I feel like this TAS, and Swordless himself, went above and beyond the call of duty. It LITERALLY bring twice the juice to the table. I see no reason why it should not be voted TAS of the year by any standards. If you vote Meh or No, then you are a serious knucklehead and cannot see the beauty that this speedrun displays. This is a huge YES vote for me, even when i got the unoptimized m64, before Swordless made hundreds of frames of improvement. While it is not as long and crazy as his MST TAS, this run displays mind blowing tricks. The fact that this run was completed in roughly a week shows the great skill of the TASer. There is absolutely no reason this TAS shouldn't be accepted or voted TAS of the decade.
What mupen is doing is emulating an N64, that is trying to be what an N64 is. It is not an N64, so it does not emulate perfectly. This would mean that it is prone to bugs and other issues that will either hinder or help in what the original hardware is trying to do. The VC and GC releases also come with an emulator albeit an official one, and therefor are trying to be an N64. The Stick B works on these official emulators. I don't see any reason that the same trick cannot be used on a unofficial emulator such as mupen. We all know mupen isn't an N64, and neither is GC/VC.
I had forgotten to comment on the run when I posted in reply to the inane and asinine comments of some posters, and for this, I apologize to Swordless.
Swordless, I have been following this run from basically since the beginning, and have voiced my opinions on many a WIP. Despite that, this run still blows me away. While I think of myself as fairly versed in the tricks of this game, I still found that there was a holy shit moment every couple of minutes. I am amazed you finished such a high-quality TAS in such a relatively short period. It's the most entertaining and fun TAS I have ever seen, and is ridiculously optimized and technical. Congratulations on such a fine masterpiece. I am very much looking forwards to the upcoming any% TAS and the eventual 100% run. You're the man Swordless.
Now while I cannot vote on this submission as I just created the account, I just wanted to respond to some of the criticisms and controversies surrounding Swordless' amazing TAS from a ZSR view.
AngerFist wrote:
Posted: 2012-02-28 04:06:42 Post subject:
No doubt that this run really rocked. It's simply astonishing. But I am definitely voting no. Why? Swordless deliberately picked the J rom just to fuck with tasvideos. See when you read his description of his submission, his reasoning sounds fairly ok, right? Well, I will never forget the plethora of discussion everyone involved had with the whole J rom vs. U rom. Time after time, people with reason explained thoroughly the deal with the J rom. But no! Swordless would not budge, no matter what!
Almost everything in this quote that is not opinionated is plain wrong. Swordless did by no means pick the J rom just to mess with TASvideos. It had been established long before he started the run that the Japanese version saved an insane amount of time in pointless and boring cutscenes that no one would ever want to watch. We even have some people in the thread asking for "cutscene-less" encodes of the TAS. If you are watching a TAS to read and for the story, you are doing it wrong.
However, when using the Japanese version you would route it differently than the U version, you would take into account the cutscene lengths and determine which path would be fastest. If Swordless did his TAS on the U rom it would probably be somewhat different that then run you are all watching currently.
Angerfist wrote:
This whole "people are used to Ocarina of Time by now" and other bullshit reasons is simply put bullshit. I am fairly sure we still would be witnessing Ocarina of Time tasers using U rom if it weren't for Abeshi (not that I am blaming at all the japanese taser Abeshi)
I also want to address this point. Abeshi had nothing to do with the adoption of the J rom. We first used it in the community when Cosmo started using it for his MST console runs. It was after then we realized the textual differences were massive and that most people in the community has Wii's that could be modded to use the J wad.
None of Swordless's reasons are bullshit. At all. If you want to see OoT played for the story, and so you can read the text in all the cutscenes, go watch a Let's Play. Don't watch a TAS.