Posts for Ifrit

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Hey man, don't worry about it.
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Its been a good 3 or so months and I was wondering what happened. The project just kind of.......uh....died.
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Sorry, I was watching the videos. Don't worry about the lake battle. It is boring. I am getting number 8 now.
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FractalFusion wrote:
A couple things. First, I cleared out the first three segments, and second, I didn't bother with most of the lake battle. Basically, I jumped straight to the Barcon. If you want to see any such AVI's, just tell me.
Jump straight to the Barcon? How so?
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Here's the run up to Barcon destroyed: Savestates: Remember to run it with raw data enabled (my fault). I took a different route in the Cardon Sub-Gate which prevents having to revisit the conveyor belt room. The jump to the high platform was done differently as compared to the .avi (I went back to change it). Finally, it was hard to hit the Barcon's arms; it would have been better if there was no shot tracking. :( The run is 27 minutes long, but game time is 23 minutes. This is due to (unavoidable) lag. The .avi won't come yet. The savefile file servers are full.
This sounds really great. I will try and watch this. Have to find everything though. How long do you think it will be until an .avi is available? (I know how you feel in regards to the Barcon.)
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FractalFusion wrote:
Although my run has not finished the Barcon yet, I went ahead (without recording a run) and tried out the Main Gate glitch. Although I was able to get into Main Gate early, I ran into the same problems that you guys ran into as well. What I would like to know is why there is such a "hole" in the ruins that allows me to simply fall out of the map using the Jet Skates. Are there any such similar holes anywhere else? If it is possible to fall out of the map in the Main Gate area, it would be trivial to get past the problem door.
I haven't heard about any other spots such as this but I haven't really tried, so there is still a possiblity.
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Its been sometime. Just checking up on the progress of this project.
From watching your run, I'll decide whether to get the Old Hoverjets and make the Jet Skates first, or get the red refractor first. At least, I'll try out the Main Gate glitch to see how it works. Note that I have never played up to that point yet.
About that. I would think getting the Jet Skates would waste time as you need to exit the ruins, get on the boat and go back to Uptown. It seems like going through the dungeon with diagonal running would work faster.
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FractalFusion wrote:
Yes, if by Power Raiser you mean Laser. :)
Hah, oops. Must have not been thinking...
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Oh, okay. That makes sense. So you are going to take down the lake with the Power Raiser and Sniper Unit, correct? How are you going to go about the Sub-Ruins there?
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On the order of sequence breaking, not really. But you can get the Rollerboard and 9260 zenny, then leave through Portal 2 and call Roll.
Well, that sucks. Im guessing Portal 2 is where you entered right? Im not up to speed on the locations of the Portals.
Speaking of Sniper Unit, I somehow realized that at the lowest range level, it is impossible to knock out the Barcon's back cannons. Seems unfortunate, since I wanted to destroy the Barcon with max attack (Laser+Power Raiser Omega).
I agree it sucks. I believe thats why I got the Buster Unit. Since the Sniper Unit is cheap that would be a good choice.
By the way, is it possible to glitch into Main Gate without using Jet Skates?
I doubt it. I tryed running into it and jumping but nothing.
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I like to glitch up games, too. I found a way to enter the ruins from Cardon Sub-Gate without Jump Springs. It seems near impossible in real-time, though: To make it to the high platform, a perfect diagonal jump off the elevator panel is required.
I tried out that jump and did it on my first try. Its actual pretty simple to pull off. Now, is there a chance it is useful?
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Now that is what I am talking about. It looks pretty ridiculous, though. So, is there any practical use to it? I have got to try this later. See how difficult it really is.
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Well thanks. Don't worry, my next attempt is single segment.
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Wow, this is great. Just goes to show how much planning I didn't do. If I have some time where I do not feel like being lazy Im going to try this stuff myself. Has there been any progress since then because you have really gotten me interested. I really want to see how you do some other bosses and stuff.
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I've been watching the SDA run of Mega Man Legends and I can't figure out why he gets the Cannon Kit in the run. It takes a lot of time to get and he doesn't use it a lot. I also think he picks up too much Zenny.
I made the run that is at SDA. First, I would like to say it is not that great and since then I have beaten that time. I haven't recorded it yet but it is around an hour. Possibly less. I also made it really quick and didn't really try too hard. I'm hoping to send in my new one this month. Anyway, I got the Cannon Kit to make the Powered Buster to open the ceiling in the Clozer Woods Sub-Gate. Probably faster to get the Guidance Unit (Active Buster) instead. I collected way too much Zenny in the run. I agree with that. I mainly got so much so I could upgrade the Active Buster for the battle in the sky against the Gesellschaft and for Bruno (Old City). Im really curious as to what could possibly be done to fix the run even more. I haven't been able to find much in the game. Nihility and I have been trying to find some sequence breaks in the game but have had no luck with any of the ideas. Oh, if its not much trouble could you make an .avi of it?