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The revised version of MKII is finally here and this time it has much more to offer. There is a bunch of glitched fatalities and stage fatalities this time so no need to wonder. Also some there are some bugs in the enemie's AI that are exploited which is always good and fun. This pretty much sums up what this movie is about.
Uses SNES9X 1.43+ v9
Emulator Settings (Though, they should be automatic):
  • Use WIP1 Timing (On)
  • Allow Left+Right / Up+Down (On)
  • Volume Envelope Height Reading (Off)
  • Fake Mute desync workaround (On)
  • Sync samples with sound CPU (On)
  • Aims for entertainment
  • Takes damage for entertainment purposes which also saves time (you'll understand, eventually if you don't)
  • One player controls two players (for one whole fight)
  • Uses a code (the code allows for more fatality time)
  • Manipulates luck
There will be spoilers in this text so if you don't want the run spoiled for you I suggest you stop reading this. This run also aims for showing off most of the game's aspects in a single run through while it also exploits the game's character AI. But before I start the comments I must explain a couple of things first.
One dilemma I find in this movie is the controversy that it holds. There are waiting periods that aren't long but are apparent which affects the games motion (not by much though) in these cases I try to keep it as entertaining as possible (by motion I mean fluidity). Also this run uses the code for more fatality time in order to help set up the glitch which becomes a glitched fatality and some may find that unreasonable but I assure you it was necessary for fluidity and entertainment. Another part of the controversy is the use of the second player. In order to initiate the battle with Smoke I was forced to use the second player otherwise there would not be a battle with Smoke. I don't think there is anything else besides one fight with two human players which isn't too bad since I kept it a close fight.
Aside from all of that stuff, I'd like to say that some of my plans were not used because of improbabilities. One thing I really wanted to do was uppercut my victim into the spiked ceiling and then do a friendship/babality but with Shang Tsung that is not possible. It's not possible because of a bug in the game which does not allow Shang Tsung to initiate his pit fatality. You might think that I could just morph in to another character but once the fatality is done Shang Tsung morphs back canceling out any possibility of a friendship/babality. Another thing I would have done that was found out too late was being able to do two friendships/babalitys at the same time, as well as mixing them. I also wanted to do a glitched fatality before the fight with Jade but because you are only allowed to use low-kicks I was forced to do a regular fatality, a fatality I had already done before which if I had known any better I would have saved it until then. With all of this expressed already I'll comment/emphasize on the run from a fight by fight basis.
I decided for the hell of it to include the special introduction with Shao Kahn and Kintaro. I play the game on the easiest difficulty to further exploit the awful AI (in the hardest mode you cannot throw your enemy so easily) but also provides a boost in entertainment.

The Dead Pool:

Round One:

To start things off I used Jax and did a pretty creative combo, nothing too special.

Round Two:

Baraka would be next and somewhere in the fight I use what is known as the heavy/death punch (to some MKII fans) which does more damage than an uppercut. This is the first but not the last appearance of that particular punch. I do the Acid Pool fatality and make the skeleton say something like "aw, what?".

Kombat Tomb:

Round One:

I use Mileena here and do an alright combo and the way the fight ends is probably the climax of this round.

Round Two:

For once I use Shang Tsung (regularly) to do a fight and I make use of his three flaming skull projectiles. This is the first fight I do a glitched fatality (I take damage here) and it happens to be done by Shang Tsung so enjoy this one.


Round One:

Sub-Zero is used in this fight but because he doesn't have the best combo of moves I decided to do that devastating punch and end the fight quickly.

Round Two:

Here again I use Baraka and sort of play around with my victim. I also do a glitched fatality with Baraka, as expected. My victim slumps down the walkway (as he thrives in pain) a little which is a nice touch.

The Tower:

Round One:

This time I use Reptile and whenever I use him I turn invisible because having accesibility to that move begs to be used. I make short work of my victim.

Round Two:

I think the Liu Kang has a good abilities for devastating combos so I used him in this fight. I do another glitched fatality which is Liu Kang's dragon fatality and it is as if the dragon head-butts my victim and eats the flaming skull fireball. My victim then becomes all silvery and bloody and the position of where it says Fatality is altered.

Living Forest:

Round One:

Rayden has good capabilities for entertainment so I use him in this fight. Sorry about the annoying sounds.

Round Two:

I use Kitana here and it's mostly a rehash of what I did before only this time a little more clumsy looking (for some reason the character physics were much more different than they usually are). A glitched fatality is used here but this time I cut my victim's head off which then procedes to wrap the screen.

The Armory:

Round One:

Jax, once again, is used and this time I abuse his ability ground smash three times consequetively.

