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Just saw the run and it was... Great :D Some parts look like you're playing some kind of Castlevania Maker in real time.
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Great run again. I vote mummies and Dracula too.
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I love it, I don't know what to add... You were very creative with the new glitch. Sorry I was late to the party, I only discovered that new TAS today :P
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It's impressive to find something so big on a game that old (and well known).
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By the way, there's an interesting glitch. I saw someone do it in a pyramid level, by releasing the hammer at the right time to destroy only one block (instead of two, I think), then jumping in the small gap that it creates; Mario then starts some infinite fall animation until the game goes crazy. At that point, you can more or less move but can't see much, you can die for no reason, you can pause, etc... The number or lives can change, too. And in the video I saw, the player managed to trigger the end of the level. The glitch has potential, maybe not ACE potential, but still... In fact, I've tried to find an earlier level to do the same kind of stuff, and I got it on 3-3: Here, place the temporary block exactly there (to create that mini-gap), then use an enemy, the key or anything to go and jump from the right in that gap, following the green arrow. If you keep left pressed, the game will end up glitching. From there, well, experiment ^^. I didn't find any use with it, but I just tried random stuff.
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There was already this old one in 53:46.12 for comparison:
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Alyosha wrote:
What comes to mind for me for a good direction to look in is things like 'Luigi wins by doing absolutely nothing' or the similar thing Masterjun did a while back with Kirby's Air Ride. I think it's unintuitive and silly goals like this, yet still easy to understand and follow, that could provide the most entertainment.
I second that kind of content. Playarounds or exotic goals/categories that we can't see with unassisted runs. With big bonus points if the games are quite well known or easy to "get". The TAS block can try to amaze people with technical prowess or make them laugh. If the viewers are amazed and laughing at the same time, you win big time, but the "amazing" part is more "hit or miss" than the "laughing" one, and needs more work, preparation, even maybe money, etc... I mean for Dwango and the people that go and do the presentation on site. For example, with Brain Age, I'm not sure that many people were entertained by the fact that it was actually a DS console verification; but it was obvious that the whole intro sequence was fun to watch for everybody. To go back way earlier in time, we had the Gradius TAS (the first time). Ok, it desynced (which was somewhat entertaining in fact ^^), but what we saw of the actual run was funny because of the absurd speed and movements of the vic viper. In other words, my sentiment is that the technical side of the presentation is way less important than the in-game content for the average viewer. And that technical side is apparently the stressful part, what causes last minute tests, uncertainty during the show (which can prevent you from focusing on the commentary). What I suggest is to put less emphasis on technical prowess: as long as you can show something that make people laugh, you're successful. By the way, I don't remember if we ever had the ISS Deluxe TAS on a GDQ event. That's the prime example of what kind of content I think would work wonders, even without any console verification or fancy presentation. And we shouldn't worry too much about showing "old" movies, I think the majority of those events' viewers don't visit TASVideos and can appreciate the "old classics" we all know here.
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Nach wrote:
Memory wrote:
This is information that can be accessed by anyone, all such changes to publications can be found in the TASVideos discord at any time.
The official resource is:
For people who want to search, sort by date (obviously) and it starts at 2018-06-16 13:56:58
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Nach wrote:
p4wn3r wrote:
The assertion that the release of a lot of encodes in a single day was abuse is not even an inference from the evidence. The person in question admitted to it.
I don't know why you're using the singular when it is plural.
If you really don't know, you can ask people why they're using the singular. To understand them. As is, I'm sorry to say that the sentence sounds a little condescending, and that doesn't help the mood in the community.
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If you get hit and not turnaround, the enemy will recieve more damage. Critical hits with leather whip normally does 15 damage, but with extra critical hit, it reaches 18 HP!
And here I'm learning something again ^^. At first I thought a critical could only be done by getting hit from behind. Some time later (I think it was when I did some speedruns) I've learned that it's possible to do critical hits without turning around as long as the damage doesn't come directly from the target enemy (a projectile is OK), but for some reason I didn't even notice the difference in damage done. And now you show it does more damage. It goes from 15 to 18, my guess is that it adds the normal hit to the critical.
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Challenger wrote:
Grincevent wrote:
And I've never bothered with framerules in the first TAS so I don't know them well, is the next one at the door after the hunchback-dropping birds?
If you are referring the stage 11, I could break the framerule with one less turnaround if weren't one of the birds or hunchbacks on the way.
In fact I was thinking about the moving platforms AND that framerule. I've said that I don't know much about where the framerules are, so if there is no framerule applied between the underground section and the part with the hunchbacks, and if an improvement exists with the moving platforms, it could gain a framerule at that door.
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I really don't know if there is something that can be done with the moving platforms. If, for example, using the pause to make them move one or two pixels more could work, it would not even be profitable I think, because pausing loses some frames anyway. I can't think of any other way to manipulate them. And I've never bothered with framerules in the first TAS so I don't know them well, is the next one at the door after the hunchback-dropping birds?
