It's not going to be easy. With 7! = 5040 ways to defeat the godbeasts and 3 different stories some testing needs to be done. With Kevin being the obvious character to use we still need to choose 2. And we can't forget class change either.
Then there are many bugs, like Kevin getting a free power up when hit in wolf form(?). Or the auto-cancelling bug (or whatever it should be called).
To continue the discussion of the game itself...
The "ohko"-abilities, which are the fastest way to clear normal battles, are the following:
-Rockseal and Last Breath... range 1. Rockseal can be gotten after mission 4, being the earliest ohko-ability.
-Burial, thought it works only against the very rare undead
-Oust, Parley, Wyrmtamer... may have some use.
-Aim: Vitals - Not really ohko, but the skill has about 5% chance to inflict low hp, which means 2hko.
-Acid & Bad Breath - Not sure whether these can actually ohko. These abilities are not that easy to get.
-Roulette - No way you're getting this ability.
-Exorcise - Like burial
-Break - Range 3, 20 MP.
-Death - 36 MP, but nu mous should have enough MP.
The useful abilities are Rockseal, Aim: Vitals, Break and Death. The most useful is probably Aim: Vitals, with Fey Bow having the range of 6. Having an illusionist finishing the enemies can't be a bad idea. They can also get Weapon Attack +, have good speed & attack growths so they can also be used against the final boss. Sadly, we can only get 2 Nike Bows without dispatches or good luck. The game is not nice for speedrunners ._.
It's nice to have discussions about FF3 again. Here's is what I think about the points suggested :
- I don't understand your final strategy for Gogo. What happens when he Mimic ? Does he mimic Joker Doom or fight ? If he's mimicing fight, that will be very long.
There is techinal explanation in Master ZED's Bug FAQ. I won't bother explaining it here - just search for joker doom. I've tested it and it works. About Magus Rod - if you can sacrifice 20 Mblock, you can just use the Heal Rod.
You definitely want Mog if you want Gogo, the dungeon is evil. I am pretty sure the moogle charm can't be used to skip other parties' encounters.
With Gogo, you can use Joker Doom in the final battle. You need to have Gogo in the air with Jump or Palidor, use Setzer's 7-7-Bar to kill your party, land, and use Mimic until Kefka is dead. Only problem is surviving, but Gogo can easily get 106% mblock without sketch glitch (Magus Rod from Dirt Dragon or betting Heal Rod, Force Shield from Kefka's Tower, Tao Robe from maranda in WoR and Bard's Hat from one of the 1000 shop that sells it). The problems are Quake (float anyone?), 10-hits (Mblock should help), Flare Star (hope it is not used), Merton (the same), random psychical attacks (Mblock) and Calmness (Mblock).
The strategy takes 10 turns to use because mimic "misses" at
-1st mimic, against 1st tier
-4th mimic, against 2nd tier
-6th mimic, against 3rd tier
-8th mimic, against Kefka
Getting Gogo and his equips takes some time, but you save some time by
-Not getting Gau
-Not using the sketch glitch
-Not teaching Vanish to Mog (Gogo can also use slots)
-Possibly against some bosses
-Maybe some other things
But the Charmander pokemon will be strong against other bosses later in the game, right? You could use non-fire elemental attacks vs. the first and second gym leader.
Charmander is not good against the 2 first gyms (thought ember works against brock, blame the bad special, and normals work against misty), dig is good against the 3rd, 4th is easy win, Koga is not hard, Sabrina is "hard" with everything, 7th is dig-fest and the last is ground-type, probably just another dig-fest.
Charmander is pretty bad, as fire-type is not that good in RBY.
It's not whether bulba has better stats or not - it's about the speed you go throught this game. Squirtle can defeat the first gym really fast - both bulba and charmander require high levels or long battles. There aren't any major time-wasters for squirtle at any point. That combined with the good attacks makes squirtle the absolute number 1 starter. Razor Leaf is great and all, but manipulating critical hits isn't that hard. Venusaur has no really special advantages at any point of the game.
Battle Scene: Attack animations
Battle Style: Choose set and they won't ask whether you want to switch pokemon or not
Menu Account: I think it doesn't hurt, but I'm not 100% sure what it is.
