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I don't remember anything from LA. And for the better. Well... Assuming these are not parallel, I'd make the two planes p1+c1*s+c2*t and p2+c1*s+c2*t, get those in normal vector form (no idea how that one is called in english, v*n+s=0 form), and calculate their distance. Still, I never want to see linear algebra again in my life.
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Ok, that is interesting.
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On leveling: I don't know what the current level research is, but when I did the math, the best option to level is to not level characters at all, and only to level weapons once at the beginning at large fast respawning mobs like those poison blobs.
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DeHackEd wrote:
I've mapped a fair deal of the useful memory of the game along with a collection of information from various web sites and cheat codes. My intention is to use the Lua engine I wrote to assist in player controls. Writing an AI to control the other players is not entirely out of the question, and automatic luck manipulation would be awesome. Is anybody still working on this, or should I see if a CPU can fight better than a human who's trying to push too many buttons at once? (Joke, but only slightly)
A CPU should definitely fight better than a human, but movement is better done manually. When I worked on it I had most fun doing the movement, but fighting and especially weapon leveling is absolutely impossible to optimize by hand.
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Having an integer midpoint means that both points are in each dimension either odd or even. This property of being even or odd in 5 dimensions equals 2^5 = 32 different states in which a point may be. If you try to disprove the assumption by sorting 3 of each state into the 5d space, then you have 96 points, of which only ever 3 have the desired property. Whichever point you add as a 97th, it will be the forth for at least one configuration.
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Hmm... tas forum used as a therapy... someone should trademark that. Maybe a nerdy mascot.... like Clippy... Mr. Savedframe... some user feedback ("tas-forum saved my life! I can now deescalating count to 10 three times as fast before I snap"), and Link after 5 hours of "Listen!" nonstop as commercial actor. SCNR.
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Right direction Twelvepack, but not all there is to it. And yes, it depends a little on how you read the problem.
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Twelvepack got it exactly right. 96-0-1-0-1-0-1-0-1-0 is the correct distribution for 10 pirates. For 500 you'll have to think a little bit further than that though. And, as has been stated correctly, allowing split coins or vague percentage chances for a coin is stupid. Keep it integer. Kuwaga: You're mistake is to assume the pirate who made the proposal is not allowed to vote. He gets to vote on his own proposal too!
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In this case, yes. As I said, it gets more complicated with the 500 pirates, but to solve the small one it is fine. :)
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No. A pirate will just never accept 0 gold without a very good reason. The complete PI (pirate AI) would look like this I guess: Am I going to walk the plank if I vote no? - Vote yes if true. Am I getting anything at all? - Vote no if false. Am I going to get a better option down the line and am sure that none of the options in between gets accepted? - Vote no if true. Am I going to get the same option down the line? - Vote yes if true, hard coinage is better than vague speculation. (this one is only needed for the 500 pirates question) In flagitious solution, the last priate would gladly make the third one walk for his insolence, even knowing he wouldn't get anything anyway.
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The beginning is right, but well, lets say the above only holds true for pirates actually getting anything. If they don't get anything, they'll opt for seeing someone walk.
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This should occur in the extended version only. In that case, the pirates will accept it. (Thus making the solution more interesting)
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Once per proposal.
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I got this one from a book (this one), so anyone owning it is out. Here's the original version: Ten pirates found a treasure of 100 gold pieces and want to distribute the loot. The pirates have their own way of democracy and share by this algorithm: The wildest pirate makes a proposal of how to share, and all of them vote. Everyone including the proposing one votes for one. If at least 50% vote positive, the proposal is accepted and the loot distributed. If not, the pirat who came up with is thrown overboard, and the next wildest pirat makes his offer. Every pirate likes to see people walking the plank, but if in doubt, they prefer coins, because, well, you never know who's next to go overboard. In a nutshell: - 10 pirates - 100 coins - Wildest pirate offers how to distribute - Everyone votes (once per proposal) - 50%+ means loot is shared, else substract one pirate and repeat. You may assume that each pirate is perfect with logic, and a very quick thinker. ;) How is the loot going to be distributed and why? If you've got that one, there's a considerable harder version with 500 pirates and 100 gold pieces. How is the loot going to be shared there?
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Would be a better translation of what she said, yes. I'll fix it, so noone else gets confused.
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You got the order of integer and real mixed up there... And this Wikipedia article does a far better job than me to explain what this eager person tried to tell us.