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Wow! I can see great things that weren't there in your last WIP. I find Dracula's second phase particularly stylish with how you handle the fireballs. And what was that weird move just before grabbing the orb after beating Death? ^^ Note: I'm listed as a co-author but really, the run is from Challenger. I didn't directly work on it and only provided feedback as much as I could in the forum (99% of it was like "I'm impressed at how you managed to do this and that!"). Correct me if I'm wrong, Challenger, but I guess my name is in here mostly because some of the "entertaining moves" (= useless in terms of optimization and speed) were kept from the first TAS. Anyway, I'm impressed at how you managed to find all those improvements :P Edit: "Also this run fixes 2 rule flaws." In fact I think it fixes 3 rule flaws. There's no more scythe destroyed in the Death fight. Igor isn't hit anymore with the whip. Aaaand no snake dies in the Medusa battle. It was hard to see but I'm pretty sure one snake was killed in the old TAS.
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Challenger wrote:
Another update: I managed to minimize the pauses of stage 6, removed more 2 lag frames on the first room of stage 13 (after damage boost), and improved Death and Dracula (phase 2) again! Probably there's only one or two things to still test. Otherwise, it's done. I'll submit on a day or two.
I can't wait! Well, no, that's not true, I can wait. Because taking all the time you need to test and finish the run is what matters, no need to rush ^^.
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Challenger wrote:
Finished! 1388 frames faster: Really every boss could be improved, and I did it! This run wasn't too hard to TAS, and I was working along with some other games. Before submitting, I still need to check this game carefully to not fail again (like I did with any% run). And I intend to submit still this month. Please wait. I'll also contact Morrison for some help.
Congrats! And I didn't really have doubts that you would destroy the bosses compared to the old TAS. I was more surprised by all the little (and big) things you did in the levels themselves. I agree that the category isn't too hard to TAS, it removes a lot of options like managing hearts and subweapons. Less options, less choices, so you can more easily explore the fewer possibilities that are left. As a new TASer at the time, I still think that the game + category was a lucky combination; as said, it's not too hard, and on top of it, it makes for a fun movie to watch. It even is a run that is TAS only, as far as I know (please someone tell me if I'm wrong, I'd love to see people pull it off in real time). One thing i did note is that you didn't pose or anything after grabbing the orbs at the end of each level. If that's on purpose, no problem, and if not, I just want to be sure it's not something you forgot to do ^^. I think it can be changed easily (if you plan to change it) anyway when you're going to check the movie before submitting.
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Challenger wrote:
Grincevent wrote:
Now I'm curious about the very next part, stage 14, if it's possible in that category to damage boost over the wall... And if it's the fastest route through the entire level. Because if it's possible, it would remove another damage boost (life is a precious resource here).
Tried... and failed, even with some better boost. The red skeleton only stays on the ground.
Oops, I meant stage 13 (I should know the numbers by now, I've also done some speedruns of the game...). But I doubt the damage boost we see in the latest any% TAS could be used. It means going up some stairs instead of damage boosting in the previous or next screen, without taking damage. Hard to imagine since there is at least one hunchback (and other enemies) each time. And it would have to still be faster, I have extremely huge doubts ^^. For the other parts of that wip, well, you improved it everywhere where I thought that "maybe it could be improved" and more. The fight against Death is great. (told you you would save time on the bosses :P )
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Challenger wrote:
More progress: - Removed 6 lags on stage 10; - Wasn't able to break a framerule on stage 11; - I realized that pausing used to manipulate that skeledragon was a mistake for me: I should have paused a bit later so wasn't need to wait some frames to do this. Definitely saves some frames, and probably could be used on a any% run (haven't tested yet, although I don't know if would mess the RNG - skeletons are annoying). I feel a bit disappointed with myself. - Not only I finished the boss without hitting Igor but I also saved time with a new strategy and manipulation! - I'm still trying to improve the first room of stage 13, but I'm showing because I had removed a bunch of lag.
Stage 13 is THE laggy part of this run, according to my memory, and all I did to try and mitigate the lag was jumping at some points (using some kind of brute force to try to find the best moments to jump). You're already doing way better by using more techniques and being more methodical. The boss was great, I don't know what else to say. Using the pause to manipulate stuff is useful again and that's nice to see. I didn't even think about using it, even for testing stuff, at the time. In my defense, I'm not a "pro" TASer and more importantly it was my first TAS, but still... I think that if there is a point in the run where I could have discovered the use of the pause, it could have been that skeledragon; but instead I just did find that losing 7 frames before the encounter worked, and I was OK with it, didn't look for another strategy :P Now I'm curious about the very next part, stage 14, if it's possible in that category to damage boost over the wall... And if it's the fastest route through the entire level. Because if it's possible, it would remove another damage boost (life is a precious resource here).
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I have nothing interesting to say except that I like the slow walking at the end of the mummies fight (Simon is in bad shape at that point, HP wise). Not hitting Igor on the next boss fight (and Death's scythes later) is a good idea to make the rules of that category more "solid". I don't care if it ends up costing some time, as long as you beat the previous TAS.
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Challenger wrote:
Grincevent wrote:
The underground section for example, nothing really interesting was done there.
