Posts for Danthrax

Post subject: Re: Speedrun video
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 10/23/2004
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Location: Nanaimo, B.C., Canada
Danthrax wrote:
the reason i ask is cuz i want the video to be speedy, AND entertaining. I'd want to set a record for how long it takes to get to the next "Pilotwings Advanced" title screen.
I forgot to add that i thought it would be pretty repetative if i played the whole game again. I would be doing exactly the same things i did for the first 4, except i might have to throw in one more bonus stage or event tops.. then the copter mission is identical, with more turrets. The game can be REALLY entertaining if you make a fun video.. but will get boring fast after the first speedrun through.
"Your only notable qualities are insanity, and patience. STUPID patience!" -Danthrax
Post subject: Speedrun video
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 10/23/2004
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Location: Nanaimo, B.C., Canada
Hm. So here i am, 2 days later, i've got all my video making stuff figured out. thx for all of your help. I've been working on pilotwings for a day straight now.. i can do about 3/4 of the tricks you've mentioned, but landing the plane at a 65 i'd have to see :0! Anyways. I need someone's opinion who has played pilotwings a fair bit. I'm trying to do a speedrun of the game as fast as humanly possible on one run, with no video cuts or corrections, and no slowdown. So far i've almost finished what i wanted.. but i screwed up right before the end and as anybody knows who's played pw.. there's no room for mistakes. Anyway my question is: Should i try to do a speedrun of all of the modes of the game? (which is debatabely the "whole" game) or would it be viable to submit the normal mode (first 4 airfields + mission) and the advanced ( same 4 just more points needed) separately? the reason i ask is cuz i want the video to be speedy, AND entertaining. I'd want to set a record for how long it takes to get to the next "Pilotwings Advanced" title screen. I dunno. I kind of consider them two different modes instead of the same game from beginning to end.
"Your only notable qualities are insanity, and patience. STUPID patience!" -Danthrax
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Joined: 10/23/2004
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Location: Nanaimo, B.C., Canada
All right man. Thanks, i'll get it in order now. Sorry to bother you, but you don't have to be sarcastic about it.
"Your only notable qualities are insanity, and patience. STUPID patience!" -Danthrax
Post subject: Re: getting started
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 10/23/2004
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Location: Nanaimo, B.C., Canada
Are you blind or do you just have an old version of this? ;] File>Movie Record Get the newest version here: , if you haven't already[/quote] Well. Last time i got my vision checked i was close to 20/10... But the version i have has File - Options - Input - Sound - Window - Cheat - Netplay - Help on the menu bar. i've read all of the readmies that come with it that explain how to use it. really straightforward for setting it up and all that. So far i haven't found a single thing that has the word "Video" and "Record" in the same area. I've been playing with it now for quite some time, testing some of my roms on it. There isn't an SMV config or anything. So. I dunno. Maybe i'm just stupid. The version is: Snes9X v1.42 for Windows. (c) Copyright 1996 - 2003 Gary Henderson and Jerremy Koot. (c) Copyright 2002 - 2003 Matthew Kendora and Brad Jorsch. I saw a 1.43 under production where i downloaded it, which was the link directly from the site. So I dunno. I guess somebody could briefly tell me how THEY record videos and i could go from there. Hopefully i am just missing something vital here, but in the past i haven't had trouble figuring out programs, so go figure.
"Your only notable qualities are insanity, and patience. STUPID patience!" -Danthrax
Post subject: getting started
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 10/23/2004
Posts: 7
Location: Nanaimo, B.C., Canada
Blechy wrote:
See the site's FAQ for help on making movies(along with the other pages such as Rules & Guidelines). You'll have to experiment a little bit with Snes9x to get the hang of it, but it's pretty simple to learn. Good luck, and feel free to ask for any help(might not want to post future questions in a console-specific forum).
I read most of the FAQ before i got here, but i was kind of eager to get going so i skipped a few parts. I get the basic ideas about how to make my nes movies.. So now i realise that i'm trying to do a Speedrun, and not a Timeattack. No frame slowing, no corrections etc. I also spent a good 40 minutes reading almost all of the faq's and procedures of converting videos to .avi movies. There is only one very good question remaining: How do i make record my SMV videos on the Snes9x? I've downloaded it, set it up, and it works great. Looks really impressive.. but after tinkering with the options and doo dads i can't find a single thing that says anything about video recording.. and at Arc's superplays site there's also plenty of explanation of what to do once you GET an SMV.. but none as to how to get one in the first place? I know this is a chore to read, but i've tried my best to find out on my own.. but i'm kind of stuck. Thx again for your patience and help.
"Your only notable qualities are insanity, and patience. STUPID patience!" -Danthrax
Post subject: Pilotwings same deal
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 10/23/2004
Posts: 7
Location: Nanaimo, B.C., Canada
i'm actually working on the same thing! I'm new here.. but i assumed someone would be doing pilotwings as well. Yeah, my goal is to make a video, bug free, of the fastest possible runs from start to finish of every airfield. so far i've only done the first four before the heli mission. Since i'm new here i have a question and i didn't know where to ask it, so i'll start here. I'm using ZsnesW at the moment, since it seems to run well on my computer, and i have the videos stored. When i submit them will they be then reviewed and put in avi or mpeg format? I see all these time attack videos and i can't replicate them, cuz game videocapture programs are too slow, and space consuming.. and i don't have a video out or in on my video card. I'd appreciate some input :P thx.
"Your only notable qualities are insanity, and patience. STUPID patience!" -Danthrax
Post subject: Blackthorne Ownage
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Joined: 10/23/2004
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Location: Nanaimo, B.C., Canada
Looks like i'll have some competition! I'm new here but Blackthorne is next on my list of speedruns. Right now i'm doing some Pilotwings work since not many people have so far :) I'm only amateur.. but don't forget that you can fall any distance without breaking your arms! Comes in handy. there's actually a few places in blackthorne where you can purposely run into walls so you fall backwards off a cliff (the technique is hard cuz you have to glitch it to turn around) but you can fall and grab ledges you normally couldn't. Play around with it a bit, and good luck!
"Your only notable qualities are insanity, and patience. STUPID patience!" -Danthrax