Posts for Drab_Emordnilap

Joined: 11/28/2008
Posts: 1
So, it is currently impossible to do a tas of this game, since there isn't an emulator that can record it? I'm interested in doing a 100% run; I think it would be a lot of fun. Also, I think I found a way to shorten 7-2, the vertical autoscroller with the three-arrow platform. It's possible to ascend the entire level with a mini-mushroom, through a series of wall-jumps and bouncing off paratroopas. I've only been trying it in real-time on my actual DS, and I can get as far as this part, right before the pipe to go to the flag:
|      00      |
|              |
|   KK 00 KK   |
| KK        KK |
|K     00     K|
 0 0          0 
  0          0 0
    m         0 
The 0s are coins, the Ks are paratroopas that move vertically in formation, and the ? is a solid block with a coin in it.This level wraps, so it's possible to run and jump from the block to the right, wrap around, and land on the same block to double jump from, giving you enough height to wall kick off the wall hanging down, and, with perfect timing, shoot up bewtwwn the two sets of koopas. That's the only part I haven't been able to do yet, but I've done the wall jump; I just always hit the bottom or side of a koopa and die. The only problem with using this for a 100% run is the first star coin, which is on the main path of the level, but completly surrounded by breakable bricks, like this:
The only way to break these blocks with mini mario would be to ground pound a koopa somewhere nearby and kick it into a brick, to get inside, but I can't see a way to do it. Or, you could start the level with the mini mushroom in reserve, use the platform to get to this coin, and then use the mini mushroom to zoom through the rest of the level.