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I succeed in creating the code through the LUA's sample that have the emulator.
-- register a function to run when the screen gets updated
gui.register( function ()

	-- get the missing rings to a PerfectBonus!
	cRing = memory.readwordsigned(0xffff40) --value in memory to get the missing rings
	-- print the missing rings
	message = string.format("Missing rings: %d", cRing)

	gui.text(5, 60, message, "white", "black")
	-- if you have all the rings, it alert you that you achieve perfect bonus score
	if cRing == 0 then
		gui.text(5, 68, "PERFECT BONUS ACHIEVED", "white", "black")
It alert me of the missing rings to collect them all.
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marzojr wrote:
FuzZerd wrote:
for an idea of the strategy you'd need to use, you can watch this video:
From this video, it is clear that a perfect in Hill Top 2 is possible with Tails tagging along -- he didn't get the perfect only because of 3 rings which Tails could easily have gotten. Moreover, it will be a lot faster since Tails can be used to raise those doors.
You are right, it is possible in Hill Top, but only with Sonic and Tails as you say, marzojr. I just finished MCZ1, in 1:16::56, now to implement the strategy of this video. And I thought I had finished the WIP-4, but better to have found a solution for that level.
marzojr wrote:
Just a hint: you may want to add a memory watch on address $FFFF40 (2 bytes, unsigned): it is the perfect rings counter. It is the number of rings you still need to collect for a perfect bonus -- it starts as the number of rings in the level, and goes down by 1 for every ring you collect. .
Thank you very much, marzojr. I needed this information, it could create a small LUA file to show this on screen, the problem is that i dont know how create the code jijijiji, someone could help me for that?
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I do not understand, in MCZ1 i take all rings and it show me that I not got the perfect bonus score . 182 rings, and these was counted in this image. This will be an error that no shows PERFECT BONUS! score?, or those are not all the rings. What happens? EDIT:Sorry, my brother found the mistake I made. I'll fix it immediately.
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Yeahhhh! Finally achieve coordinate all the work done. But I had to sacrifice a little time because I found a small incoordination in CNZ2 and I redid some of this area. (2:06::33 -> 2:09:24) -171 frames. However, I redid part of ARZ2, also by incoordination, and i got a improve (2:02::01 -> 2:01::25) +36 frames. The rest had no problems with coordination. Now I will go to make MCZ1 and when I finish I will have completed the WIP-4. Be patient, I'm getting closer to finishing. By the way: + = Frames saved. - = Frames lost.
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And it has changed somewhat tragic, a small desynchronization in CPZ2. I already have a problem in HTZ2, it seems impossible to take the rings in the second way if I do not use any zip or glitch that I return to the beginning of the level. If I could coordinate the work already done with Hill Top, could complete the job playing only at certain levels. Still, I would skip 5 levels: CNZ2, HTZ2, MCZ2, OOZ2 and MTZ2. Unless I can solve some level. uffff this is more complicated than I thought.
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I finished quickly with HTZ1, in 1:07::55. It was really easy this area. There not exist rings complicated and Tails did a good job.
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bkDJ wrote:
I'm not sure I understand from your posts... Are you skipping CNZ2 now so you can hex it later? If so, are you sure there are no repercussions for things like timed objects?
I do not understand exactly what you asked, but I want to skip Casino Night, to find a solution later. I've been thinking that the trick could be applied to unlock all levels and play alone where possible a perfect bonus. Anyway, I eventually will face Robotnik in the final fight and the last level selected will be: Metropolis Zone 3.
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mmm HTZ1 is not an area too complex, even, I have counted the rings: a total of 146 rings. Here I think it will take a little longer than 1 minute, no more.
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Could perhaps, advance with Hill Top Zone to avoid too delay? So after that he may proceed with CNZ2 and finish it, mix it with the work already done at Hill Top. I do not want to waste more time with CNZ2.
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I think I found something that may solve the problem but am not sure, I will try to use it to see if I have success.
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Canar wrote:
This is a fun TAS to watch. I eagerly await the next WIP.
I have thought publishing the WIP-4 when it are ready to Mystic Cave. But this problem already been delayed a lot and I still do not find an optimal solution. February is near and when that month is over, I come back to school, then I will have little time for this work. I'm not sure I could publish the WIP-4 before that, but I will try to do everything possible to publish it, just in time.
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Yes it's true, I will not stop now that I'm away. Might not be able to meet the target in your TOTALITY, but is entertained pick up all the Rings (all that I can pick up). In ARZ2 said it was impossible to take all the rings and I was belied. I think these rings in CNZ2 are reachable by Sonic and I have a hunch that it's easier than it seems. It call me the attention, that terrain of 90 degrees at the beginning of the level. I think it may be the key, if you can use more velociodad, could lead us to the height above the rings.