Round Two:

Shortly after using Reptile, I use Reptile again but this time for a glitched fatality. This one is really cool, it seems to pick up the entertainment value single-handedly. He eats her head but she is struck by the invisible projectile forcing her fly into the air but before she lands she is hit by the fatality and gets stuck in mid-air. Also Reptile's head is misplaced elsewhere.

The Pit II:

Round One:

Johnny Cage, the name of the ball-breaker, is used for an entire round this time I do two combos but that's it for him.

Round Two:

Now it's time for Kung Lao where he decimates my victim quickly. A glitched fatality is used but it took quite a bit set it up. First I use Johnny Cage to set up the glitch and then I use Kitana to set in place the fan and then I use Kung Lao to attempt his hat decapitating fatality but have it fail. After that it's more of a brutality which finishes up with a pit fatality. Trip out on this one because it is a good one.
Shortly before the start of the next fight I'm interrupted (intentionally) by the second player in order to be able to fight Smoke.

The Portal:

Round One:

As fast as I could, I tried to initiate the fight with Smoke and in order to do that you must be uppercutted and have the 'Toasty' Guy, Dan Forden, appear and then press down and start. Well for good measure I end up being uppercutted to intiate it which I find more realistic in the sense of imagination (you're uppercutted into the portal).

Round Two:


Goro's Lair (Smoke):

Round One:

If I was going to do any cliches it would here and now. I pick Sub-Zero against Smoke and let me tell you he has super speed, the setting of Very Hard, he can take much more abuse (kind of like Kintaro) and is Scorpion in a greyish smoker's outfit (not literally). Not much could be done to him because he could counter so much but for the sake of entertainment I decided to keep things real and not repeat the same moves. No Damage Taken!

Round Two:

(Smoke runs straight into Shang Tsung's foot!) This round is different with using Scorpion. I am able to do a combo which could have lasted the whole fight but I decided show off most of Scorpion's moves. I end the fight with Scorpion's dumbass leg-sweep which I know will upset everyone and that is why I used it... yeah.
Now, You Must Return To The Outworld Because the second player was used to intiate the fight with Smoke they are still active and I am forced to make a fight with them. I enter the extra fatality time code again because it wore off and then I decided to do a double random select and you can just guess who is chosen.

Kahn's Arena:

Here I improvised and because I don't really want to spoil this part I am not going to say much besides what glitched fatality was used. I do Sub-Zero's but with a twist in which allows me to uppercut multiple bodies to shatter, don't act so disappointed when you see it upon reading this.

The Dead Pool (Again?!):

Round One:

Here I use Kung Lao and pretty much around here I start emphasizing on exploiting the enemie's AI. In this round I use a lot of kicks to sub-due my victim.

Round Two:

The last appearance of Jax is here and I made sure to show pure dominance for a farewell of his use. I change into Johnny Cage to set up the glitched fatality but before that my victim challenges me to a duel but you know who ultimatley wins. This glitched fatality can seem to be one of the more cruelest ones with an imagination. It's as if Jax rips my victim's.. nevermind but my victim's expression is "what the hell did you do to me?" in whimpering voice, hah.

Kombat Tomb (Again?!, Yes, damn't!):

Round One:

Liu Kang makes my victim look like a fool with interesting combos that further exploit the bad AI.

Round Two:

This is probably Baraka's last appearance so I made sure to slice and dice my victim real good. The fight is a good example of AI manipulating, making him jump into my projectile and sliding on in to my blade fury. There is no glitched fatality here because it does not contribute to the the spiked ceiling fatality, believe me, I've checked it out. So instead I launch my victim into the spikes and let them fall to the floor.

Wasteland (Agai... Fatality):

Round One:

Sub-Zero (for some reason) gets another go around in the Wasteland stage. The fight is nothing too special except how often do you see flying fists of fury incoporated?

Round Two:

Finally we get to use Johnny Cage for a glitched fatality. During the fight I decided to exploit my victim more so because no matter what I would have to unmorph and remorph. So I have them jump right into a ballbreaker, I wait 'til the necessary frame to do the red-shadow kick (it's only on one frame so you have to get real lucky), and then I do a backwards shadow uppercut. Then I break his balls to finish it him off. The glitched fatality is pretty neat "where there will be floating legs" which contribute to bad physics.

The Tower:

Round One:

I could have easily just defeated my victim in the first round (under the right circumstances; I have to use only the low-kick button) in order to intiate the fight with Jade but I decided to stretch it to another round. Here I once again use Shang Tsung to abuse my victim's bad AI. What the hell was he jumping from and into anyway? You tell me (not literally).