You can use repels for avoiding random encounters, just notice they only work if your levels are higher than the enemies'. And make sure you have some way to kill geodudes before the first cave!! Tackle is absolutely not enough.
Red Spring (from Rising Sun) can be gotten in the beginning. Chroma Gem (Dream Claws?) is after first shop upgrade. Gadgeteers can't deal damage, but we probably save some time when the enemies' turns are skipped. Gadgeteers are also slow, they probably act last.
Dragoon is a good beginning class - really high attack and good speed. However, their strongest spear you can get is 51 (Beastspear, treasure hunt), clearly loses to estreledge (77). Gladiator has the beatdown ability that would be more useful than jump (4-range attack vs. 1-range 2x damage attack with much better weapon?).
The most use for raise would be the last totema, where I'd rather use life than raise (90 vs. 45), or even burial/exorcise. I wonder whether we can use reflect against mateus and reflect his thundagas back to him. I see no reason for why not. We can get mirror mails as mission prizes before that, or even use a time mage with reflect.
About assassins, they waste few minutes in the beginning, but if we get other recruits at the same time, we can probably same enough time by killing enemies faster.
What game have you been playing? From what I can remember you can get Bio way earlier than Firaga or Blizzaga, and it does really nice damage, especially with Turbo MP. And, needless to say, Giga Flare owns it all. I found Black Mages pretty useless when compared to Sages when I played the game.
OK, I wrote it in a hurry. Those skills seem nice, bio is power 45 and giga flare is 65 (fire 30, fira 40, firaga 50). However, bio is gotten from mission 11 (third totema), while thor rod can be gotten total of 2 missions later, and black robe should probably be gotten right after that (Does black robe raise damage or lower elemental resistance, btw?). Now, thundaga is clearly more powerful, right? Thor rod multiplies the damage by 1,5x (assuming targety has no elemental resistance or weakness) which means the power (the power is not really multiplied, but it doesn't matter here) is multiplied by 1,5x, making it 75. With black robe, I wonder which one is more powerful, thundaga or giga flare. And chill rod can be obtained later if something resist thunder.
Turbo MP is white mage ability, it doesn't matter whether your main job is sage or black mage. Just get it early enough so that you won't lose damage from thor rod/black robe, if you're gonna use black mage.
About stat growth, both black mage and sage have same matk, while black mage gets 0,1 more speed and 11 more base speed.
nitsuja wrote:
Uh, gadgeteers are the ones that affect all allies or enemies at once with status effects.
I know, I was talking about jugglers (stunt ability)
nitsuja wrote:
Seriously? My gunner did as much damage as everyone else combined, and Charmshot/Stopshot just made him even more ridiculously powerful when coupled with the awesome attack range that meant he never had to waste turns moving. I would put equal emphasis on getting Assassins since they can always kill something every turn they're in range, but unlike gunners they're basically impossible to get in a time attack.
Assassin(s) is/are a must, unlike gunners, they have good watk and crazy speed. Gunner attack is base 68/ growth 6,8 (lower than bishop, which has the worst bangaa attack). Using a mog knight as the base class may help, as levels are not gotten that often. The strongest gun you can get is outsider (power 41, very very late in the game, thought there are many almost-as-strong guns) which teaches stopshot.
Starting classes can be gotten by kicking useless party members off your clan and getting the "race wanted" missions.
Getting a Nu Mou with Black Mage & Sage Jobs and Turbo MP is a good idea too.
Sages are useless - slow and no good abilities. Just stay with Black Mage - Thor Rod (or Chill later in the game), Black Robe and thundaga (or whatever it is) is much better.
tackangel wrote:
Finaly a Bangaa with Dragoon & Templar or Gladiator Jobs with Bonecrusher is great for powerful range attacks with a lance.
Spears, while long-ranged, are weak, at least in the end. Bangaas should use estreledge (from treasure hunt, 77 atk) with warrior (better move than defender)
tackangel wrote:
A Moogle with Gun & Stunt Jobs makes this go smoother and more your way. If you can manipulate the Gadgeteer ability to do what you want, using the Black Ingot & Chroma Gem attacks work best of that job.
