Posts for Danza

Experienced Forum User
Joined: 9/28/2013
Posts: 7
For a short summer project, and just to mess around in my spare time I'm going to make some Tool-Assisted playthroughs of the games just for entertainment. I will be doing Mother 3 and will definitely go glitch hunting on it. If I do become interested in TASing I will consider a Mother 3 run; but it would need large sequence breaks as it would be a popular game, but only hardcore fans would sit through a 4-5 hour run. I hope some hope sparks in this game as I love it but as a TAS worthy title, fans would think "Hell YES!", but how many people would be entertained by this? The TAS needs speed AND entertainment. Like the Japanese run, mad props to that guy for doing it, but I mean I couldn't watch that all the way without getting bored.
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Joined: 9/28/2013
Posts: 7
Spikestuff wrote:
Can you give an example of what could be early NG+
I haven't messed around with it a lot, and I haven't found a way to get to warp room :( But maybe somebody might be able to figure it out something from this. As you can see from the video, I can use a lot of buttons, just not pause :(. Maybe a sequence of buttons can take control? Link to video Inputs Accepted: Slide Jump Spin HUD Direction And this would give you all power ups, as if you rapidly input X you can do a double jump, It might be a dead end, but hey, something could be found :D Finally one more thing, a few frames back before Demo screen one, a water sound is produced as if it is an underwater or jetski level, but the first demo is toad village, always found that weird.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 9/28/2013
Posts: 7
Spikestuff wrote:
Danza did you use this? Or did you find the ram values yourself?
I used Pirohiko's LUA Script, but it needed adjustment for when Coco jumps on Pura as the velocity locks at the last valid value. Hopefully I will map out some values soon, when I have spare time from college. Sorry If I did something wrong/broke any rules. Also, I have been exploring NG+ lately. Usually you have to wait for the 3rd "Demo" screen to gain control and return to warp room, but the first "Demo" sceen also accepts player input in the earlier frames. And it also looks more entertaining and fun with running shoes.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 9/28/2013
Posts: 7
I had done this a while ago, only just got round to posting it. It's just a quick practice TAS of Toad Village. I have already made a much better version on this, Im just trying to learn some TAS techniques :) Link to video Link:
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 9/28/2013
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Spikestuff wrote:
Just mentioning a pixel perfect clip... for 105% noname managed to pull off (possibly) a time saving glitch (twitch)
Yeah, Some metal boxes on that level have a few pixel gap in between them which Crash can go through. This is really useful.
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Joined: 9/28/2013
Posts: 7
Spikestuff wrote:
We've been keeping an eye on it daily. Don't worry someone will soon mention word of it if an update comes.
Awesome, i'm thinking of attempting a TAS on this game. I don't know much about how to perform a good TAS, but This is my favourite game and should be a good place to start/learn.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 9/28/2013
Posts: 7
Any progress been made? I have been very interested in this.