Round Two:

Rayden was used because he is on of the only morphs that require only the the directional buttons and the low-kick button. I exploit the CPU's AI to just consistently throw out useless moves. No glitched fatality because it requires me to turn into Johnny Cage which uses the low-punch button. I was going to use Rayden's fatality but it uses the block button which sucks. So, instead I did Shang Tsung's fatality which if I knew any better I would not have used it earlier.
You Have Found The Passage From The Outworld To The Earth Realm. Now You Must Battle With An Undiscovered Warrior From MK I PREPARE YOURSELF! TO RETURN TO GORO'S LAIR

Goro's Lair (Jade):

Round One:

More cliches but this time with Kitana. Jade isn't phased by projectiles or the fan-lift so I was forced to down-right stomp a mudhole in her without any cheap tricks. The slam at the end is a nice touch I think.

Round Two:

Mileena this but what I was trying to do was the maximum damage limited combo but for some reason I was unable to reach Jade when she was in mid-air so I made due with what I had. There is some serious AI manipulating in this fight which is always cool to see. Jade didn't have a chance.
Back to the character select screen, I have to reinput the extra fatality time code in for one last glitched fatality.

Kahn's Arena (for some weird reason):

Round One:

Now once again I use Reptile for a non-spectacular fight in order to work up a good last glitched fatality round. You'll see that my victim is unable to stop backing up which is a bug in the AI.

Round Two:

Scorpion is used and to start things off I teleport and then air-throw shortly after that. My victim couldn't stop flying in the air so I capitalized on that. Near the end of this fight something weird happens. My victim is stuck in the ducking formation and is powerless against me unless I do something about it. I decided to exploit this with the left over time I had as Johnny Cage. Later on I do Scorpion's 'Toasty' fatality with a couple of twists which I'll let you see for yourself.


Round One:

It's time to make a fool of this guy. I use Liu Kang in order to perform some of the hard hitting and keen combos. Pretty much everything in this fight had to be manipulated in order for successful hits.

Round Two:

Now I have Mileena to do the foolish deeds. I wanted a second chance on the maximum damage combo limit but it did not work out as planned, still good though right?

Shao Kahn:

Round One:

I use Scorpion because he is underrated. I played around with Shao Kahn in this fight and tried to do every basic move I could.

Round Two:

The way I decided to finish this was to use Shang Tsung. He doesn't have that many great combos but he does have an annihilating move of three flaming skull fireballs. Shao Kahn is no more, because of an overuse of flaming fireballs.
Well, that's what I came up with and I hope you enjoy. Now I'll explain how a couple of things are done and what to look out for in the future regarding MKII.
To set up the glitch that allows glitched fatalities is pretty simple. All you need is Johnny Cage to use his projectile (the one that flies highest) twice in succession and be as far back as possible. Now in order to know if this worked, the second projectile should not appear or not in the orthodox way (it may appear in a weird place). Once you have done that it is set but in order to justify it better and place it where you want you need to do one of Johnny Cage's shadow moves (whether it be the kick or uppercut). After that any fireball/projectile by the person who set this glitch up should get stuck in mid-air. After that it's up to you how you use it.
A couple of things I would have like to change but was unwilling to go back were: Doing a double friendship/babality and replace Shang Tsung's glitched fatality because I end up doing it twice. Other than this I am satisfied with the outcome of this run. I actually hope someone tries and obseletes it but baring in mind all the cool tricks used and coming up with newer tricks (I don't know of how many more there are).
I'd like to thank those who were helpful and considerate of the making of this run: Highness for giving me an idea of what to shoot for, Dark Fulgore for showing off how to perform the glitched fatalities, pirate_sephiroth for testing countless number of things for me (that helped), OgreSlayeR for suggestions, JXQ for supporting a better run to come, gamedirector for making conversation that I did not join in on, Zurreco for contributing knowledge that did not affect the run, and last minute Blackpearl for late info. that will probably be tested for another run. Also I'd like to thank those from the workbench from the last run in which encouraged me to make another run, this run: sargon, Serj, moozooh, NecroVMX, minglw, upthorn, and Sir VG because without any of you I wouldn't have been motivated to do it.
With it all said and done, I say go and watch it if you haven't already!

VANDAL/Samhain-Grim: Canceled, due to a better movie.