Speaking of underground stage, do you know how the moving platforms exactly works? When I worked on the 2017 any% TAS, initially I changed some things, and ended losing a frame before the moment to jump out of the platform. So, I followed the same input pattern of 2007 any% TAS just to avoid losing time.
If we're talking about the first platform, all I can think about is a lag frame that I encountered when the merman jumps out of the water. The solution was to just crouch for one frame to prevent it, or jump. I guess that if Simon's sprite is smaller, it's just enough to prevent the game from lagging here. If your lost frame was not due to lag, I really don't know, I didn't analyse the moving platforms too much. But I know that they can trigger weird things; for example, at the end of stage 4, when you jump from below that platform just before the door, the jump is actually longer/higher. Otherwise, I only know that they start their cycle when entering the level and don't have a constant speed from one frame to another, I think (maybe that's the critical part, but I never tried to learn more about it...). Looks like we are only affected by their movement when standing still on them; if we walk, the game doesn't take their movement into account.
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Already 231 frames ahead, you never disappoint ^^. The crouching turnaround will probably help in multiple other places. You'll also be able to gain time on most (or all) bosses, since I think that was the weak(est) point of the old TAS, speed wise. And well done on the Medusa battle, using the ceiling to cancel the knockback when doing a critical. I see that you used my old TAS as a base for some little stuff (moves that are useless but done for "style" or "entertainment") and even put me in the file name, but you didn't have to. Please don't hesitate to do other choices in entertainment, it's your run. Even though I admit that I appreciate the thought of keeping some of the spirit of the previous TAS :P Well, since I've started talking about it, I can share what I was trying to do when doing the old version: trying to make the game look harder than it is in some places. I did make the medusa heads come from both sides in the corridor before Death for example. Also in the last level, on the bridge with the big bats, I did try to manipulate them to be more agressive. Stuff like that. The only parts where I used the music was when waiting before jumping above the axe knights, I made Simon move in sync with the music (as well as I could, crouching, turning back, etc). That's just what I did, you don't have to do the same, I thought it could be useful to mention it in case it can give you ideas for other parts of the game. There are parts that I find "meh" in my run too. The underground section for example, nothing really interesting was done there. Have fun with it :D Go go go, continue the fight, I can't wait to see the next levels!
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I'm impressed again, wow... "The down button can be used to turn around without losing X position": I didn't know that despite having a clue while doing my pacifist run, against Dracula's last form... I did use crouching for a frame to be able to walk under him when he does his low jumps :P And there are lots of techniques I really liked. For example using Dracula's fireballs with the cross for extra hits, and also that boost over the wall in stage 13. It's been some time that I had the project (= "maybe someday, I'm too lazy, etc") to improve on the minimalist pacifist run. If you want to do it, don't hesitate to contact me, Challenger. I could maybe help or at least give some tips, even if I doubt that you can really learn new stuff from me about the game at this point. This was my first TAS as a newbie and the submission text was almost empty.
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£e Nécroyeur wrote:
Submitted at: 2018-06-27 14:42:23 Posted: 2018-06-27 14:45:46
TASVideos Grue wrote:
om, nom, nom... juicy!
Nach wrote:
TAS's must beat all existing records
Hey, maybe at least now it beats one existing record. Don't give up, STC. You should have acquired some TASing experience with that one. You can use it for other TAS projects and find a game and category that is publishable. Or just TAS for fun (and post it elsewhere, even in this site's forums) if what you want to do doesn't align with the publication rules.
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Nach wrote:
From Masterjun:
There's a problem only for people who always vote NO to polls. They can't vote here... That group aside, the only good answer is NO. Ah, and people can lie too if they want ^^.
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First you have to load a game (a rom) so that BizHawk "knows" which machine you are playing (SNES, NES, PSX, etc...). Then the option to configure the controllers for that machine will be available.
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adelikat wrote:
Grincevent wrote:
As we've seen, people can interpret the "meh" differently (middle ground, don't care, etc...), numerical values don't have that problem. The other problem is that many movies don't have many ratings after being published. It can help here as well. Maybe it's just me (I'm pretty sure it's not :P ) but I can watch a TAS in the workbench, vote and comment, etc... but then afterwards I don't have the reflex to go and rate the publication. ... Well... Elders, raise your hands if you have an answer!
It was a failure because the average rating given to a submission was far higher than published movies were getting. A movie that might get a 7.5-8 rating would getting like 9.8 instead due to the submission ratings. Basically if people wanted to see a movie published, they rated it as a 10. It makes sense, as anything less might hurt its chances. As a judge it was harder to get a gauge on what people were feeling, and the rating system de-evolved into a 2 or 3 option system (since people were only rating in extremes anyway), which it was to begin with.
I see. Hum, but it was before the vault tier, right? There is a chance the voting behavior (too high to make sure it's published) would change now, but maybe not by much (too high too if the voter wants it to go in moons, or even get a star). Aran has some interesting ideas... But I don't know how to merge or at least keep things simple enough without influencing too much the ratings.
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