Posts for Galvancito1

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Joined: 1/2/2012
Posts: 5
It is currently possible in VBA-Link to play a multiplayer VMV movie (but not a VBM one). To do so, you would need to advance in all the emulators until the point they try to connect each other. You must pause them all there to syncrhonize them. Then, with the "synchronize" option enabled and a long enough link timieout, advance them frame by frame taking turns until the emulators start waiting for each other so that you can unpause them. Once you unpause the last one, the movie plays at normal speed. Recording, on the other hand, is a pain. You must have the emulators take turns to advance frame by frame. To use savestates you need to save the same frame of all the emulators in order, and then you must load them in the same order (and I'm not sure it will allways work). Only one emulator menu can be selected at a time, the other emulators hang while waiting for the selected one. And on top of that you can only record VMV files, not VBM ones. I've being trying to synchronize four emulators with the "Kirby and the Amazing Mirror" game and, for the moment, it has worked for me. But I can't record the whole game going frame by frame. klmz, if you manage to merge VBAL and VBAR, please upload it somewhere so that we all can use it. Thankyou
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Joined: 1/2/2012
Posts: 5
Or wait for someone to add a good movie recording system to the VBA-link. But meanwhile I thought it would be fun to try.
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Joined: 1/2/2012
Posts: 5
Followint MUGG's link ( I found applications to open VBM files. But how do I open VMV files? Maybe I should give some explanation of what I am doing. I'm experimenting with VisualBoyAdvance link version, which only accepts VMV files. The idea is to produce a TAS where 2 or more VBA-Link emulators play a multiplayer game. Currently I am able to synchronize them, but the method used requires to record the movies frame by frame. My intention was to play parts of the movie in the non-link version of the emulator, which only accepts VBM files, and joining them with the necessary changes. To do so, I need to be able to open and edit VMV and VBM files. MUGG has mentioned hex editors. Could you link me to a page where I can download one? Thankyou.
Post subject: How do I edit VBM and VMV files?
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 1/2/2012
Posts: 5
Hello, I have a couple of questions regarding output movie files. What editor could I use to open and edit VBM files and where can I download it? What is different between VMV and VBM? Basically I need to copy-paste several frames of input from one type of movie to the other and vice versa. I know VMV is outdated but I need to use it for a certain version of VBA. So I need to know where is the first frame input and if from there on they are coded the same as in VBM.
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Joined: 1/2/2012
Posts: 5
Is there anyway for several windows to accpet a Ctrl+P command simultaneously (in windows)? The idea is to pause or unpause several unactive GBA emulators at once to synchronize them. If there is anyway to do so, please tell me.