Since I'm a longtime lurker, I'll use one of my extremely rare posts in defense of this movie.
I agree with the sentiments stated in this thread and that of the N64 OOT thread that there are major improvements that can be done to this movie but this movie is created and ready for publication. It may not be up to the top end of what is possible but it does improve upon a movie that has already been published by this site. Can it be improved, yes but when will that improvement occur? That is the crux of my argument.
For the layman such as myself who watches these movies for the enjoyment and art that the creator makes, this improvement will be a great deal better than the previous one by GuanoBowl. Would I be able to discern that there are improvements? No. Would I still enjoy this movie to see what can be done with a Time Attack? Yes.
If my memory serves me correctly, the reason why the GuanoBowl TAS is still on this site is that the emulator is not up to snuff and there are many technical issues with the emulator that causes time attacks to be cumbersome. With this encumbrance, I can accept that the movie may not be up to snuff but the difficulties in creating this movie counterbalance and offset the skill.
Strangely enough, I went back to the original thread where the GuanoBowl TAS was discussed. The same discussion that was brought up by other members is being rehashed here. There were improvements in that TAS with improvements that should have started that fall/winter but sadly were not completed.
I think the best way to end this is with a post from FODA.
FODA wrote:
The goal of a TAS is to strive for perfection, not to be perfect. Making a 2 hour run is hard work, and not only new tricks are found during the making of it, but the player himself will learn how to play the game with better optimization. If the player restarts everytime a mistake is found, he has to often remake everything, since editing early parts of the video isn't possible without desyncing.
I hope that clears things up. This isn't the last OoT TAS there will be, it's the first one.
Post on Page 13 of the GuanoBowl OOT TAS @ 2006-08-11
I've always wanted to see this game done with the skill and knowledge that this board is able to accomplish. That said, if I could vote, I would side on the meh/no side of the equation with a heavy emphasis on "no."
As much as glitches are used extensively, this movie does not entertain me for a sustained period of time. It repeats the glitches (for the most part) and tricks lakitu of the completed lap. This does not bode well for the entertainment side although it is much faster. I would trade some speed (the multiple lap glitches) for a great deal of entertainment. If the lap skip was used once per lap, then I would be more likely to vote on the yes side.
Variety is what this movie needs. Although this movie is blazingly fast, it sacrifices the entertainment in too many ways to make it an enjoyable and "viral" type video.
The original river city random is a movie I use when I try to explain the entire TAS community to them. After seeing this one and also the excitebike TAS, they start to understand why I watch a great deal of these TASes.
That being said, although this movie is much faster than the original, if I could vote I would vote no. The entertainment value of some of the original moves are entertaining to the point where many viewers have gone WTF! Some of them have joined me in my lurking enjoyment of these movies.
Technically speaking, this movie may be superior to that of the famtasia one but stylistically I much prefer the previous one.