I was watching this video from storster, and noticed the section about mugg, with a big "*clip not found" and I was compelled to find out why it was not found.
Link to video
A wallclip was found yesterday. Kirby has to have an ability that will _not_ give him something to hold like a sword or hammer. Then, run at a 1 block wide gap and crouch before reaching the gap and when done correctly, you will fall off the ledge and into the corner beyond the gap. I need to try this myself yet.
http://www.twitch.tv/cornettheory/c/1739676 0:50
This needs to be researched now too, which I'll do tomorrow.
Currently, the glitched TAS can be improved just a little bit in 2-3. At best, I want to clip in the first level already, though.
I noticed that people have started to make videos and writeups about the history of this game's TAS, and I've seen that because twitch has been rather careless about preserving clips, this footage got lost to time. Luckily I had it exported to youtube.
So here is the original video of my tiny tiny contribution to this game's TAS journey, where I stumbled upon the wall clip.
I was trying to keep the hammer for the boss, and I lost it in a goofy way, falling into the ground.
I dont know if it is related or had inspired the slope clip that was used immediately after, but at least this was useful for a bit, and I think that's neat.