Gadgeteers are fine, but dagger is weak (no critical), especially in the end (iirc, it's not based on your weapon), smile is not the best (how about using a char that kills something?) and the rest seem kinda useless. Guns are the weakest weapon in the game, and gunners' attack is baad. Charm- and Stopshot (or whatever) are great, thought, so a good starting job may be able to make gunner a good idea.
Good luck with the clock. Make sure it won't desync the video.
With starters, we really should compare them well. Few things:
-Totodile can get surf kinda early, flamethower is learned by leveling
-Both of them can learn dig, I think.
-Totodile has advantage in the dragon gym (ice punch), while cyndaquil defeats bug gym, ice gym (typh can learn thunderpunch, and the ground/ice pokemon are just weak (what was the name?)). Kingdra might be annoying with the hyper potion usage.
-Totodile learns bite, which sadly is almost useless. Surf (95 * 1,5 'cause of STAB) defeats Bite (60 * 2 with weakness) in every way except that it may flinch. Ice Punch defeats Dragon Gym and Lance easily, and Earthquake (victory road, not far from the main road) kills easily in kanto. I'm not sure whether toto can learn thunderpunch or not. Cyndaquil has flamethower, which is not really that useful in many places, and typh can learn thunderpunch.
-Abuse king's rock. It has a small chance of flinching, making the enemy lose his turn and hopefully saving time. It only works with moves with nothing special, like surf or earthquake.
I hope that all is correct information.
Catching a sandbear shouldn't take long.
1) Use the airship, go to the desert
2) manipulate, if you can, a battle with sandbear
3) deathclaw + capture
4) run if necessary
5) repeat 2-4 if necessary
6) heal yourself, continue with the game
Just how long would that take?
Titan can probably be won with a Dragoon because of !Jump. Algorithm faq in gamefaqs says that the 4th form of ArchaeAvis is not heavy, maybe deathclaw?
Dig also teleports you from some places to pokecenter, doesn't waste any time to get and it doesn't take that much more time to use. And there are only few places left after Silph co (saffron gym, maybe fuschia city (haven't watched the video), cinnabar island, viridian gym, power plant, rival, victory road, elite four). Earthquake is faster for: Saffron Gym (unless you get Zapdos at this point in which case zapdos would ohko them all, or if strenght, if you have it, ohkoes them), Fuschia Gym (all enemies, I think), and elite four's ghosts. That is around 20 enemies, which I think is not enough to use earthquake and destroy dig (buying escape ropes takes some time too).
Earthquake is in a floor X of silph co. and requires defeating a trainer. Earthquake and dig have the same power of 100. Dig is useful for many pokemon before you'd have a chance to get earthquake, so there is no reason to give it to any other pokemon.
Pidgeot: Thunder(bolt) or Ice Beam
Alakazam: Dig/Drill Peck
Rhydon: Guess
Gyarados: Thunder(bolt)
Arcanine: Surf
Venusaur: Drill Peck or Ice Beam
Some of those may be 2hkos, but there will be no problems with anything. Sadly, strengh and surf can't be deleted and both dig and ice beam are needed for E4, so some strenght-slave has to be caught in order to use fissure.
You could... You would have to run and get both the Eevee and the Thunder Stone, but it starts at a nice level 25, right?
You could get Eevee/Jolteon to fight some trainer battles, but there aren't any good ones.
Or you could evolve Eevee into Flareon, since Lorelei's Pokemon are also ice (except Slowbro).
Edit: Another reason why Zapdos is good: Bruno's Pokemon are fighting and they are weak to Zapdos' Drill Peck.
Cloyster, Lapras and Dewgong take normal damage from fire-type attack, Jynx takes double and Slowbro takes half. Jolteon > Flareon in this situation. Jolteon deals a max 80 damage with thunderbolt critical against lvl 55 dewgong (assuming max DVs), btw. Dewgong has around 190 hp at that level, so it takes 3 thunderbolts to kill. Zapdos will easily ohko it. Assuming my calculations are correct. It is so-so whether jolteon is better than not, and with good dv advance 2hko is not impossible.