why not just make it a function?
#the function name is ridiculous but i didnt know what to call it...
Function FlygonScript(clip c, bool "isthishd", bool "handheld", string "picture", \
string "gamename", string "branchname", string "time", string "authors", string "rerecords")
isthishd = default(isthishd, false)
handheld = default(handheld, false)
picture = Default(picture, "")
gamename = default(gamename, "")
branchname = default(branchname, "")
time = default(time, "")
authors = default(authors, "")
rerecords = default(rerecords, "")
subff = 801
#High Definition
isthishd ? Eval("""
factor = (a.height > 540) ? 1 : \
(a.height > 270) ? 2 : \
(a.height > 180) ? 3 : 4
b = a.PointResize(a.width * factor, a.height * factor)
c = handheld ? b : ((b.width < b.height * 4 / 3) ? b.PointResize(b.height * 4 / 3, b.height) : b.PointResize(b.width, b.width * 3 / 4))
g = c.PointResize(c.width * 2, c.height * 2)
multi = (factor * 2)
#Standard Definition
""") : Eval("""
g = a.PointResize(a.width * 1, a.height * 1)
multi = 1
handheld ? Eval("""
d = ImageSource(file=Picture, start=0, end=119, fps=a.FrameRate).ConvertToRGB24()
""") : Eval("""
d = ImageSource(file=picture, start=0, end=119, fps=a.FrameRate).ConvertToRGB24()
e = BlankClip(d, audio_rate=a.AudioRate, channels=a.AudioChannels)
f = AudioDub(d, e).Lanczos4Resize(g.width, g.height).AssumeFPS(a.FrameRateNumerator, a.FrameRateDenominator)
last = f + g
#mister epics sub idea
Subtitle(gamename + "\n" + branchname + "\nPlayed by: " + authors + "\nPlaying time: " + time + "\nRerecord count: " + rerecords, \
y=(8 * multi), align=7, first_frame=subff, last_frame=(subff + 300), size=(13.0 * multi), text_color=$15FFFFFF, halo_color=$00000000, lsp=1)
Subtitle("This is a tool\nassisted recording.\nFor details, visit\nhttp://TASVideos.org/", \
y=(8 * multi), align=7, first_frame=(subff + 301), last_frame=(subff + 601), size=(15.0 * multi), text_color=$15FFFFFF, halo_color=$00000000, lsp=1)
isthishd ? Eval("""
""") : Eval("""
ConvertToYV24(matrix="PC.601", chromaresample="point")
isthishd ? Eval("""
ConvertToYV12(matrix="PC.601", chromaresample="point")
""") : Eval("""
ConvertToYV12(matrix="PC.601", chromaresample="lanczos4")
return last
Save that as an avsi and put it in your avisynth plugin folder.
then use it like this:
FlygonScript(false, false, "picture.png", "Game Name", "Branch Name", "time", "Player", "Rerecords")
Example video kinda
Link to video