Posts for BBkaizo

Banned User
Joined: 5/9/2010
Posts: 14
I'm so glad you pu that TAS to TASVideos. :) I was waiting for that... Yes vote!
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Joined: 5/9/2010
Posts: 14
Spikestuff wrote:
Spikestuff Can you submit my wwtbam run?
Banned User
Joined: 5/9/2010
Posts: 14
EgxHB wrote:
You'll have to submit your movie by yourself. Here's how: 1. On the main site, click 'Submissions'. 2. Click the link that says 'submit a movie'. 3. Once the page loads, type in your username and password in the 'Login' box at the top. 4. A submission form will appear. Fill in all the necessary details. 5. Once you're done, click 'Preview comments', then Save.
But i can't submit my own movie.
Post subject: Who Wants To Be a Millionaire?
Banned User
Joined: 5/9/2010
Posts: 14
Console: PSX Region: PAL Completed in: 11:16.26 Rerecords: 133 No video, sorry!
Post subject: My WWTBAM TAS
Banned User
Joined: 5/9/2010
Posts: 14
Hello everyone! Today is Aprill TASers day (or April Fools day) and I want to get my Who Wants To BVe a Millionaire TAS getting submitted. Here's the wip: Can you do it guys?
Banned User
Joined: 5/9/2010
Posts: 14
PSX TAS of 2014!
Banned User
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Posts: 14
i'm voting meh.
Post subject: Maybe SNES Tas of 2014?
Banned User
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Posts: 14
Voting yes
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Voting no, because of a difficulty
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the users remind me developers. right?
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Posts: 14
Aldorr wrote:
That is many times better than what it was :) Dvachuyu! :)
Post subject: From russian to english
Banned User
Joined: 5/9/2010
Posts: 14
My new TAS chip'n'dale 2. Overtaken goofydylan8'a. Basically, the idea of ​​passing was to take a smaller number of icons (points), which at the end of each level slowed (if counting) So they had to run some non-standard ways, such as the level of 1-1. Also used the system "of injury" in order to speed up again. For example in the second level of an injury to the fish, not to take the badges. At level 6 was damaged on the nail (took the idea from goofydylan8'a), not to wait for the lift. And further, do not zhdav next lift was able to jump on him from a distance. (Even a little chip out of the screen). At this time, manipulation of the bosses was more successful, such as level 4 (Boss ghost) was obtained almost every turn to pick 2 balls. At the 7th level before the boss cat-bit gambler stopped and lost a number of personnel to better smanipulirovat of the boss. Possible improvements: a boss level, level 4 can go for about 0.4 seconds faster.
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Joined: 5/9/2010
Posts: 14
sgrunt wrote:
Voting no on the basis that this fails to complete the game, or, in the event that this is everything there is, that the hack is incomplete.
but can be playable vote for yes
Banned User
Joined: 5/9/2010
Posts: 14
Hack can be downloadable at SMW Central