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nice WIP T+K. why exactly can't a super missile go through a gate if it's on the left side as easily as if it was on the right side? is there something special about hitboxes or something?
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SMR 100% TAS - 12.5% of the way done with the initial route (I'm going to then release it for further improvments)
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the only reason we are talking about him is because he rarely ever shows anything. I dont blame him for not having finished a run yet, because it takes a while to go through every room "perfectly". but if he knows he wouln't be able to do it for a while *cough old any% cough* then he should show us what he's found. it's not about who beats the game the fastest (well, it is a little) it's about how fast the game can be beaten. isn't that the purpose of a speedrun, to see how fast the game can be beaten? I'd rather not TAS than deal with Saturn all the time.
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SMR 100% TAS - 12.5% of the way done with the initial route (I'm going to then release it for further improvments)
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WOW I missed alot. ok, first things first. Taco, that is such an amazing find. This will save alot of time, as already demonstrated. gstick, those were really great smv's, espically the red brinstar one. never thought the bomb spread could've saved time.
Kriole + Taco: ... I just dont know what to say about your WIP. Just AWSOME and very nice to watch ... many new tricks and ways of doing things (is the new crateria mainstreet -> otes actualy faster? and did you get the idea from me?) ... just awsome ... you guys did the 2 rooms that I have gotten so mad about (diagnol room because ... well ... you know why and the first pink brinstar room because of the mockball bomb placement things) ... just ... keep on being awsome. the movie did look perfect, but it probably isn't ... or mabey it is.
okaygo: how the fuck do you call Fabian a troll when he was asking a question? you are the real troll here.
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I'm working (well I was until the hard drive failed, on a new one now) on a low% for SMR. also working on a any% for SM, but it uses the route console players use. also, I like to have fun sometimes. and how is it that when I try to do the moozooh jump, I can't, but when I dont try to do the moozooh, I do it!?
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nice finds PJBoy. I actually used a simalar stratagy in the secound example when I went through that room in my old 7% NBMB WIP. It's olny useful where you dont have that E-Tank, as you need to skip a damage boost to live. also
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So does RDF mean Reverse-Down Fall(ing) or Reverse Downward(s) Falling? The secound one sounds bet IMO. You could also do Backwards Fall (BF), but it really isn't. And nice expansion of the trick Cpadolf.
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SMR 100% TAS - 12.5% of the way done with the initial route (I'm going to then release it for further improvments)
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Saturn is a great TASer, but I dont think anyone said otherwise. I just hope he will finish and submit a run before he loses an intrest in TASing (if he does). I dont want him to get banned either, but thats not up to me.
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bkDJ wrote:
Can't there be a limit of 1 scalding reply every time Saturn says something dumb or unfounded? For example, if Saturn is all, "well I was still 100% perfect if you ignore those 3 tricks," and then person A is like, "god damnit saturn!", person B and person C and person D and everyone else should just refrain from using the reply button in response to the same post. We get it the first time, and the clutter doesn't help. Thanks in advance :)
nope. everyone wants to express their opinion. Saturn, please spot claiming perfection and using excuses because you dont want to admit your wern't perfect. it doesn't matter if your perfect or not, what matters is if you help people create more perfect runs. you aren't helping that at all, because you rarely show anything that you may have found. Taco, Kriole, hero, Cpadolf, moozooh, evilchen, Tonski, and myself show improvement if we find it (or for people like me, would show it if we found it).
On topic though, nice finds Taco, hero, and Kirole/Cpadolf.
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SMR 100% TAS - 12.5% of the way done with the initial route (I'm going to then release it for further improvments)
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It's killing me to, but at least they are actively. I think it's fine to hold a new trick while actively working on a run, but if you stop the run or are not making a lot of progress, you should reveal that trick. If people like moozooh held their tricks like Saturn does, the torizo skip might not be public. But moozooh knew that it would be a Huge timesaver in any run, so he made it public.
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I'm createing a route for a low% SMR run (I 'm putting the 100% on hold) which I should be done with soon (the low% route obviously). how bout you Saturn? getting WIP5 done or working on another TAS?
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SMR 100% TAS - 12.5% of the way done with the initial route (I'm going to then release it for further improvments)
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fastest route (at least for in-game) would be something like Morph Ball (needed for missiles) -> Missiles (needed for bombs) -> Bombs (needed to get into Brinstar) -> E-Tank (the diagnol room one, as it's faster to collect) -> Super Missiles (need to get into Red Brinstar) -> Power Bombs (needed to get X-Ray) -> Ice Beam (makes a much faster Tourian) or Speed Booster (needed to skip Crystal Flash) -> the one that you didn't pick for the previous item, -> X-Ray (needed to get into Tourian). So it would be a 9% NBMB. X-Ray isn't collected after Power Bombs because of the lower amount of health.
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I too am surpriesed (and happy) that both runs were published, gratz. But I don't think a NBMB should obsolete this. I'd rather keep this published and have the NBMB get not publised if catoriges are a problem. this game has too many catorgies, but one game can't have to many (think about it: in-game any%, real-time any%, low% Speed, low% Ice, Max% MBMB, Max% NBMB without OOR travel (besides the statue room), 7% NBMB, any% NBMB, 100%, and RBO).
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Kriole, the emulater here (the first one) is said to get rid of the desync. Not sure if it does, but I haven't had any desync's with it yet, so that's good.
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I know there is more than that, and I'll probably need to wait for moozooh or Saturn if you dont know. If you look at moozooh's old low% WIP, he pushes against the wall for 11-12 frames between wall-jumps. I'm wondering if their is a way to know besides hold jump for 12 frames. what if I was coming from a speed boost? you have much more speed/mommentum then a regular jump, as well as high-jump boots.
Current TAS Project:
SMR 100% TAS - 12.5% of the way done with the initial route (I'm going to then release it for further improvments)