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Archive.org has a Bomberman 64 speedrun, but its not tool assisted and could be greatly improved. I imagine the time could be greatly reduced just through optimizing the boss battles and reducing the number of deaths.
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hmm... i post my list too.. Zelda:OoT Mario64(gogo foda ;D) Bomberman64(oh yeah bag of magic food... ;D) Turok hmmmmm but only turok 1
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It just occurred to me that a TAS of the N64 version of Bangai-O would make a spectacular movie. Or it would be a lot of dodging except for a couple of huge bursts of missles and lasers at bosses. Anyway, it'd be interesting.
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evilchen, I just finished a TAS on Turok. 39 min. I can upload the .m64 if you want.
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Diddy Kong Racing Adventure mode!! It would be amazing to see such a freaking hard game be beaten really easily....
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nfq wrote:
evilchen, I just finished a TAS on Turok. 39 min. I can upload the .m64 if you want.
What?! 39 minutes through the whole game?
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Yeah, 38:47 to be more precise. m64: http://rapidshare.de/files/25766413/turok_38m47s.m64.html I used v1.2 rom because 1.0 usually crashes mupen and 1.1 does it sometimes.
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thx for upping it love you :)))) !!!!!!!!! edit: wooohooo watched it... awesome run why didnt u submit this run ? :O man your jesus that waterjump/walking owned really hard and some jumps made me look like this -> O_o
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I registered just to post this game: Sin and Punishment: Successor of the Earth A Treasure 3d-Shooter. :D
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That was a very entertaining tas, nfq. I think you should submit it as well. There just aren't enough n64 tases.
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Thanks. I think the run would not be accepted because it's not good enough. I don't have much experience with TAS. The strategy is not perfect either, I've found some small improvements, and I forgot to change the analog range to 100. I also noticed later that I took 1 HP damage from the T-rex by mistake (could easily redo that though). A guy named Jacob Cannon said that he's going for sub 50 on console, he probably knows some things I don't know of. We talked some days ago and exchanged some tricks and strategies, but he didn't reveal much to me so I had to discover most things myself. I'll wait if he finishes the run and I try to find if there are some improvements and I might do another run then. This didn't take long to make, so I could put more time to it next time.
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hm well the 100 range of the stick doesnt matter that big in turok because you move mostly with C-buttons i think .. but mhm thats another topic not to be discussed here.. :)
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I won't list any that have been mentioned before, might be forgetting some Body Harvest Buck Bumble (just because of the weirdness) Extreme G XG2 (don't know if it works) Mission Impossible (the run at SDA is pretty funny) Shadowman Star Wars: SotE (once you get the graphics plugin set correctly this game could be torn up) TWINE Winback <-- that would kick ass.
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I just downloaded like 20 of the games listed here, here are some of my thoughts: Castlevania/Castlevania Legacy of Darkness: Um, yeah essentially remake... there's more mobility, but besides that there's nothing new to offer. Castlevania fans would like it, I don't know about the rest. Carmageddon: I didn't realize this was a car racing game, but I don't think Tool Assistance can do much for this besides merely going through the levels without bumping into walls. Pilot Wings: WAY to slow, and again Tool Assistance doesn't bring much to it. Flying Dragon: I dislike fighter games of this type, so I personally say meh. I also couldn't get the controls to work at all besides jump. Turok: someone mentioned they did a test TAS of this, it requires the C buttons to move which I can;t do on my gamepad so couldn't test. I heard it got great results though. Shadowgate: big nono. Slow, you can't see the character as you move, a remake of the NES. Doom 64: I dunno, I didn't like it. A shooter that is well known, but doesn't look beautiful. Mystical Ninja Goemon: I couldn't take this game too seriously, it's too much like playing an Anime. There's some action, but not much that I could see to play with. Wetrix: If you liked Tetrisphere, this is doable. Similar tetris style, but you create landscapes using land pieces in tetris shapes. A little slower than Tetrisphere, but still fast paced and colorful. Glover: Fun, a glove moving a ball around looks cute, but I can only see this game being done well if TONs of showing off is done, with all the acrobatics you can do with the ball. Killer Instinct Gold: No, see Flying Dragon Chameleon Twist: slightly ok, actually a very short N64 game so that's better than some of the other 4+ hour games... you can probably do some nifty stuff with the tongue. My only complaint is that you view the chameleon from the top, very up close so you cannot see his surroundings at all. Hexen: No, graphics are beyond ugly and the game is quite slow/long. Body Harvest: No, the graphics are WAY too squarish, much more like watching an old PC game than a N64. Plus it's VERY slow Buck Bumble: This is fast and could work, but the controls of the character are SO HARD TO CONTROL, I could not make heads or tails of how to move the character, I bumped into walls or couldn't go in the direction I wanted at a consistent pace. If anyone can, you'll probably get a good run. Those are the ones I tested, I'll probably try to look at a few more mentioned here, and if I find a gem I'll look further into it. What is a little disappointing is that none of these are as TAS calibre as Mario or Zelda.
