Interesting. I have heard of let's play (having recorded 3 of them with Tompa.) I'm not the biggest fan of it, but go right ahead. MM is a very tough game in many situations, so prerecorded is definitely the way to go.
You should also do the locations for the gold gems, since people have trouble finding all 53, myself included. Especially since TheCape keeps forgetting to record for me the locations of all of them.
Ah Tompa, very cool. Yeah, I will be getting every Gold Gem in the Live Segments, since I already know where most of them are (beaten this game many times). I'm really, really dreading doing that damn bird's boss battle live without getting hit to get the Gold Gem... that one always messes me up good, although to do an S-Ranking of it I would have to do this anyway... but the whole separating live from prerecorded means I can't do both of these things in the same run heh.
My intent is to not be too intrusive or chatty with the game, I'm hoping to avoid the "Oh dear god I need to talk in every second of gameplay else my audience will get bored" syndrome and just talk when something actually needs to be said. I just feel like a game this good really deserves at least a few showcases of what's in the game (and really deserved to be played by more people, but that's another story), and I wouldn't feel right about leaving out certain things like S-Rankings or Gold Gems. Its funny, this TAS (in a way) is what inspired me to do a LP of this game in the first place.
So I tried it as the video shows, and it worked perfectly. Thanks a ton!
Oh my god I'm an idiot. I can't believe I never thought of boosting up then throwing the Clancer down, dear lord.
Comicalflop wrote:
You mentioned about doing a MM project... is it TAS or speedrun?
Actually, its really neither. I'm not sure if you're familiar with the concept, but what I'm making is called a "Let's Play," it's essentially gameplay/commentary/general trivia of a game (generally the more obscure ones, though we get a lot of mainstream games as well). For more information on the subject you can go to The Let's Play Subforum. I would be making a specific subset of the Let's Play concept, namely a Video Let's Play (VLP)
My idea for the VLP is this: I would play a couple of the levels regularly first, this would be recorded live. The second section of the video would be those levels once more, but instead of just playing them it would be completely breaking the shit out of them in order to get S-Rankings. The second section would have to be pre-recorded, as its just too damn complicated for me to do live (plus, I'm relatively sure that no one wants to watch me sit there for large chunks of time reloading state and trying the same jump over and over again). The advantage to prerecording is not just saving time (and sanity), but would give me a chance to make some notes and talk about what is actually going on in the video and the tricks necessary to accomplish it. I guess if there was demand for it, I would make "Making of" videos for the S-rankings with some highlights of the process, or at the very least a general How-to.
So don't worry, I'm not going for anything like optimal times (as you're doing), in fact I don't even really care about being faster than the WRs (although that of course would be nice). I just want the S-Rankings for it (in fact, the concept pretty much revolves arond them). I plan on making a test video of it (fairly) soon, and I'll be sure to credit you with helping out with this technique (and any others that I may end up needing to ask about).
You have no idea how happy this makes me to hear that you're still active on this! I've been looking forward to this project ever since I first heard about it (Mischief Makers is still at least top 5 for my favorite platformers).
I do have a quick technical question though... I'm not sure if you can answer this or not, but... I'm debating doing a project that involves getting all S-Rankings for Mischief Makers (in addition to other things about the game) and I'm a little unclear on a certain technique that the GameFAQ's S-rank guide mentions.
Specifically, in the first level, they now say to do a Slide Jump off the tower while holding the guy. Now, you're supposed to throw diagonal down after you clear the platform, which supposedly gets you enough height to get on and go for the warp star. I can't get this trick to work though, I either get enough height, but can't get on due to my distance away, or I get too little height and can't clear the platform. Is there some trick I should be doing to make it work? For instance, should I be doing it so that I actually "push" myself into the side of the platform (resulting in some sort of warping up to the top of the block or something, I don't know)? Its one of the few tricks that I really, really have absolutely no idea how to make work (and I can't find a video of it...).
Is this project still active? I was highly anticipating this (and I understand that they require a ton of work!). But seeing as there hasn't been a post in this topic in over 3 months, I'm a little worried.