Link to video
Overall I'm pretty happy with this. For the route I took, I think there might be an improvement by landing on the side of the 3rd gravity switch and manipulating gravity to get on the side wall, getting the item box down there and continuing forward. But I'm not entirely sure that that is even possible. I was able to land on the side of the switch while doing this but I wasn't able to make it to the wall before getting sucked up to the ceiling. Even if it is possible, the slowness of bouncing on the ceiling makes me not sure if it even would be faster. Even if that route is faster, I'm of the opinion that this one is way more entertaining so its whatever I guess.
Not sure what I want to do next with this game, but I do know I want to try and improve on something that would be harder to improve on, so I could work on getting better at optimization and figuring things out.
ayo is there someone who knows things about this game that could help me (like give me the inputs or describe how it works or something) with this thing where sonic gets on the side of the gravity switch ( I think it'll be useful for a tas I'm working on (m2 on that level) but idk cause I haven't been able to figure out how to do it in a few hours of dicking around
Thanks for this, I got a lot of use out of the last iteration and I'm excited to use this. Hopefully this will finally give me the motivation to make this galaxy 2 tas I've wanted to do for a while.
I would definitely be much more interested in seeing a full run of the SE in pm than in Brawl. It's something I've wanted to see done ever since the SE was re-enabled back in 3.5 or whenever it was. I've considered doing it myself a few times, but nothing ever came of it, as it seemed way too intimidating to me.
I've got this kinda weird problem. I just used dolphin 8814 to dump a 24gb avi that's about 60 minutes of video, but the video length is displaying incorrectly. It should be about an hour, but clicking on it in the file browser displays a length of 2 minutes, and loading it up in virtualdub or VLC displays a length of about 58 minutes. Stranger still, VLC will display the remaining 2 minutes showing a negative time remaining on the right side. I can't get a similar behavior to occur in vdub though, as processing the video clips off the hidden 2 minutes at the end. I'm really not sure what to do other than redump the video, but it took 13 hours the first time and I don't really want to go for that if there is an alternative.
Is anyone still working on this? If not I kinda want to take a shot at it. I've wanted to tas smb3 in some fashion for a while now, and this could be something I could try.
Not sure if this is the best place for this, but since 4.0-6512 recording input on a wii game causes dolphin to not read the game's save data. I'd use a later version, but I need to boot from a .elf for what I'm doing.
Edit: I've submitted this to the issue tracker
I believe they are talking about it as making the viewer feel cheated. A casual observer would assume that the crazy drawings are being interpreted as the answer, when in fact the drawings are completely arbitrary and don't actually affect anything. This could possibly lead them to feel cheated as they could question the whole point of the drawings if they were meaningless in terms of answering the questions.
Is there a chance we could have another one of these in the future? I had to work and missed this, but I really want to participate in something like this.
When I have made a few seconds of gameplay in a tas, the input seems start lagging by one frame.
Are you using Keyboard or TAS Input?
Because I know that if I use my Keyboard the input is delayed by 1 frame but if I use TAS Input, it is fine.
Not sure if this applies to anyone else or just my PC/Dolphin
I'm using tas input.
Edit: It isn't consistent lag, everything works fine for 10 or so seconds of gameplay, but then the issue arises, but will go away after some more time.
When I have made a few seconds of gameplay in a tas, the input seems start lagging by one frame.
What should happen is that I do an input, frame advance, and the input occurs. But instead I have to push the button a frame earlier than I should have to, as the input seems to be delayed. This really becomes a problem with techniques such as Sonic's bounce in SA2B as that require a large amount of frame perfect inputs.
I really don't know if this is an issue with dolphin or the game, but this has happened to me on Sonic Adventure 2, Smash Bros. Melee, and Super Mario Sunshine (and I think in Smash Bros. Brawl but it's been a while, and I don't quite remember). This has happened to me ever since I started tasing on dolphin, which was on 4.0.2. This has happened to me on the latest build I have which is 5993, but I will test on a newer build if necessary.
Link to video
I'm pretty proud of the fact that I've finished this. This was definitely a poor choice for my first tas with the bounce trick as this has so much of it; certainly more than found in the average Sonic levels.
This could definitely be improved with some optimization, but I wouldn't try that anytime soon :P.
I tried that for awhile but I couldn't get any results, so I just went with the strategy of pausing for a little bit and just waiting for the lag to clear. But because the game completely hangs during the pause, if I edit out all the frames where the game is paused, it should look completely smooth when played back. So I'm not too concerned about it.
Okay, so I redid part of the tas and made an improvement, but the issue only returned later. It seems what is happening is that the input is being delayed like so:
3.Input performed on this frame
The input display shows the input on the correct frame, but nothing is happening until the frame after.
I don't think this is the game as this is exactly the same as something that has come up when I do ssbm tases, where I need to do an input a frame early for what I want to happen. I never thought it was a problem with that as it was very easy to workaround. But not with this :/.
If necessary I'll just pause the game for a while and edit that out after I finish, but I'd rather not redo this.
So I'm having this really weird problem and I'm hoping someone here could help.
So at this part in my tas I have sonic bouncing to go fast, and all of a sudden the bouncing just does not seem to work. Up to this point my input has been:
1.B+which ever direction gives the most speed.
2.angle for position
And I just repeat this every frame. But all of a sudden that doesn't work and it seems like I have to go:
If I try to push B on that 3rd frame it seems to not register.(This is all on flat ground btw)
I've already done this 3 times previously in the tas and had no issues so far. As far as I can tell this is on flat ground and I have no idea as to why this is happening. This is painfully frustrating so if anyone knows what is going on, help would be appreciated.