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skychase wrote:
I have an idea... kinda weird idea. Do you think it's possible ?
Oh, no! This idea was pretty good but does not fully function. there is a leap I can not do, and I try everything and there are problems with the speed Y. I do not know what else could try, maybe some zip to help me with the speed I do not know ,if I can not take those rings, maybe would have to suspend the project for a while.
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skychase wrote:
I have an idea... kinda weird idea. Do you think it's possible ?
Mmm! I'll try to do this skychase. i think that I'll lose much time to take these rings, but I think that would be something fun to have to jump too high (is mandatory). However, something more difficult to take these rings, is having to plan good the best route in this area, but that's my job. I want to get to Hill Top Zone, thanks skychase, if this works, I owe you one.
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¿? Is it true what I see?, How I can take those rings if they are too high? I thought that this area would bring me no such problems.
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mike89 wrote:
Is there some sort of consensus on what you're going to do when you can't achieve the perfect bonus though?
More that get the Perfect Bonus, it's fun to go collecting rings all over the map. I was a bit bored of racing that just ran by the shortest route map to reach your goal, now, with a more challenging target which can cover more areas, making plays awesome and fun. Even I have a concern for areas where it is impossible (so far) a PERFECT BONUS, but i reached to one of these and i had success. I hope to succeed on the next.
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Mmm! In fact, now i have touched the goal in 2:11::53 and really i have done some fun stuff like that background music can be heard more quickly. But Tails hardly use it much because was very difficult that Tails reach to Sonic. Now I see if I can hold to Tails a little more in CNZ2.
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I have the route for CNZ1 for a total of 232 rings. I see that the time will be longer than 2 min for be a somewhat complicated area. But hey, to act and to see the final result.
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Something happened while working on CNZ1. Suddenly when I get 2 life followed, the background music sounds faster (as to 200% faster I think) hehe however, it hear something funny. The same step in EHZ2, increased speed of the background music that produce boots of speed, is maintained even when it is finished and also happened when I get 1 life. I think that have happened for that, but I do not understand why.
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wow I found a movement that greatly improves the time these kickers. then i have to redo some parts, be better because I did not like something and i have the opportunity to fix them. with this new improvement, I have saved 84 frames (1.24 s) and in other places where i can use this improvement, i'll save much time.
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Then, you mean that i try with different forces and see which is faster to reach the second kicker. Thank, I'll try.
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I need help with something. I arrived at these kickers and i not know if I use full-power or, better calculate power. Here another better picture of where I am.
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boct1584 wrote:
Looking at your latest WIP, I see a slight gap between the first hit on Robotnik in Chemical Plant 2 and the other 7 hits. Was there a reason for that?
I had no choice, I had to take a little more of time between the first and the second hit. Otherwise, jump force had not reached to provide the other 7 hit had ended in death. I wanted to do the fun part, but because i had no help from Tails, I had to use the only option.
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Finally, I am finished Aquatic Ruin, with a wonderful "PERFECT BONUS" in zone 2. Also i apply the glitch in the battle against Robotnik bashing in the time when he moving his hammer.
    Emerald Hill 1 -> 1:11::59 Emerald Hill 2 -> 1:29::42 Chemical Plant 1 -> 1:49::51 Chemical Plant 2 -> 2:06::33 Aquatic Ruin 1 -> 1:06::12 Aquatic Ruin 2 -> 2:02::01
These times I've gotten so far. Now, i come to an area that I will bring various problems by the mountainous and difficult design. Well, here I leave with the New WIP. Tomorrow I go to the beach one day and then I'll take a rest and enjoy for that day. Good bye.
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Zeupar wrote:
Felipe wrote:
what this game plays against is that we must take the lowest possible number of rings and if you take a few, began to gain weight and becomes slower, then for a TAS, you must not take any ring.
How is that against it? Sonic 2 XL is a perfect excuse to make a different (low-ring) TAS of Sonic 2 without having to set random goals (like low-ring), since it forces players to avoid collecting (onion) rings to complete the game as fast as possible, which would result in interesting new routes through the game. I have never been interested in hacks, but this one and the upcoming Sonic Classic Heroes are too cool to not try them.
I said it at the point of speed inside the same game. But out of it, you're right. Do not judge me by one point that you misunderstanding. Someone had the idea of ​​creating a TAS where not collected rings and in this game is the perfect opportunity. Totally opposite to mine.
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