Posts for Caffieine

Banned User
Joined: 1/12/2012
Posts: 1
Billy wrote:
I think this whole thread is very unprofessional because here you make fun of people's , and my brother ( and I both agree that TASVideos has no right to do this, so we will now take action and kindly ask the Administrators to delete this trollish thread. Also, I no longer want to discuss this " Galore" thing with you guys since you guys are just being jerks about it and mocking and making fun of me, and also, TASEditor, I saw the comment you posted on my video. It was mean, and I want PEACE; I repeat; PEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCCCEEEEEE in this community, please?
Many haters, to Billy, I need to say, I love you. Billy is a huge lier, he lies that he is my brother, when I am Muslim and this guy is Atheist. At first I was his friend he was acting all along, he betrayed me by talking to my ex best friend who did bad things to me. He was against him from back now, now he wants peace and say that he wants to make world records TASes with him and me? Billy, now I am out of your stupid speedrunsgalore place, im not replying, disliked the speedrun galore video, im not afraid of you, do whatever you want to do with salman, talk bad about me i dont care. You betrayed me.