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Sorry to all truth. Since I started this project I wanted to play at all levels with the hope that there would be no problem. But since I learned of the Rings unattainable, I had to take other measures. I also hurt the fact that there had to skip 4 levels, but did not know how they would take it if these levels did not get a perfect bonus.
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natt wrote:
why did you skip the four stages that don't give "PERFECT BONUS"?
I assure you, that if I had played wing fortress skipping the rings, at this time the vote "YES" would be 0 or less than the number that this is now. The goal of a PERFECT BONUS is to take all the free-rings, even, not show the bonus score at the end. For the same reason I do not play those 4 levels skipped, and it's a shame really.
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Mmm! True, it was better to play as many rings as possible, but I have warned before haverla over. However, I see no reason for this movie is being criticized so not be goal.
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Bamahut wrote:
Nice run, I'd like to see this run with 100% complition with getting all the rings in the special stages as well! More fun!
That would be fun. However, I dont know if all the rings in special stages can be take, sometimes found 3 groups of rings that are separate rings at once.
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FuzZerd wrote:
if your goal was just to get perfect bonus, why did you collect all the rings in wing fortress zone?
I known that someone would ask that. But that THIS LEVEL does not show PERFECT BONUS at the end, does not mean that I not must also take all the rings. It's like if you will ask me about SkyChase. Although there have not a bonus as reward, the goal is to reach "PERFECT BONUS".
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rog wrote:
at 1:05 in the first level, you jump over a ring monitor, and then immediately spin dash. Was actually faster than just spin dashing through the monitor?
Remember that a goal is not to take any of these monitors, so I use a jump.
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boct1584 wrote:
The goal of the run is to achieve the Perfect Bonus in as many levels as possible. Since the ring monitors don't count, why should more time be taken getting them?
If you are referring to those who are not rings monitors. For example, speed boots are taken in Aquatic Ruin Zone 2, it is better to run with speed controllable. Also, some was best be taken, that try to avoid them, because it was causing delays.
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RaijinXBlade wrote:
And about the 10 ring monitors, if the goal is ring attack, it kind of defeats the point of the goal to ignore those.
RaijinXBlade, this is not a run "Rings Attack" is a run "PERFECT BONUS". I do not judge you by voting NO. But you must know the objectives of the run. Also, to everyone, with respect to the levels omitted. It would be nice I could play them without being able to take all the rings, but one of the objectives had not been achieved.
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For more I try get the same results. I thought that gens.emulateframeinvisible () would work. Althought i dont know how use: gens.frameadvance (), and I'm not sure that this will work. The point is to first adjust the position X, Y Sonic to Tails. Then save a savestate and emulate, 1 or 2 frames in the future to update the changes to memory. Then we capture the photo and load the savestate. Perhaps, frameadvance, is the key but I do not know use it.
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Mr. Pwnage wrote:
I still think this would be better off playing all levels instead of skipping them, even if you just used the any% route while measuring the run by the number of perfects it gets.
I had said why I not had continued with levels omitted.
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jijiji And I had trusted to 100% of your translations. But do not worry, there are 2 minor errors. I have fixed it.
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Heidman wrote:
Saw this and thought "Oh cool, another small improvement." Then I read the sub text and OMG I CAN NOT WAIT FOR AN ENCODE!!! I really hope some one gets one done soon and thanks in advance for whoever does :)
In fact, there are improves to Sonic the hedgehog 2 Any%.
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What happens? I open my account and i try to present the movie but I can not. EDIT: Do not worry, the movie already submitted. Now just a matter of time, I just hope good results.
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Hepburn wrote:
I tried to translate the missing parts in red. Maybe there are some mistakes with my english, feel free to correct them:
I had a good chance to improve this zone's route with practice. Tails does again a good job with the rings left in the zone. --------------- I stop at the motors in the ship in order to advance when the path opens. Then, keep advancing in the normal route. --------------- Here, the battle with Metal Sonic was easy. The hard thing to do was hitting the final boss the first 3 times. Afterwards, keep attacking with the same pattern and run away with a spindash at max speed.
Mmm! Okay, I will accept your translate and i will add your nick name in the information.
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bkDJ wrote:
Felipe wrote:
Here is the HTML file with all the information in Spanish. I do not post it directly it because would be a lot.
WIP Translation: I did most of it, but there were things I was too unsure of so I left them in Spanish, colored red. Anyone feel free to do those parts or double check my work, or I'll ask the person I mentioned earlier for help when they are available.
Okay, do not worry about what is missing, I can translate what is missing because I had small errors of spelling . Thanks for the translations now I am in charge of submit the movie.
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Here is the HTML file with all the information in Spanish. I do not post it directly it because would be a lot.
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It is rare but apparently what the catch is to take a photo to the position of Sonic. Writing in the memory RAM, I think that not update if it not go to next frame. I think that should be used.
gens.frameadvance and savestate.create
I'll see if I can fix that.
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Mr. Pwnage wrote:
Is the final run going to go back and fill in the levels that got skipped? Even if "all rings" isn't an attainable goal in those levels, you could go for as many as are reachable, or even just use "most perfect bonuses" as the measure and run a pure speed route in those levels. The chances of having the run accepted will be much higher if you don't simply hand-wave 4 levels out of the game by using level select.
Sorry, but. I wish I could do those levels, but I do not have time, entered March 5 to classes and I want to meet the schedule that I specify. If exists improvement (and yes, there are improvements) I give the work to others in the future. If I can, I could work on improvements but now I want a good start this school year.
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Well, I am preparing the information in Spanish I will send it, when it is ready as HTML code formats so you will know I have. Thanks if someone offers for to translate it, if I had done had not been understood good.
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bkDJ wrote:
Amazing stuff in all the new levels, and not much more to go until it's done! I recommend sending your submission text to someone to help with English before submitting. You can PM me if you want, or maybe you can write it in Spanish and someone fluent in both languages can help.
Thank you. I have little fluency in English so I would be helpful to someone who knows Spanish and English translate. I have the information in HTML code, that use external links as a menu of contents, tables, titles and definitions. I do not know if I send the HTML code or HTML file, what you say?
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This is what I can think to do:
-- Important variables
CamX = memory.readdword(0xffee00)
CamY = memory.readdword(0xffee04)

