Posts for Itresad

Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Player (129)
Joined: 6/22/2014
Posts: 3
I see your point since more of the glitch used consist to enter inside a wall in order to cut a part of the level. After for the repetitiveness I am not considering only the fact that it can be use in many level almost at the beginning of it but also the time of execution of this glitch which is "really" slow (compared to similar clips in other game). In my mind it is surprising when you see it for the first time but then as soon as you see ecco stoping and starting to "slide" you already know that you will enter into a wall and then guess that the exit will be probably next to the wall you enter. This remove a part of the surprises that a TAS can give you. After for me if in the future new method are found to reduce the number of use of this glitch or that it is made less predictable that would be perfect. But I won't deny that some people would prefer the run without constraints while some other may not like it.
Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Player (129)
Joined: 6/22/2014
Posts: 3
a camera freeze time would probably be 15 mins or under most likely.
I won't be so optimistic, 10 minutes are already consecrated to the 2 autoscrollers + ending. 5 minutes is already half time of the part you can use that glitch, I think that 17 minutes would be reasonable due to the time of execution of the glitch. Nice find Vorpal, I'm not sure that you can expect more from the first glitch here but it always worth to look. However as there is water current near from the place where is located the "alternative" exit, trying to exploit the misconception of those currents to go inside a wall is something that has to be done.
Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Player (129)
Joined: 6/22/2014
Posts: 3
Hello everyone. I am currently doing a TAS of Ecco the Dolphin using most of the "new" skips and glitches found. However I do not use the clip with the camera glitch which, in my opinion, make runs a little boring by being used in almost all levels and shade other interesting glitches. The TAS is already advanced but if someone knows tricks/glitches (especially for the machine or the tube, let's dream) or has some nice routing idea, I would be pleased to hear about.