Posts for FeelTheMagic

Experienced Forum User
Joined: 7/11/2006
Posts: 5
I've decided to start a TAS of Section Z for my first one, though I've never done a TAS before. I've also never played Section Z, so today will be spent playing through the game and getting to know it before having a crack at a test run. Those who have played it, any suggestions to make the gameplay look cooler or freaking amazing while TASing? I noticed on GameFAQs that there is an increased speed buff you can get, and that the game is nigh impossible to play with that buff maxed out. Maybe I should TAS it so I never get hit with the speed buff on max as soon as I can get it? Just a thought. Also, any suggestions for a first time TASer would be helpful :D *edit* I just found an interesting map for the game on Gamespot, this will help me enormously. If someone knows the absolute best route to take, that would be great. *edit*
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 7/11/2006
Posts: 5
Wow, thanks for the detailed response! It helped quite a bit actually :) I still need to figure out a game I want to try my first TAS on, but it seems all the classics have been done. (Secret of Mana is one of my all time favs, but it's already a WIP and I think a shorter game would be better for my first) I'll figure something out, thanks for your help :D
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 7/11/2006
Posts: 5
I stand corrected. But I'd still like to do a game, if anyone has suggestions.
Post subject: Super Mario RPG
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 7/11/2006
Posts: 5
Hello everyone, I'm a new member here. I want to get into doing TAS videos for RPGs, and I looked through here and couldn't find one on Super Mario RPG. Since it's naturally a short game I don't think a speed run would be out of the question. I'll probably start playing around with it tonight when I get off work. I don't think luck manipulation will be too hard with this game, the only thing I'm wondering about is maximizing the amount of 'Once Again!'s I get.
Post subject: New TAS member questions...
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 7/11/2006
Posts: 5
Hello everyone, I'd first like to say that I am a big fan of the work you guys do here. I have seen many of the more popular TAS videos and didn't realize it had a dedicated community behind it until I saw the Mario 64 superplay video today. I am posting here because I think it would be fun to try doing a TAS video myself, but some of the techniques you guys use seem above and beyond me. For example, luck manipulation in RPGs I don't quite understand. I was wondering if anyone had any game suggestions for a new user, I was thinking something along the lines of Final Fantasy IV or Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest, two of my all-time favorite games. I looked on the FAQ section and couldnt figure out how to do luck manipulation, if someone could post an explanation on how it works I'd be very grateful.