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At first it took me understand the main idea of ​​this TAS. It seems strange to try to avoid pushing buttons as often as possible. Without understanding the main objective I would vote NO, but in my opinion, does not seem very relevant for me this, also I think there were some unnecessary things. Sorry, but my vote is meh.
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Great, skychase. Also I want to say it was a bit difficult but I managed to improve time to mike89 in EHZ1. -8 Frames (I think) is probably that can be improve even more, I'll see if I can achieve it. It's amazing a improvement of 12 sec and note that it may be more yet.
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Thanks for that information, Aglar. I'm looking around to improve the movie as much as possible, plus I'm also working with the S2&K "Ringless" (which I voluntarily wanted to do). i'll go looking at every area all the improvements that can find, and ThatGugaWhoPlay told me that in about 4 months try to have it ready, I still have much time. But school has me full of work :c
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I have a improved in WZ2 (0:50::35) -> (0:50::11) -24 frames However, i think that can improve it more. I'm not sure if i need wait a bit to Tails so that I remove an enemy who cuts me off.
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skychase, I would like you to give me the job of creating Emerald Hill. If you let me, i want to start a bit with the development of the definitive movie.
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I have some observations:
skychase wrote:
Metropolis Zone 2: (31sec)
It is much better that this zip in MTZ2 can be used, it saves much time. I have achieved improve your time to 29 sec. Thanks to a better way to climb the walls. And yet can be improved more.
skychase wrote:
Oil Ocean 2: (42sec)
I'm surprised that there is another zip here. I do not know if this could be an improvement for Sonic2 Any%. It's a good route that has been used, only needs improvement in execution speed.
skychase wrote:
Chemical plant 1: (33sec)
I dont know if the way of down is better, however, this gives you the possibility of more speed. Chemical Plant is an area where it is difficult to avoid the rings.
skychase wrote:
Emerald Hill 1: (24sec) I just realised Mike89's first WIP did 20sec (I feel stupid ><') Emerald Hill 2: (40sec)
I think that you can use the TV of barrier's collision to use another spindash quickly. Also, is a good option to take the boots of speed could make this more quickly if you try not to go down. And EHZ2, maybe I could use the same path used in the movie Sonic2 Any%. There is a monkey that you could use to going up instead of going down and after go up. I know that this is the first practice, but try to tell, possible best moves.
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skychase wrote:
That's fucking hard to know if you're faster when you can't compare in real time... is there a lua script for this ?
When you want to know how is your speed is to compare the time that you get, with one previous in the same area, but when no other time with which to compare I do the following: The idea in any area is to reach the goal and this is always at the right end of the level. Then compare if you always move forward (right) or how many times back to advance. If you avoid go back as much as possible, the time will end will get better. You should also check if a glitch worth using, being the place where you finish.
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hey! skychase, you should comment all this in this thread this thread was started the year 2005 by mike89, you dont think that you must posting your work there?
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I do not know if to say, this was taken as offensive. The forum was full of the name "TheSeventhGuy" but all users even existed. He could talk through the IRC. However, I'm not 100% faithful to this community and apologize for saying so. In my opinion, TASVideos is a little exaggerated with the quality of the movies. More than entertainment, seeks nothing more than speed. I know that is fun see something fast, is great, and is that many wait see. But sometimes focus so much on speed that in some cases eliminates the fun. Example: The zips in Sonic games.
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Marzojr, is possible that your LUA sonic_hud.lua can show information of Sonic 2 Heroes? Speed, Time, etc. As is the principal function. It will be essential for that I can create it future TAS planned. You can do it?
Post subject: Thank you, marzojr
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Then I will wait. If you say that the unreachable rings will be deleted much better, so I'll not have to worry of them and also the fact that a "perfect bonus" is possible at all levels, sound exciting. Please just tell in this thread when that version is completed.
