Posts for Arjin

Experienced Forum User
Joined: 5/2/2010
Posts: 17
Sweet, watching now.
Experienced Forum User
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Glad to see this published. Love how the game just abruptly ends after the final boss is killed, definitely an entertaining run.
Experienced Forum User
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Oh my :O
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Looking forward to an encode :3
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sonicpacker wrote:
New 0 Star WIP Sorry the sound is out of sync up until after the BitDW fight. I guess YouTube doesn't like me.
Sweet :] Looking forward to this, and damn, 200k rerecords.
Experienced Forum User
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I'd definitely watch it.
Experienced Forum User
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Posts: 17
Just seems to hang now, let it run for a good deal of time.
Experienced Forum User
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Object in invalid state for operation (Unknown uCode V224) fullExecute of org.jpc.emulator.memory.codeblock.optimised.Virtual8086ModeUBlock <> execute of org.jpc.emulator.memory.codeblock.optimised.Virtual8086ModeUBlock <> executeVirtual8086 of org.jpc.emulator.memory.LazyCodeBlockMemory <> executeVirtual8086 of org.jpc.emulator.memory.LinearAddressSpace <> executeVirtual8086 of org.jpc.emulator.PC <> execute of org.jpc.emulator.PC <> main of org.jpc.plugins.PCControl <> run of org.jpc.pluginsbase.Plugins$PluginThread <>
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 5/2/2010
Posts: 17
I get this:
CD ROM's Initialization. Please install MSCDEX v 2.1 or above.
If I assemble with the install directory in hda and the cd in the cd-rom slot, then try running the executable from hda. Also, if I mount an hd image of the cd in hdc and try running the install it tells me it must be loaded from a cd.
Experienced Forum User
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Posts: 17
Yes vote for a quick, cpu-destroying run. Pretty amusing.
Experienced Forum User
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Object in invalid state for operation (Unknown uCode P478) execute of org.jpc.emulator.memory.codeblock.optimised.ProtectedModeUBlock <> executeProtected of org.jpc.emulator.memory.LazyCodeBlockMemory <> executeProtected of org.jpc.emulator.memory.LinearAddressSpace <> executeProtected of org.jpc.emulator.PC <> execute of org.jpc.emulator.PC <> main of org.jpc.plugins.PCControl <> run of org.jpc.pluginsbase.Plugins$PluginThread <>
I get this while trying to run pretty much any executable in the install directory, or the cd-image mounted under Hdc.
Experienced Forum User
Joined: 5/2/2010
Posts: 17
Been messing around with this game since I got my hands on jpc-rr. I've tried finding some interesting new glitches, but nothing came of it. You can zip around in walls, but I couldn't find anyway to clip into them (besides the no-clip cheat of course). I made an amateurish lua script to automate saving/loading games and played around with the save glitch too. It's too bad you can't interact with oracles when you're dead, because it'd save a lot of time on some levels (in the pyramid of shadows for example, you can save glitch 2 floors down into the oracle). At first I was thinking about doing an unpolished all levels run, just to see how things went. After finding out about the save glitch though, I'm not sure it would be that entertaining. At this point I'm thinking about 3 runs: -an oracle run -an all levels run with save glitching -an all levels run without save glitching If an all levels run was done would it be more acceptable/entertaining to use the save glitch? It allows some levels to be finished extremely quickly (the second level, slug village can be done in a few seconds) but it can also make things look repetitive. EDIT: I'm also unsure what exactly is the fastest method for movement. I tried finding some relevant memory addresses for x/y coords and speed but came up empty handed. On flat surfaces walking seems like the fastest method, and also down moderate slopes. Pogoing without jumping seems to be a good way to go up steep slopes. Any wisdom for some more knowledgeable players?
Experienced Forum User
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Found my old disk, and ripped it. Got as far as an Object in invalid state for operation error. Then again, I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing. Probably going about this the wrong way (if it's possible in the first place). I ripped the disk, changed it into an iso (shed a tear for the music), and made an hd image out of the install directory. I'd love to see a run of this game though, one of my favorites. Seems like it's also pretty tas-friendly as far as entertainment goes.
Experienced Forum User
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Didn't find it entertaining at all. On the other hand, you absolutely destroyed the game. Meh vote.
Experienced Forum User
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I can view dumps in frameshow, but can't output anything with rawtorgb. I just get this error: Can't uncompress data: incorrect header check Edit: well this is embarrassing to edit a whole minute later. I closed everything, changed my mind and popped up another command line. Put in the exact same settings but chose a new name for the output, and everything worked fine. Too bad I have no idea what to do with it.
Experienced Forum User
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The other keen games (especially an all level run of 4), and maybe bio-menace comes to mind.
Experienced Forum User
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Just registered to vote on this submission too. I remember this game as very unforgiving (especially the xmas edition tracks), and some of the later levels were very tough. Glad to see the game annihilated. Found the run very entertaining.