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Fabian wrote:
Sweet jesus if you (or anyone) links to that worthless piece of shit page one more time I will start punching people.
This is the first post that makes sense in this thread.
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So uh, this is a troll right?
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Hey, been looking forward to watching the full run but I'm having trouble with the torrent. I'm getting hung up on "getting info". This doesn't happen with any other torrent from this site. It seems like it just wants to keep looking, but never gives any error message that it can't find the tracker, or can't connect to the tracker or etc. I am using Tomato Torrent v 1.1.2. I will update it to 1.5 when I can, but I suspect that isn't the problem. Just wondering if this is something on my end, if anyone else is having problems, or if there's something else I can do to fix it. ps, I'm sure someone will suggest I download the smv. However I am confined to a mac almost all of the time. If there is a usable OSX version of snes9x I would gladly (and rather) use the emulator file.
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Rising Tempest wrote:
...complete this run ... Submit it ... take a ... break ... better emulated graphics plug-in
Hi Jack. I've taken the liberty of optimizing your post.
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Chamale wrote:
By "possible" I meant with cheats, not possible normally. The game code doesn't lie.
Do you mean "if you could cheat to make the star appear when it otherwise isn't there, is it there"?
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Someone posted the "pwning mario 3 in 11 minutes!!!" video on some NES forum I haunt. We all thought it was neat, speculated about how it was made, you know. The usual. Then I forgot all about it. One day, out of the blue, someone reposted the video, saying they had found out what the deal was. And there was a link to here included. Looked around, didn't watch any movies, and forgot all about it. Got bored one day, looked up the thread, found the link, downloaded a Battletoads video. Lurked for a while. Played around with Famtasia for a few weeks. Eventually registered to submit a piss poor Marble Madness run. I have the ability to get interested in things far slower than an ordinary person.
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This is the first time I've seen a Maxim version of this game, I think. And I must say: uh, what? Caution: Enjoyable and amusing run.
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Inzult wrote:
-get jump, (up&a), do the healer glitch, get downstab, warp to bagu, walk to palace 2, get the glove, glitch out of palace, do the hammer run, etc
This seems to be the best route. Never managed to get though palace 7 with only fairy. It is passible with fairy and the glove, though. I haven't done a highly optimized test of palace 7 with fairy&glove (and I probably won't at this point) but it doen't look promising simply because of how much slower the rest of the game is. One hangup with the quoted route is the overworld after palace 2. It is annoyingly difficult to manipulate enemies on the swamp, and the best I've done so far involves an overworld battle. Once I have a chance to sit down and iron that out, rest will be pretty automatic. If there's interest in a fairy + glove route, I'll make it later for fun, but I don't expect it to be publish worthy.
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tymime wrote:
What exactly is the technique for the dash in this?
IIRC I would hold B until the first frame that you actually dashed if you let go, and then held for 7 more frames. That seems to be the maximum speed for the minimum hold. If it helps, you hold B unil the first frame when letting go creates smoke when you let go/dash. It's not too hard to find this frame through trial and error. If I kept good notes I could help better. Also, there's some ideal frame to start holding B depending on if you are falling to start the level, how high you are falling from, or if you have to dash again some point mid-level. Basically, you want to maximize sliding forward while charging your dash, but still minimize the amount of time the dash takes. The rest of the game is just holding B and jumping on the first frame you can for different lengths of time and trying to avoid stopping. Also post WIPs so I can see :)
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In Ontario, lower percentages mean a higher alpha grade across the board compared to elsewhere in the world. In my high school, 80% was an A. 50% was the failing threshold. Then again, that was back in the ‘90s and after inflation that probably comes out to about 85% in 2007 percentages for an A.
moozooh wrote:
Where do you see insults?
That explains a lot.
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I'd like to see a 100% run for this game, if it's possible to do all at once. Nice run, by the way. :)
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Chamale wrote:
In SMB2, 1ups are near non-existant.
Collect 19 coins. Get 5-ups in the bonus game. You're finished after 1-2. It wouldn't be much of a TAS.
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Deign wrote:
off the left? Not sure if that would accomplish anything. Could you elaborate one what exactly you're thinking?