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I know they're all opinions, but:
comicalflop wrote:
Castlevania/Castlevania Legacy of Darkness:
Already a rejected submission. The game is incredibly repetetive, and for the time it takes to beat it, you could see 2x as much content in another game.
Shadowgate: big nono. Slow, you can't see the character as you move, a remake of the NES.
We already discussed how different it was from the NES version to make the comparison a moot point.
Mystical Ninja Goemon: I couldn't take this game too seriously, it's too much like playing an Anime. There's some action, but not much that I could see to play with.
I don't get this reasoning. "The video game was too not-serious, so it would make for a bad speedrun"? The run over at SDA is actually very well done, and an optimized version would be one of the better N64 runs on the site.
Hexen: No, graphics are beyond ugly and the game is quite slow/long.
For the gameplay it gives, the graphics aren't that bad. The game is actually really really interesting, but a lot of people brush it off because of the 2d sprite imaging. Also, if you think this game is slow/long, you haven't really played it with time in mind. It's one of the fastest Action RPGs for the 64.
Body Harvest: No, the graphics are WAY too squarish, much more like watching an old PC game than a N64. Plus it's VERY slow
Let me once again make the point that graphics do not decide the runnability of a game. Otherwise, lots of NES and Genesis games wouldn't be on the site. Let me also reiterate that if you think this game is slow, you have never really tried to play it with speed in mind. As a reference, the SDA time for this game is ~2.5 hours, and that's without abusing the many MANY glitches and tweaks that this game's physics engine has.
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All excellent points, although I did not view any of the SDA runs, nor did I spend any more than 10 minutes per game, and overall they're my initial opinions with TAS in mind. So some of my opinions are wrong as you point out, and some aren't. Take it as you will, try the games and make judgements but those were all my initial reactions to the games.
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Hmm.. Mario 64 120 Stars (FODA) Ocarina of Time 100% Conker Bad Fur Day Donkey Kong 64 Paper Mario
Those who sees this must accept that TAS'es almost skips the whole game..
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Shadowgate: big nono. Slow, you can't see the character as you move, a remake of the NES.
That's a lousy point, honestly. A better point would be that the game is boring, and it sucked. It made the original Shadowgate seem like Game of the Year. As for Castlevania/Legacy of Darkness, I actually LIKED the runs. Personally though, I would love to see somebody do a LoD run with Henry. I've done a speedrun of that in under 19 minutes. It's fast paced, it requires good strategy, and it's exciting. It probably couldn't be published under the N64 section, since it would need an save file to unlock him (see our beloved eternal debates on concept demos).
Taking over the world, one game at a time. Currently TASing: Nothing
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Mario Party!
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I know Super smash bros. was submitted, why wasn't it accepted? would a redo of that game be possible fixing the occassional black screen that appeared?
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Tiger- wrote:
I registered just to post this game: Sin and Punishment: Successor of the Earth A Treasure 3d-Shooter. :D
I've been playing that game, and I admit it is QUITE fun. =] I may try to TAS it a little, but don't get your hopes too up. =[ In a somewhat related sidenote, my brother's name is Saki! ... creepy. o.o
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finally removed this huge list. check out the N64 wishlist page.
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Holy crap, that is like every game, some don't even work at all ;p Reminds me, i should probably finish MI.
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It's far from every game, there were many games that were on my initial list that I removed, and that initial list isn;t even every available game. It is a very sizable list however. I'm not sure if all work because I have not tested EVERY single one (there's not a chance in hell I have enough harddrive to have them all.) but if anyone wants to systematically test all of them, feel free.
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So that is your wishlist? You want to see a TAS for all of those games? Something tells me you haven't even played some of those games. I mean, come on, Xena? Army Men? Sim City 2000?
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