Posts for Khonsu

Post subject: Aria of Sorrow
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 11/14/2011
Posts: 5
So im sitting here watching one of my favorite runs on the site cause I find it interesting. It dawned on me, how on earth is the Jump-Attack-Dash work exactly? Is it done via LUA scripting? I mean im just amazed by how that's done and i've always been curious as how that's done.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 11/14/2011
Posts: 5
this is my practice run. There's some mistakes and it can be better optimized I know but its only a test run. I welcome all feedback on this and such so I can better myself.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 11/14/2011
Posts: 5
Sorry for the double post here. I don't know if I should post it here. I started on a basic run for Final Fantasy 1 and 2 Dawn of Souls. Basically for the first Final Fantasy. I don't know if I should post the 10 minute movie of me doing a test run here, or post it up in the gba forums. Cause I'm still learning and I want to get better in anyway possible. Right from the get go there's a few flaws right in the beginning. Only because I don't know how to script in LUA to save my life.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 11/14/2011
Posts: 5
Thanks for the quick reply :). Hopefully I will learn something so I can eventually make a submittable TAS run. Im a huge GBA fan and playstation fan :). So we will see eventually.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 11/14/2011
Posts: 5
Hi everyone, im new to the forums but not the site. Been interested in doing a TAS for a while now just worked up the nerves to join the forums and check it out. Seen a post for a "how to" gonna check that out. After viewing the tut is there any good games for a newbie like myself to try out before moving on to big projects?