Allright I found out a way to get OOB in Terranigma
Link to video
Whenever you enter a stair your sprite will be tempoary loaded under the regular sprites. If you manage to stop Arks movement while he is going up the stairs he will be stuck below the sprites untill you leave the area or enter another room. You are able to completly move arround without anything stopping you. Looks like the glitch from ALTTP. Maybe you guys can find a way to get something out of it.
Sorry for the lazy edited video, I was just doing it with OBS to get it done quick
So... it got discovered that there is a new TAS for this game
The time is 3:22 after the credits are done and it has a lot of interesting stuff in it
Interesting video! I really liked the part where you repeatedly killed the Grecliff boss; that should help close the experience gap between the Parasite leveling session and Louran.
However! I'm not convinced that the second part of your run is optimal :p. I think there are at least two better alternatives to using the 3PartRod against the Security Robot: either the NeoFang or the EnbuPike (possibly with a lower level).
Maybe I should try making a run similar to yours, since I have never actually tried these strategies in practice...
I would love to see a run from a real TAS guy :) also you can abuse that bird grind boss until you are like lvl 20 or more
Oh my God, that's a lot faster than I was expecting. Incredible work.
I'm still definitely planning on running this later on down the road (as said in the signature) and this will be a major help for me! It's already got me thinking about what a fully optimized TAS would time out to be... Under three hours, maybe?
I hope it can be under 3 hours :) Also here's a summary of all the things that can be improved in this TAS:
Chapter 1
• Tower 1: Boss fight can be improved by at least 3 sec, also make sure to get the lvl up at the door
• Tower 3: Manipulate the Cadet fight so you dont have to wait that long (I'm dumb at manipulating stuff..)
• Tower 4: Jumping on the rope may be faster, just try it
• Tower 5: Shadow Keeper can be improved, make sure to get lvl up inside him to get free hits
Chapter 2
• RaTree: Crit the flower twice that gives you the swimmers (Crits can be manipulated with attacking the air randomly).
Parasite fight is just a pain to TAS, probably up to 3-5 minutes can be saved here
• GreCliff: Faster movement strats in general. Grinding the boss like the TTas does, gives you about 3k exp/min. In a real TAS I would not grind the Borfs at all and just kill the bird all the time and that will save a huge chunk of time.
• Zue: I killed every enemy that was in my path because I'm lazy at routing, time can be saved with better enemy routing. Swimming diagnol seem faster, maybe that needs some testing.
• Eklamata: Get the slide boost (Room before goats). Destroy as many crystals as possible in the Yeti form to reduce lag and unnecessary waiting at the end. The Cadet can be hit multiple times with just one projectile if he moves correctly. Make sure to get 1 crit on the last form of Dark Morph to get the quick kill.
Chapter 3
• Louran: Maybe some better movement can save time. Get as much money as possible after you talked with turbo and hes walking to the house. That way we can skip 1 or 2 300 GEM chests
• Sylvain Castle: Try to get opal #4 with corner jumping. Once you got the STR pot you go the right way not left (3 secs saved). In the TAS I equiped the spear which is dumb, make sure to have the Light Rod equiped to gain extra EXP on the way.
• Ghost fight on ship: Slow as hell, can be improved.
• Wood collecting: You want every enemy to drop as much gold as possible so you can skip another money chest (Again, I'm to dumb to manipulate stuff)
• China: One of the biggest time losses in the TAS because I'm smart... The right way to do it is you go in the INN and talk with the girl next to Fyda. After that you talk to the guy in the LEFT building, then RIGHT, the left again and finaly talk with Fyda.
• Berugas Lab: General movement and enemy kills can be improved here.
• MoonStones: Maybe there a faster way to grab them.
Chapter 4
• Air Ship: Killing less enemys will help
• Dark Gaia: Needs more crits.
General stuff
• Menu optimization: I tried to be as less as possible in the menu. It can still be improved.
• Running boots: I'm sure theres still plenty of room to use them more often
• Movement: Can be improved by alot
Well that's it for the moment. I hope this is helping you guys.
Thanks for reading
PS: As soon as new stuff gets discovered I will post in this thread
That was a pretty good TAS, you might want to submit it for vault publication.
The movie starts from a savestate, not from power-on. Thus, it violates the rules, since it doesn't require installation.
I never planed to release this "TAS" in anyway, I just wanted to give all the real TAS guys here an overview of all that stuff that got discovered and an basic Idea of the current route.
You can avoid that in a real TAS Ware. I just dont know how to read ROM data, otherwise that fight would have looked diffrent.
Also what I didnt know, in order to get the Ginseng to heal Fyda, you only need to Girl in the INN first, then talk to the left guy, right guy, left guy and Fyda. In the TAS I did that wrong so make sure to don't do this in a real one.
So... I did a full TAS... kind of
Link to video
It's a Theory TAS with the current routechanges and tricks that got discovered over the past months. It ended up with a time of 3h35m36s (Pressing the start button and killing gaia).
One of the biggest route changes was the GreClif Boss grind and Louran that saves a huge amount of time. It has some tricks in it that can only be done in a real TAS like fast climb or corner jumping.
This TTas was performed on the Snes9x 1.51 v7 and the name of the rom was Tenchi Souzou (J) [h1C] (I don't know if you can play that file on other rom versions or snes9x versions)
So... if you have any questions about the route or anything that is going on there, just ask in this thread.
Awesome that you pick up the game again! I'm speedrunning this game for quite a while and found some other stuff that could be usefull for a TAS.
Do you have Skype? If yes feel free to add me, my name on Skype is lemonsda
unfortunately I didnt record the glitches but if you have any questions how i pulled them of feel free to ask me here or at Skype "lemonsda" (without ")
Link to video
to all the guys who want to TAS Terranigma, here are some Glitches and Time Savers you could use in the TAS.
Please take a look at those glitches because some of them may have big potential but werent executed right.
I hope this Video is some kind of insperation for you guys to keep on going with the TAS to figure new stuff out.
(This Video is only about Chapter 1 Glitches)