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FractalFusion wrote:
We believe mathematical entities to exist when we feel the need for them to exist, that they have a special meaning. History has shown that acceptance of new concepts was slow. This includes negative numbers, rational numbers, irrational numbers, complex numbers, infinity. Yes, the concept of complex numbers was so bizarre at the time that they were (and still are, to some extent) called "imaginary numbers". Not only that, but by Cantor's logic, there are different types of infinities and one infinity can be greater than another. P.S. About the X=Y=infinity thing, infinity minus infinity (or infinity plus negative infinity) is 'defined' not to exist (in other words, not defined). Any attempt to define it so far results in chaos (or so (I think) most mathematicians believe). Note the word 'believe'.
This debate about infinity reminds me of my 2nd semester. In a lecture labeled "Algebra for Computer Scientists" our professor was sick a good deal of the time, and a young doctoral candidate would fill in for him. Very motivated woman. One day, shortly before christmas, when the planned stuff about RSA encryption and it's algebra was finished, she announced that she'd show us a little off topic for the remainder of the lecture. She talked about half an hour about set theory and cardinality, mostly basic stuff we already knew. And then she blew our mind: What she told us was about this:
So, this is all interesting, but it gets much more complicated in infinite sets, like, for example, the integers and rational numbers. We know that both are infinite, and that integers are a subset of the rationals. Yet there exists a bijection between them, so they are of the same size, despite there being rational numbers that are not integer. It gets even worse with real numbers, which are proven to have no bijection with integers. How many more of them are there then? If we assume that the cardinality of the real numbers is exactly two to the power of the cardinality of the integers, we'll get interesting things. But if we negate this assumption, we'll get as many interesting other things, and best of all, it's free of any contradictions if we assume either.
And this to an audience who struggled to get their credits for simple ring/field algebra. It took me another 3 semesters to understand these few sentences even partially.
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100% runs will always have a minute of stupid backtracking, but I really enjoyed this one. Technical execution was up to par with other TASes for the game, and the original route kept it more entertaining for me than the umpteenth minimal run. Plus I like glitches, and I didn't know the one that totally destroyed the waterway. I also liked: - doing clock tower in reverse order. - hitting random enemies out of thin air to get mana ups. - devastating the arena. - opening secret passages just to enter them half an hour later. - throwing small bones at the invincible Hugh. - sudden death showdown, and dodging the meteors as skeleton. Contrary to KDR_11k I think bosses are only a nuisance in this game, and the real fun is the game between them, so... Voting yes.
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flagitious wrote:
This was a challenge over at codegolf: edit oops this is a topic about a specific puzzle not the this type of puzzle in general
Speaking of codegolf, is the community over there dead or something?
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From the chat transcript at leaky cauldron:
Delailah: How does dumbledore understand parseltongue? J.K. Rowling: Dumbledore understood Mermish, Gobbledegook and Parseltongue. The man was brilliant.
... so you can assume one can learn parsel just like any other language.
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Well you can TAS this game for high score, and the amount of grazing would make it interesting, but slower, since you need to draw out the spellcards to their very end. A fun side challenge would be to find long pathes where you can travel in one direction, so that it seems like you can't get hit, no matter what you do.
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Ah, I understand... Well, I'll see if it's compatible.
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Seiken wrote:
-After to see Popoi's show, it's really the faster way to surprise these 2 swindlers ? I think the other way for surprinsing them+leave the room is a little faster. -When you leave their room, there is a long veritcal room untill the village, you run against the wall, then you walk in the vertical way, it isn't faster to walk then run ?
I very thorouly tested that when I was first at that point. It's about 20 frames faster this way, the time is lost in the 2nd screen transition in the other path. For your SDA runs however, the screen transitions will be faster, since you don't have optimal movement.
You take the sword with a nice way. Actually, you cutted Elina castle ? The shared tas is actually at the dead of tropicallo ? Just i don't want to do useless work/plan :)
Well, yes, it ends at Tropicallo atm. Next steps are to recreate until Undine. How does the reset trick work? If you kill a boss and reset, it shouldn't acknowledge that kill, should it?
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Soulrivers wrote:
3. Press 7 on your keyboard, "Joypad on #0" should appear.
Actually it should be set to "Multiplayer 5 on #0", but that's only for later, when 3 controllers are plugged in. At the moment it works fine with either of those.
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Ok, I tried a bit, and the best I could manage was something similar to Rad's, death blow at 56500, but at a diving, which results in the actual death happening at 570xx, so it's slower than laughing_gas's. It doesn't help that I manipulated 4 crits... SMV Since we all three did our thing, the next challenge should be: - Get out of village. (Rad didn't use the rope... that's faster btw.) - Sword or Lance to lv2. (my guess is that the slimes will be again fastest option) - Go into woods. - Beat the crap out of the werewolfs. Oh and Highness, I've no idea how to convert these things into avis. I've tried one time, but the converter chokes on the high res name input screens somehow.
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