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Hey! I have an idea, why I not trying to make a run "perfect bonus" with the game Sonic 2 Heroes? In this game I have many more advantages: * The ability to do spindash without losing speed. * Play with 3 different characters (with usable skills) * The characters are an improved version. * I can use barriers of Sonic 3 & Knukles (especially attracting the Rings) Besides that in CNZ2 the rings that seemed unattainable, can be taken with Tails, and in MCZ2 with Knuckles. May also thanks to the additional skills can to take the other rings that I could never achieve. Do not know if it will be a good idea. What you say?
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So all this was only a joke, well, at least over!
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I do not know if I can support to this, the fact that no one knows my identity even where I come from. My thing is not anonymous.
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It is clear that the best way to quickly get 50 rings, is to take the 10-ring boxes who are on the way. But not always is right, the transform, Sonic takes a moment to turn besides that you have to jump for it, but if you are jumping while Sonic is tilted becomes immediately. EDIT: Now I remember, I had found a glitch in WFZ, favoring the time of fight in boss battle.
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skychase wrote:
Metropolis Zone 2 Ringless: 31sec
that glitch is applicated in Sonic 2 Any%. I'm surprised that you can use the zip in MT2 without receiving damage.
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I think I could implement improvements in this version 1.8.1 I think it would be a little faster and, I was try to see the TAS in this version and have desync in Genocide City (due to faster began of the level). No have desync in your improvement of Wood Zone, Aglar.
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Mmmm ok. I will improve this TAS, best I can, thanks to improvements in Wood Zone. I was working in a run (not professional) to have something to do, but now i try to improve it and optimize this run as quickly as possible.
Ajavalo wrote:
I think I should throw this here. It's a hack purely dedicated to Sonic 2's scrapped levels. I find it of worse quality than Long Version, but more faithful to the Sonic 2 prototypes. It's also goddamned EVIL (badniks and traps EVERYWHERE), that's why I'd like to see it TASed. By the way, I love how they extended Hidden Palace Zone: it's the best version of the level I've ever seen!
True, it's quite irritating so many enemies and traps everywhere, plus the multiple jumps all the time to avoid them.
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Well, maybe i have exaggerated some things but this is my little video playing in Sky Chase Zone. Hope you enjoy, skychase.
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jijijiij I did something fun that you can use SkyChase, I will record it for you can see it
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This is a pity that the TAS has been rejected, in fact I am a bit sad. However, this does not mean that this TAS is not useful. Now as you know, this is a good OPPORTUNITY improve this run and so, all who wish to work for the betterment of this, they can freely take the project and improve it for your own. Remember that working on team is better and I not would, alone, improve the imperfect parts. Now I'm working on another TAS, but when that is finished, I'll advance in this for improve it. Thanks to everyone who helped me create this TAS and hopefully this time you can play the 4 levels omitted. I am sure that this project will not be in vain.
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oooo BKN. 0:22::53 - > 0:21::37 -> -76 frames and even, i save 8 frames with a little extra movement at end the level. Thank you very much, Aglar. If you can improve other movements, I'll add you as the author of this movie. But you earned the reputation.
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New WIP to Hidden Palace.
Wood Zone 1 (0:25::31) -> (0:22::53) -> -158 frames
Wood Zone 2 (0:51::08) -> (0:50::35) -> -33 frames
Dust Hill Zone 1 (1:07::31) -> (0:30::36) -> -2215 frames
Dust Hill Zone 2 (0:37::13) -> (0:36::28) -> -45 frames
Genocide City Zone 1 (0:15::01) -> (0:14::48) -> -13 frames
Genocide City Zone 2 (0:29::25) -> (0:29::21) -> -4 frames
Hidden Palace Zone 1 (0:36::40) -> (0:30::40) -> -360 frames
Hidden Palace Zone 2 (0:37::??) -> (0:35::49)
These are the improvements and tell me how is of good the TAS.
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Whew, finally! I have finished with Dust Hill Zone 1. My previous time was (1:07::31) Now -> (0:30::36) 2215 improved frames (0:36::55) A true improvement, now to do Dust Hill Zone 2.
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