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What good news! A new TAS WIP by SoulCal and a new glitch hunting by TheThrillness and Magnum66... that's awsome, seriously. Good luck guys! Edit: I don't know how to levitate thanks to these codes, but you can change your height by walking on stairs from OoB. It's tricky since it's easy to go back in bounds. I already tested this potential Krauser skip on console but the "open" didn't appear when I reached the door :(
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hi guys, great news for RE4 players : we finaly found a debug version of the game (only cd1 for now). It's just amazing, there are so many useful informations and you can do some crazy tests. Here is a video of it
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What sets off the bell, ending the first big fight?
There are 2 ways to end the first village fight : by killing guys or waiting the end of the timer. I'm not sure about the amount of guys to kill, but I think that you have to kill 2 entire groups that spawn during the fight. If you play on the GC US version, it can be different (I noticed some differences here compared to the other versions) For your others questions, I have no idea, maybe pacaya can answer you. By the way, thanks again pacaya for you researches, it's so interesting and useful!
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Well done SoulCal ! For the final fight, my last and fastest strat is to fire a killer7 bullet in the left eye to stun the boss, fire a second bullet in the main eye laying on the ground and a rocket. With this strat you can cross the bridge before it goes down. Unfortunately you don't have enough money to buy the Killer7, maybe you should take the 50.000 pesetas of U3...
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The Krauser fight is really good. Too sad that the cutscenes can't be skipped there
Is that even possible in real time?
In pro yes, but in normal I'm not sure
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Nice U3 fight! It's strange but I found this video where Krauser is beaten with only 8 kinfe swings : . What do you think about it ? (easy mode maybe)? And did you try the OoB just after killing Krauser to cut througt the wall? I'm afraid it's longer than the in bounds route but it may be worthy to try.
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This discovery is awesome! So you need to pick up something laying on the ground 3 frames before the cutscene starts right? Is it frame perfect? It's maybe the begining of other cutscene skip. It would be so nice to avoid the cabin fight or better : avoid raising the puzzle wall at the begining of the castle. Oh and another question : what is the timing window to do the Laser Skip Glitch? Is it frame perfect or more? I always wondered about that. Thanks and keep it up! PS : why did you let the elevator cutscene before Krauser? It can be skipped
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no, he should be mistaken. I use the same strategy than you (the only difference is that I don't use any quick turn)
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Sweet, I love the way you kill the iron maiden. He didn't have time to pass through the door ^^
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Krauser might be faster with knife indeed. Good luck for the rest of the run!
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Nice, I love the way you play with the chainsaw and the ridiculously quick elevator part ^^
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If you're working on the mines, I assume that you didn't manage to do the OoB and use the elevator early... did you check if the elevator is active or not?
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Cool discovery, save the frame!
I'm in the Novistador cave, but Dolphin is starting to freeze often here. Well, the game is freezing but Dolphin still runs, so I can do a loadstate to bypass the freeze. It appears to be random, but seems to occur the more enemies on screen.
It's weird, I have been playing Resident Evil 4 since its release and a few days ago I encounter my first game crash in this novistador room. I was completely surronded by them and the game froze with a constent sound (exactly the same thing than the chozo elevator crash in Metroid Prime). I thought my console was just tired but maybe it's just a *insert technical word here* overflow
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Okay, thank you SoulCal
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Nice! Just a question : I didn't know about the QTE skip until a few days ago and I try to do them now. The first one is quite easy, but if the second one is a A+B I always get hit. What were your inputs to skip it? Just running? Thanks in advance.
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IIRC, someone told me it is possible to OoB in that area, but I can't remember when they told me, or even who it was. They might have been just messing with me. Apparently it is very VERY difficult. When I get to this spot in the game I will use Cheat Engine to see if I can change Leon's position to check the elevator. If it is possible to OoB, TASing will find it, cause with savestates I can do 1000s of attempts so much faster than a console can.
Ok! I can't wait to see it! It would be so awsome to skip the mines...
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I was able to get OoB in the sewer area. This would save a little bit of time, but only because it would allow Leon to bypass the gate he has to kick down. It would only save maybe 2 seconds at the most I think. To skip the door and the jumping, I would have to loop around to the side near the stairs, which is significantly slower. But good find regardless. If you want to help me with other OoB techniques, I'm thinking it might be possible to OoB in the area where all the Ganado are gathered near the fire (4-3?) There's a place where you climb a ladder to the left side of the map, and it might be possible to clip there, skipping the entirety of the mining ride.
Cool! Glad to be helpful. I see the place you're talking about. I also had the idea to go oob here to skip the annoying and long mine. I spent about one hour trying to go oob, but I didn't find anything. I tried to clip directly througt the door by taking all kind of damage but no way either. I also brought the key item we usualy skip in the chapter 3-2 to see if I could lure the door but no. And I think the right thing to do now is to check if the elevator is active behind the closed door. Because I'm afraid it's not. For exemple in the chap 5-3, I went oob just before the last phase of Krauser fight to see if we can skip it. But first it's really long to have the right height, and second : the exit door isn't active if the puzzle wall is raised. No way to skip it. We absolutely need the 3 parts. That's why I'm afraid it's the same thing in the chapter 4-3. Is there an action replay code to go through walls and check it before making long researches for getting oob?
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Yes, the ditman glitch isn't required, I tested it a few hours ago
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Good work SoulCal ! I love the way you kill garradors I had an idea today, I tested it and it works. It takes place in the sewers. After lowering the water, it 's possible to go oob. The idea is to go to the right of the stairs and use them from oob to be at the good height. (It's really hard to not re enter in bonds on the second stairs but in TAS I assume it can be done while running). After that you just need to re enter in bounds in front of the ladder. It saves 3 door's opening animation and one jump animation. In a new game + I'm pretty sure it will save time because of not breaking the ditman glitch, but in a new game I don't know...
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ok thanks
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Excellent! It's really cool to see this awfull room done so well (special mention to the stupid archers ^^). How do you do the slide at the end of the room? That's funny
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merci pour l'accueil ainsi que pour toutes ces infos!
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merci, en effet je speedrun principalement RE4, MP1 et 2, ainsi que Maximo. (ma chaine twitch si des gens sont intéressés). D'ailleurs y a-t-il des TASeurs français? Je connais très peu cet univers en fait...
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Bonjour tout le monde, je m'inscris sur ce forum pour suivre un peu plus activement le TAS (notamment sur RE4 et MP). Je suis moi même speedrunner (mais à la manette), au plaisir!
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Hi, I'm new here and I just registered to encourage SoulCal to continue this awsome run. I'm also a RE4 runner (my PB) and it's really cool to see a TAS of this game. I have a question about rank in RE4. I wonder if the conditions to lower the health of bosses are clearly defined? It could be useful for my runs in the futur. Thanks in advance and good luck for the rest of the run!