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Tompa wrote:
The "any% All Levels" category is the most common one for real time running afterall. I personally will probably never make such TAS. But if someone else wants to, go ahead, it has been requested several times afterall.
That would be quite entertaining.
(04:58:27 PM) DarkKobold: cock plz k thnx bai
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Do we have a rough estimate on ETA for this run? I've been waiting so eagerly for this; it'll undoubtedly be the most incredible run this site has ever produced.
(04:58:27 PM) DarkKobold: cock plz k thnx bai
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MrGrunz wrote:
Unless we get payed for doing the 100% TAS or unless we manage to gather a team of like 10-15 skilled TASers, a 100% is sadly never going to happen.
Let's give this some thought. The latter--gathering a large team of skilled TASers together--has happened. See SM64. The former, however, is what I wish to explore.
MrGrunz wrote:
The amount of work and time necessary is simply way too huge for it to be worth it.
Grunz, given adequate resources, time and incentive, how long would it take one person to plan and implement a 100% TAS of this game? Are we talking months? Years? I'm willing to throw money at a 100% TAS of MM. How much depends on a number of things, foremost being how much effort is actually required to implement such a thing.
(04:58:27 PM) DarkKobold: cock plz k thnx bai
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Nahoc wrote:
Started a new any% TAS (sorry, no motivation for 100%). Currently in 1-3 and saved 30 frames.
*waves a 50 USD bank note*
(04:58:27 PM) DarkKobold: cock plz k thnx bai
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Need. An. Update. Twitch. Twitch. My SMW2: YI addiction isn't being satisfied ;-;
(04:58:27 PM) DarkKobold: cock plz k thnx bai
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How's the progress on this one? I would absolutely love to see this finished someday.
(04:58:27 PM) DarkKobold: cock plz k thnx bai
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I'd pay good money for someone to do a TAS of this game.
(04:58:27 PM) DarkKobold: cock plz k thnx bai
Post subject: New Objectives?
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I spoke to Nahoc about the 100% run and offered to donate money to the cause. If zvsp and Nahoc are willing, I would like to "commission" a 100% run. Basically, I want this run so bad I'll throw money at Nahoc and/or zvsp until it happens. Even though I'm a poor American (yes, we exist).
(04:58:27 PM) DarkKobold: cock plz k thnx bai
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zvsp wrote:
The author of any% testrun recently uploaded a video about these tricks, maybe understandable. Account / Free
That was *insane*
(04:58:27 PM) DarkKobold: cock plz k thnx bai
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I'd love to have the any-% cancelled if a 100% is planned. Although an any-% is enjoyable, a 100% is just... something else. It's a wonderful treat.
(04:58:27 PM) DarkKobold: cock plz k thnx bai
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Nahoc! Upload a WIP encode! Please!
(04:58:27 PM) DarkKobold: cock plz k thnx bai
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I'd love to have a run that starts from the "time-trial" screen with all levels unlocked. Yes, this'd be starting from a savestate, but I think it'd be far more entertaining than going through the game four times in a row. If the rules don't allow for this, however, then four run-throughs may be required. That said, a 100% of this run would be GODLY. I'd love it and vote yes for it as many times as possible (once, sorry). I've been waiting for a 100% TAS of this game for a long, long time now. At least a few years. I've yet to find one that's high enough quality for my liking; the only 100% TAS I've found misses a number of recently-discovered improvements. Please do 100% on this game. No matter what. I'd love you forever.
(04:58:27 PM) DarkKobold: cock plz k thnx bai
Post subject: Re: woohoo!
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Nahoc wrote:
Good news; the reset works perfectly! 2 minutes saved, just like that! Also, the Glide64 'final' video plugin just looks fantastic.
AWESOME. I was worried about the resetting being a problem! I can't wait for your first WIP. Will you go for any-% and just beat Altar, or will you go for 100% and beat the true final boss?
(04:58:27 PM) DarkKobold: cock plz k thnx bai
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YAY. You took my suggestion and decided to go with it! Thank you very, very much! I loved this game when I played it and I would love to see you rip it to shreds! All of your videos are such high quality in terms of content, so I can't wait to see what you'll do to this one!
(04:58:27 PM) DarkKobold: cock plz k thnx bai
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(04:58:27 PM) DarkKobold: cock plz k thnx bai
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This may just be the most amazing run ever done on TASVideos, ever. My only gripe so far: awe, no void-pound after the 2-8 boss? Trihex is famous for that! He's also famous for screwing it up in one of the most hilarious bloopers of all time! Why no void-pound? Other than that, woah.
(04:58:27 PM) DarkKobold: cock plz k thnx bai
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Would someone be able to encode the WIP so lowly folk like me can view it?
(04:58:27 PM) DarkKobold: cock plz k thnx bai
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I would die for a super-glitchfest. I love those. Especially ones of UMK3.
(04:58:27 PM) DarkKobold: cock plz k thnx bai
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How's the 100% TAS coming along? I would absolutely love to see this run published. It could compete with the SMW2: YI run quite easily, in terms of sheer awesomeness.
(04:58:27 PM) DarkKobold: cock plz k thnx bai
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AndreLucLevesque wrote:
Just to be sure, MST stand for main story??? Aside from this, I agree that it would be very nice if someone would work on this. We should ask mr. grunz, his MM run is totally sick(but it totally took 2 years also :P )
MST is Medallions, Stones and Trials. Meaning, it doesn't skip any of the child dungeons, the adult dungeons or any of the trials in Ganon's castle. It does not use the reverse bottle adventure to gain the stones and medallions, like in the any% run.
(04:58:27 PM) DarkKobold: cock plz k thnx bai
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I'm speechless, and that was just world 6! Oh, the best boss music in any video game, ever. This run may be better than Carl Sagan's submission. Now *that* is something. If this run doesn't win awards when published... I'll scream. I can't wait for the submission! It's going to be awesome.
(04:58:27 PM) DarkKobold: cock plz k thnx bai
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zvsp wrote:
Testrun updated. World6
Would it be possible to have this uploaded to Youtube or some other video service? I can't read Japanese, unfortunately.
(04:58:27 PM) DarkKobold: cock plz k thnx bai