-- After, set camera's position in Tails an capture screen
memory.writedword(0xffee00, memory.readword(0xffb048) - 240)
memory.writedword(0xffee04, memory.readword(0xffb04c) - 112)
TailsCam = gens.gdscreenshot()

-- After, set camera's position in Sonic an capture screen
memory.writedword(0xffee00, memory.readword(0xffb008) - 160)
memory.writedword(0xffee04, memory.readword(0xffb00c) - 112)
SonicCam = gens.gdscreenshot()

-- Finally draw the pictures and set the camera's position to original.
memory.writedword(0xffee00, CamX)
memory.writedword(0xffee04, CamY)
I dont know if it is well written, but this should work. But i dont know in what event run it. Maybe someone could make it any arrangement.
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skychase wrote:
Stunning, can't wait for Wing fortress... ^^
skychase, I inform you that I have done Wing Fortress. I have progressed very quickly because I not have that use to Tails and these latter areas are very simple. I say you, it looks great. I go to school on March 5, then that between 1 and 4 March maybe that i can submit the full movie. I must also complete the information for presentation. Will be finished soon.
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I have an idea, but i dont know how to write it. I had thought to obtain the following values:
    P1 X Pixel Position word @ FFB008 (unsigned) P1 Y Pixel Position word @ FFB00C (unsigned) P2 X Pixel Position word @ FFB048 (unsigned) P2 Y Pixel Position word @ FFB04C (unsigned) Camera X Position dword @ FFEE00 Camera Y Position dword @ FFEE04
The first is to position the screen in Tails and capture the screen. After, place the screen in Sonic and do the same. The 2 screenshots, go printed to the left side to see Sonic and Tails on the other side. How to divide the screen into 2. After the camera is positioned just where it was originally to avoid desync. Not exactly what I want but you will see to the 2 players.
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Bobo the King wrote:
What happened to the music in Casino Night Zone Act 1?
In the days when I had created Casino Night, while still had the effect of boots , i take 2 lifes followed. I think that's what accelerated the time to the music. The same happens in EHZ2, if you notice it. I honestly do not know why. Surely some value in memory (perhaps some show the speed of the music) is maintained.
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Is there any way to capture an image out of the game screen? This way could make TailsCam.lua The idea is that when Tails is out of the screen, the camera is activated and if he re-enters the screen, deactivated the camera. The values ​​in the memory useful for this are as follows: P2 X Pixel Position : word @ FFB048 (unsigned) P2 Y Pixel Position : word @ FFB04C (unsigned)
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