Posts for DMTASpeedruns

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EZGames69 wrote:
If you copy an author’s inputs and put it into your movie, especially when it is a major amount of inputs, you should always include the original author in the author list, a description mention isnt going to cut it.
Its one level, not that big of a chunk, i said i used his tas, i really dont see any issue.
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Spikestuff wrote:
DMTASpeedruns wrote:
I am confused as to what youre talkin about
Are you? Also to bleed that comment I'm linking into this one. Guess whose 1-1's input this belongs to. I'll let the Mario experts go through this with their comments, since they always know a ton more about the game about optimality and whatnot, but that author credit is missing again.
I didnt think to credit in the last one, however i did mention in the desc of this one that i used the 1-1 of happylee’s tas.
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EZGames69 wrote:
Are you going to respond to the accusations of plagiarism that took place in your last submission?
I am confused as to what youre talkin about
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DMTASpeedruns wrote:
im deffinately gonna work on a more optimized version of this, thank you all for pointing out what needed to be fixed!
on top of this im gonna try and make it more entertaining to watch
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im deffinately gonna work on a more optimized version of this, thank you all for pointing out what needed to be fixed!
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EZGames69 wrote:
Why do you bump into the platform when you reach bowser in the first level?
Jumping to shoot bowser means bumping the platform, i had to to kill bowser as fast.
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Mars608 wrote:
Do you think it's very long to make a TAS in 30 minutes? We usually need more than 1 minute to make 1 second long movie. Since you are a beginner you should take more time than us. A 1 minute TAS should take you more than 1 hour. At least there shouldn't be any visible slow down point.
tht version took me 30 minutes, but as you can see, ive been tasing it for a while as is visible here
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mklip2001 wrote:
It seems like you've got a pretty solid technical performance if you're talking about optimizing subpixels for wall zips. Stage 3 looks pretty slow at the beginning; why do you need to hop up the wall a second time for that first zip? As mentioned, it's not really an interesting hack either, and hacks have stricter standards for publication on the site. Thanks for the submission, but it's a No on entertainment from me.
as the description said, the first clip is a bit slow, im working on a way to get it to be faster
Post subject: Slowing down
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 2/4/2019
Posts: 9
EZGames69 wrote:
A pretty boring hack to be honest. It also seems kinda sloppy, there are some clips where you try to slow down to get but any clip after that you do without hesitation. I assume it’s due to speed or something but either way, it’s not interesting. No vote.
The slowing down (if youre talking about what i think is to manipulate sub pixels to do the clips)