There's a glitch that allows a turtle to walk on the bottom of the screen, typically done with flying turtles. Should be able to do it with normal turtles also. Force a turtle off one side of the platform, bounce off it at the proper level on the bottom of the screen to start the glitch. Wait until it comes out of its shell and walk right. The left of the platform should also work? If you can do it? I don't know, just throwing out ideas. :
The Magic Koopa Troopa
You may already know that it's possible to stomp a Koopa Paratroopa twice in mid-air. If your second stomp is when the Koopa Troopa is 1 or 2 block heights from the bottom of the screen, he will go into his shell (duh), but it will be floating in mid-air! Of course the only way to get the Koopa Troopa 1 or 2 block heights from the bottom would be to stomp on him over a pit. For a real challenge, try to double-stomp a Paratroopa and land on solid ground. The best place I know of is in 4-3, but it's extremely difficult to do, however. So anyway, after you land on the platform, the Koopa Troopa should be in his shell and floating. Wait a while and he'll pop back out and start walking, while still floating in mid-air! (I always do this bug in 4-3, but I assume it can be done in similar levels such as 1-3 or 5-3.)
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This is really well done. All the few tiny time-savers that I eventually noticed after so many watches of the last run (which was one of my faves) and tons more were improved. Maybe after 2.5 years of watching this run I'll notice a few more tiny time-savers and you'll find another ~minute and twenty seconds :p Thanks a lot, guys.
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Deign wrote:
I tried those ideas too, karter probably did as well.
Did you try forcing one off the left of the platform too? Still don't know if it's possible, but it could be useful.
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Deign wrote:
There's nothing before this point except 2 red non-flying koopas
Is it possible to use them in some way to stomp one on the bottom of the screen to do the floating shell glitch, you think? Force one to push the other one off the edge? Brainstorming ;)
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What about a combination, where you can check "secret" (hidden, not indexed, whatever) when you upload a run, and the program indexes the rest, so those secret runs in progress could still be... secret? If this was combined with some sort of username/login, a user could delete old WIPs when new ones are uploaded? This has the downside of forever-lost WIPs though. It is a nice idea Maximus, just tossing in some extras ;)
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If there is a flying koopa over a pit sometime before that, stomp on it once to make it fall, stomp on it again near the bottom of the screen, to do the floating-over-the-pit glitch, wait until it comes out of its shell, then let it walk in the air to this unjumpable pit with you. Bounce off of it to clear the pit?
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Walker Boh wrote:
You shall henceforth use that world lightly when describing this game.
I am ATHENA. They call me the Goddess of Wisdom, but I have grown weary of my dull life in the castle. The Fantasy World beyond the castle walls beckons to me! Strange and fearsome creatures will attack me at every turn. But I will find weapons along the way: a ball and chain, a bow and arrow, or a mighty sword will be my defense! In the Fantasy World, I can put on wings and take to the sky, or become a mermaid to explore the ocean depths. There, the Goddess of Wisdom can become the Princess of Victory!
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Since I basically have the day off, I spent in on this. 2 stages down, first boss fixed. Also, I just noticed that I started the movie with a soft reset. Is this a problem? Also also, my rerecord count is artificially high thanks to some screwing around, and working while drinking and restarts. I probably should have started a new .fcm and it probably should be about half of that. bla bla bla what do you guys think?
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It seems that punch-canceling isn't the best option for bosses. punch, duck, punch, duck (B, v, B, v) nets you 2 damage for 4 frames kick, blank frame, switch to gun, blank frame (>B(select), blank, select, blank) nets you 3 damage for 4 frames. As an added bonus, every few hits you can shoot and switch to your gun at the same time, which bags you extra damage. This also means fewer 'hit' sprites, which meas less lag, which means more chances to attack in less time. Also, you can duck the hammer/whip/whatever while kicking, even though your sprite is standing. Ducking for the 8 frames or however long you have to stay ducked is probably faster than taking the hit and punching/shooting while flying backwards and then walking back into position. As such, it'll be for the best to try to manipulate away the miniboss' kicks. As such, I'm going to redo the boss of the first stage. Also, it seems that if you press B a few different times while jumping, you keep your jumpkick pose (and speed?). As such, your joe can jump higher without having to worry about the kick ending and losing speed (I think). Fewer jumps means fewer frames on the ground, and probably more enemies avoided in stead of killed, which should be faster. As such, I might have to redo most of the first stage too. This is not good news :[
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Rising Tempest wrote:
Also, since you only need five magic containers to cast fairy, would you really need to get the one south of Zelda's palace? (just get the one next to the hammer cave, you need to warp there anyway it seems). Or if you do need it, activate fairy for the second one to forgo the "Hey, I got a thingy" animation of Link's.
