But also, isn't this an OCD run, if I'm not mistaken?
Nope; OCD criteria is different for each level. Whereas this run naturally earns the OCDs that require a fast time, there are two other possible requirements:
1) A fewer number of "moves", or goo ball placements (many of which I'm sure the run also gets naturally) or
2) Higher number of extra goo balls saved.
So really, to do an OCD run wouldn't change much other than the approximate third of the levels that require a higher number of saved goo balls.
IMHO, if another category would be made, it would be to maximize the extra number of goo balls saved throughout the entirety of the game. Just sayin'. :)
On another note, I do have to say that the run did become monotonous after a while. Not any fault of the runner (I think the run is spectacularly well-done); but just not what I realized or thought was possible within the game. It just became a build-a-structure-fragment-and-fling-it-to-the-pipe run. Again - not STBM's fault - it just could have been more entertaining if the game's physics didn't allow the method used so more it would force the run to include many more structures being built.
Based on what I watched of the WIP spike posted, I'd give it a yes vote.
Is it likely that we will see another category that goes for goo ball collection to make the tallest tower possible at the WoG Corporation?