Posts for Jont

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Does anyone know what's up with the judge of this movie? It's been a few weeks since they unclaimed it and nothing's happened since.
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His run had a good few tricks and wrong warps that mine didn't have (for instance, the rock skip in Ruins) and the tricks that I did have were optimized in his.
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yeah, i would assume so.
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ok great. i'll get that done real quick and change the file.
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Sorry, i had to go to bed. Let me try to answer your questions: Scrimpeh: I'm not entirely sure when the TAS is supposed to end since this game is new to this website. If a judge asks me to extend to after the credits dodging sequence, I will do so, but I figured the best place to stop was after Toriel's last text box. EZGames69: It seems like sometimes it might be an issue with Undertale itself, but it's most likely due to the fact that the encode was split into 5 videos due to the restarts. I just put them together in Blender (because it does have a video editor) and rendered it out, which may have caused issue with audio and video quality. Being my first TAS and doing anything like this, I'd love it if I got some advice. Spikestuff: Not a question to be answered, but thanks for your feedback! I was initially dreading my movie not going well due to like 2 mistakes early on, but seeing your message (and your role on the website) makes me really hopeful. Also, yes indeed a high-quality encode would be much better than mine. Again, I would love some tips on how to make encodes without having to use Blender. It's a great piece of software, but it's still a bit much. If this gets published, I'm up to help anyone for optimizations. However, I'm not doing Omega Flowey again if I can help it. Edit: When I said Blender was a bit much, it's free, but it's way too powerful to just merge 5 videos together.
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The encode is up now.
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I can provide an encode in a day so just give me that and it should be up.
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Actually, libTAS has an auto-restart function (at least the newer versions) that restarted the game as soon as it closes, which I also used a few times to skip some cutscenes during that section.
I try. Succeed or fail, I try.