Getting that first jar is a mistake. I was testing using fairy in other places, and that jar was more convenient. I did think of using fairy to get the other jar, but I figured that I was going to hex out the first one (or redo the run, or maybe even use one of the other route ideas, I'm not sure) so I didn't bother.
Rising Tempest wrote:
When you go back to the Hammer cave to get the magic container and warp, I think it's faster to just walk through the graveyard and go over the long bridge, like you did at the start of the run. Or, is there no way to exit Mido town without warping to Bagu's Hut (or wherever),,, I remember reading somewhere that you only need to wait for the graphics to scroll over to learn sword techniques, not magic spells, so if this is right that's more seconds off the test run,,,
Taking the back enterance would totally be faster... but the problem is that when you go through the cave after the bridge with the healer glitch active, you start one of the rooms inside lava, so you just die. This is why I got the first jar. I was tryng to avoid this with fairy. It didn't work. I was wrong about the graphics scrolling part, I stupidly assumed you didn't have to wait for the spells, but it has to do with the healer glitch, not the graphics scrolling. You can exit a town without warping.
Rising Tempest wrote:
Also, if it's possible to warp to Bagu's Hut from Rauru town, it may be faster to do this instead of walking when you get the Water of Life for the fairy spell. I'm not 100% on how the healer glitch works, so I'm not sure.
Rauru warps you to the graveyard, Mido warps you to Bagu's hut. up&a resets the healer glitch, so walking is quicker. Strangely, though, when you up&a in palace 7, the glitch stays active... e: by the way, if you press left+right as a fairy, Link will slowly move diagonally left and up. This isn't really useful in most cicumstances, except that you can move into the top of the screen this way. This means you can do the falling glitch anywhere with an open ceiling. edit again: come to think of it, if you use the fairy glitch in a town, it should bring you to the same place as doing the healer glitch. It doesn't sound like it would be too useful in a run, the more ideas I consider, the better.
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Hey, just a bit of a bump to get some more minds on this. I have found a few improvements to the current run, and have a few route ideas. I have not yet found a way to get through palace 7 using just the fairy glitch and the healer glitch. But if it can be done, this would probably be the fastest way. Improvements to the current route: -walk down around Bagu's cabin after going through the jump cave in stead of up (this is probably faster because of fewer enemies to dodge) -enter the pot room after getting the hammer from the north or south (I forget) to be able to warp out the exit at the maze from the south (saves something like 6 or 8 steps) route ideas: Getting the glove from palace 2 while the healer glitch is active (maybe) faster than doing it normally. - get jump, (up&a?), do the healer glitch, warp to bagu, walk to palace 2, get the glove, use up&a, do the healer glitch, get downstab, do the hammer run, etc OR -get jump, (up&a?), do the healer glitch, get downstab, warp to bagu, walk to palace 2, get the glove, glitch out of palace, do the hammer run, etc -to answer: try to find a way to do the healer glitch it in Ruto: is it even possible? Spending the extra time walking on the overworld to Rauru might be made up by starting the glitch in a town you have to go to anyway. to test: -compare doing palace 7 with fairy/glove to downstab/glove (palace 7 is passable without downstab if you have fairy and the glove) -Route: partial healer glitch, hammer through the back enterance, up & a, (healer glitch, palace 2, medicine,)* fairy, hammer-warp (and pot-get) *whatever order is best I am also considering routes that include the raft, if doing palace 3 is quick with the healer glitch. I haven't tested yet. -jump, healer glitch, palace 3(glitch out), downstab get, palace 2, up&a, healer glitch, sail east -jump, healer glitch, downstab, palace 2, up&a, healer glitch, palace 3(glitch out), sail east Fairy/glove/raft on teh surface sounds too slow, so nevermind that. Here's my test movie for the fairy-only route. I'm not quite ready to give up on this route yet, but I'm out of ideas for now. Palace 7 in this wip is really unoptomized, so don't let the overall time fool you. If we can find a way through palace 7, then this would be the ideal roure, as far as I can tell. I would appreciate it if someone wanted to test some stuff too ;) (todo: don't get first jar I get: I got it to test another idea that didn't work out. Use the north or south exit for the jar that I need to get for the small timesaver) here's the route through palace 2 with the healer glitch I think. I forgot to watch it before I put it on my thumb drive to make sure :(
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Gargoyle's Quest 2.
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