some clock says on how much time we have left, it doesn't really hold any suspense. In conclusion this is an insanely improved TAS to what you showcased 4 months ago, but there's still stuff that can be looked at. Good job M1D.
Thanks for your advice and compliment. In fact, I spent nearly a month to re-record a completely new TAS of this game. I've spared all my effort on each joint of every stage or mission, which means that I was always trying different methods and compare them to choose a better frame-saver route. I thought I would quit but eventually I made it. Actually I've checked and watched your record in 1-3 but pitifully I tried everything to find only delaying frames in distinction. I've ever been confused and discouraged, I still cleave to finish the TAS project meticulously nevertheless. Guess that's why you choose Director's Cut Mode. But I choose Time Challenge Mode to tell my audience that there's a harder mode beyond the Director's Cut Mode, for people know too less about this game. Question at 9926 frames: That is because its $Velocity = \sqrt{V_x^2+V_y^2}$ and the momentary speed on touching the ground is "sometimes" faster than running speed. And additionally, Time Challenge Mode does have any differences: No Lighthouse with HELP (?) Information and no Check Point.
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tom_mai78101 wrote:
No worries, please take your time. The only reminder from me is to make sure you make a note about your submission entry post still in WIP.
Emm...I'm afraid I don't get your point. it's not a WIP but a completion of the whole "Time Challenge Mode".
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I will add more details when awake.
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tom_mai78101 wrote:
What are the differences between this submission, and your previous submission? (#7350: M1D's GBA Bruce Lee: Return of the Legend "Time Challenge" in 27:33.53) If possible, could you list more details between the 2, and what changes you improved upon, on this submission page? Thanks.
Yes, it'll be updated soon.
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Post subject: ALL Complete
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"La tristesse durera toujours." Just inform that my Discord account was hacked in recent days. I deleted that Discord account and will never ever use Discord again. Sorry for disturbing and disgusting spamming by that vicious hacker.
Post subject: ACT 8 Complete with 10k+ re-record times
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The Game will come to the FINAL CHAPTER with the completion of ACT 8.
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Post subject: ACT 7 Complete with 3k+ re-record times
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ACT 7.
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Post subject: ACT 6 Complete with 9k+ re-record times
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I once thought ACT 6 is the most tricky and tough mission of the game due to its complicated and unharmonic terrain. But finally, it's done.
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Post subject: ACT 5 Complete with 7k+ re-record times
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Finally, ACT 5.
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Post subject: A Trivial Matter: ACT 4 Complete with 2k+ re-record times
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Simply, ACT 4.
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