I noticed that some slashes generate the same type of hit lag as in the MMX/MMZ games. It seems like every slash aside from the first 3 combo slashes(first 2 for long blades) does. It also appears that this lag does in fact delay the timer for the dynamic difficulty thresholds, because I'm able to transition bosses with higher decrements much earlier when I never finish my combos vs not using preliminary combo slashes at all.
I don't know for sure about long blades, but are any of the slashes you're using in phases that you are waiting out the timer delaying it, or was this something something you already accounted for?
Also, out of curiosity, do you have any plans to improve the Momohime run?
The 3rd slash and dash hits will delay the in-game timer, to use other slashes will be a little faster, but sometime the other delaying slashes can manipulates luck. I also found when I try to reduce orange HP bar by 20% and 10% is more slower than 10% and 20%, I am not sure how it occurred, that is why I choose this decrements to defeat bosses.
About the Momohime run I have no plan to make it, I think it's harder than Kisuke, maybe using blades will be faster than long blades? Because Momohime is different from Kisuke in long blades.
I didn't think about why I used the hardest difficulty, but I see most people rather play this game in the hardest difficulty, also for RTA runner, and they would like to see. Like me, I even forgot when I played this game in normal difficulty.
Also, the hardest difficulty is different than other difficulty. Like 修羅(normal or hard), can also use damage cancel by holding A, but you can't defense automatically while attacking, that let the run looks not good and hard to make. Takes damage is a way to save time but it will be boring.
Updated the .dtm for savedata, you should from these steps to play the dtm to get the required savefile:
1. Backup your savedata folder and delete all files in the data folder, make sure it's empty.
2. Play the dtm, save a savestate at title menu, then stop movie, run the game without movie, load the savestate you just saved.
3. Run through the dtm, you can get the required savefile.
Alright I just finished watching it. Nice run, Bernka. I can tell from the submission text that a lot of careful planning went into making this.
This is the first I've ever heard of this game. The art and soundtrack are absolutely beautiful.
One question: can you end combat sooner by being closer to enemies when they drop their souls?
I am very glad that you like it, this game is one of my favourite games.
As I know, the combat doesn't end until enemies are disappear by being killed or bosses drop souls by being defeated, souls won't affect how long the combat spent.
The verification movie is just a DTM file with a savestate. Therefore it's not a valid verification movie.
Could you create a DTM file from game boot which gets the required savefile?
I see, will do that later.
And thanks for the youtube encode.
I'm guessing the odd video flashing effects in the encode are due to 30fps recording trying to display a 60fps game?
Yes, I uploaded a 60fps encode, but youku always re-encodes that low to 30fps. I tried to upload sina but for some reasons it doesn't work as normal.
Atma wrote:
Sir VG wrote:
Question: Is it not possible to beat the green eye on Rangda Bangda the first time it appears? Or would it adversely affect the fight against the main body?
You can only hit it twice when you have the spinning jump slash as that's its weakness, which gives a significantly longer invulnerability period allowing you to only hit it twice each time it appears, iirc. The only plausible way of destroying it in one cycle is to either be at a lower rank, or do it earlier.
That's why I can't distroy green eye on the first time just like what did Atma do.
I can’t get any log because hourglass didn’t create the log file when I playbacked.
But I found other way to run the game with hourglass.I tried on other computer and hourglass can load the game successfully, I think my system is something go wrong, will fix it.
I worked on Win 7 with a VM, when I finished a WIP and playback, it desynced because System timer is different. I playbacked again but the system timer changed again, what's happened?
There are the info twice I playbacked with the same movie:
thanks for the reply :)
have you tried my RPG boss strategy? I think it’s slower, but testing it would still be good
“However, the rotating spike will stop you to climb ladder, so this can't save time.”
you’re right, my bad :P though I’m sure jumping down the 2nd hole is faster, spikes don’t kill you there
“After I tried many times in the final fight, I can't stop the boss earlier during the first time she comes. When face she, she will come close until I move out of the front of her, so I think she just follow when I move away that change her action, and if move earlier may lose more time.”
no, I have done better than your TAS without tools (only missed one shoot) as can be seen here: http://www.twitch.tv/tpc_streaming/c/3457948 unless I’m misunderstanding how it works… edit: actually I miss 1 shoot at first, but then 2 more, I didn’t even notice… though that’s after she goes back, so I think it should be possible to manipulate her in a way to always hit her
did you miss 3 shoots or 4 in your TAS by waiting?
Yes, you're right. The final boss comes shorter sometime, but I am not sure how to manipulate that, maybe like the first boss, his next action base on each time he jumps. Also, if she comes shorter I can shoot her more 4 times(about 44 frames).
I tried your RPG boss strategy, it's a little slower because you must control the bird more once.
Anyway, nice discovery.
having just beaten this game, I feel like I can comment on the TAS
I was pleasantly surprised most of the time, but to me it looks like acceleration wasn’t properly optimized in the first boss fight (the ball-throwing) and once in the water level (when he hits a wall to get past rotating spikes); I could be wrong, though
also my strategy for the RPG-like boss fight was different, I wonder which is faster? mine is:
#1: Hide, Defend, Attack
#2: Magic, Attack, Attack
#3: Hide, Explode, Jump
#4: Hide
#5: Magic, Explode
edit: after checking, mine is probably slower :( guess there won’t be a sub 10′
then in the final level, on the 3rd screen, I wonder if jumping into the holes would be faster than simply letting yourself fall? (better vertical acceleration)
also, I’m pretty sure the final boss is improvable with better pattern manipulation, when she charges at you (and the TAS stops shooting because she comes too close), it’s possible to manipulate her to stop early so that you can keep shooting at her; although this only happened randomly to me and I don’t know how to replicate it
well, those are my comments, maybe with some luck they could help bringing the time below 10 minutes? oh btw, I played version 1.02
side note: when you beat the game while collecting all diamonds, you unlock EX Mode, which is basically hard mode; should the TAS maybe be done on that mode instead and use a save to have it unlocked? although I don’t know what the changes are, I haven’t beaten EX mode (in the first level the only change I noticed was a pretty irrelevant +1 enemy)
In first boss fight, it is better to catch the iron egg early, accelerating while holding the egg and hit the boss earlier.
About final level, the 3rd screen, I remembered I had tried to do what you suggest, but she died when hitting spike. However, the rotating spike will stop you to climb ladder, so this can't save time.
After I tried many times in the final fight, I can't stop the boss earlier during the first time she comes. When face she, she will come close until I move out of the front of her, so I think she just follow when I move away that change her action, and if move earlier may lose more time.
Also, I don't think this TAS will save some many seconds since those can be improved.
I liked this category, it used many unexpected glitches and made me laugh. So I voted yes.
Also, I think this should be published because it's different enough from the current run.