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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #1334: VANDAL's SNES Mortal Kombat II in 18:46.02
Former player
Joined: 9/1/2005
Posts: 803
I voted no. After having watched this movie, I say there are about 4 good parts in the entire thing, three of which are fatalities, and one round of the him vs himself (with fatality) fight. Watching a very easy AI get hammered just doesn't seem the same when a difficulty level actually does something regarding AI (as opposed to say, *cough*aria of sorrow*cough* where it only increases hp/weakens your characters power, thus having no meaning). Also, wasting in excess of 25 seconds at some points just to make the glitch fatality work is far from entertaining, especially since it involves you repeating the same specific moves every time, and jumping around like the character is on springs to avoid attacks while (seemingly) lining yourself up for a specific position.
Experienced player (613)
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I knew this run would have it's flaws and that was one of the reasons I was afraid to do it. As I've stated before, the difficulty increases as you progress but still I should have known better not use Very Easy. I might do another run of the game where I fix these errors but not for a while. The glitched fatalities will most likely not be fixed as they are already carefully planned. Now that you have seen what can be done there really isn't much else to expect, in fact it will look identical regardless of such changes. Using the extra fatality time code was something I felt that I needed but if I really think about it now I probably could have coexisted without it, I used it to set the enemies' position up for the glitch to work. If the glitched fatalities aren't the high point of this run then I'll not do them next time and just fight the extra battles as wanted. Edit: If this is to be published, maybe it should be published as a concept demo because I feel now that it is very 'unclean' with Very Easy on, a Code, and a bunch of waiting BS for a glitched fatality to be performed and such.
Experienced player (760)
Joined: 5/6/2005
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I admit this wasn't as cool as I thought it would be. The waits were excessive, especially in a couple rounds where you selected Johnny Cage first, but didn't set up the glitch. The secret characters weren't that great because you can't throw projectiles at them or do fatalities on them. I really enjoyed the 2-player match, though. Overall, surprisingly, I liked the currently published movie better.
Atma wrote:
(as opposed to say, *cough*aria of sorrow*cough* where it only increases hp/weakens your characters power, thus having no meaning).
Still hammerin' away at this, eh?
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
Editor, Active player (297)
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I haven't watched this, but I would think that waits and other pointless looking maneuvers could be made tolerable to watch in an AVI by proper subtitling that introduces the concept to follow. It was used in Earthbound, for example. (At 1:47:00)
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JXQ wrote:
Overall, surprisingly, I liked the currently published movie better.
Have to agree on this. The 2 player battle was very nice though... Voting meh.
Atma wrote:
Watching a very easy AI get hammered just doesn't seem the same when a difficulty level actually does something regarding AI (as opposed to say, *cough*aria of sorrow*cough* where it only increases hp/weakens your characters power, thus having no meaning).
Also agree with this.
Joined: 10/3/2005
Posts: 1332
I was disappointed with the last MKII submission, but this was just unbelievable. 18 minutes of spit-takes and yelling "What the hell was that!?" over and over. Kung Lao's merciless $hit-kicking of Liu Kang! Brilliant! My interest flagged toward the end, but I wouldn't have changed much... make Shao Kahn sing Jingle Bells next time. I voted yes, and think that everyone who's ever played an MK game should see this. Edit: And I'm apparently the only one who thinks so. Heh. Oh well...
Joined: 1/18/2006
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very well performed run. I'd say it would be nice to ad this as a concept run and not replace the already existing one
Active player (436)
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I agree with Dromiceius, I enjoyed this run more than the published run as it contained a bit more of glitches, blood and extreme fatalities ^_^
Nitrogenesis wrote:
Guys I come from the DidyKnogRacist communite, and you are all wrong, tihs is the run of the mileniun and everyone who says otherwise dosnt know any bater! I found this run vary ease to masturbate too!!!! Don't fuck with me, I know this game so that mean I'm always right!StupedfackincommunityTASVideoz!!!!!!
Arc wrote:
I enjoyed this movie in which hands firmly gripping a shaft lead to balls deep in multiple holes.
natt wrote:
I don't want to get involved in this discussion, but as a point of fact C# is literally the first goddamn thing on that fucking page you linked did you even fucking read it
Cooljay wrote:
Mayor Haggar and Cody are such nice people for the community. Metro City's hospitals reached an all time new record of incoming patients due to their great efforts :P
Joined: 9/8/2006
Posts: 19
Thought it was entertaining enough, although by the time it was done I was ready for it to end. Actually I thought it seemed a little funny after a while to just see the same Cage moves over and over again, so make of my opinion what you will. I'd agree on the Concept Demo thing, if even publishing it.
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After having watched it, I felt entertained; not amused, but it had some good moments. Voting yes because I have a very low bar. :D
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Eclipsed Moon wrote:
I'd agree on the Concept Demo thing, if even publishing it.
Not again...
Player (40)
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Well, this run was certainly very bizarre. Showing off the hidden characters was a nice touch. Yes, it takes more time to do this run then, but who cares. This run is all about showing off. THANK YOU FOR THE LEVEL BASED FATALITIES. I love those. ^^ Considering that this is an unusual run and not "pure speed" based, I think it should be published as a concept demo. And thanks for the mention too. ^^
Taking over the world, one game at a time. Currently TASing: Nothing
Player (71)
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I totaly loved this movie. Voting YES. :D The Kung Lao brutality which you ported from UMK3 into MK2 was a kick indeed! I also loved how you wiped your ass with Smoke and Jade. The glitched fatalities are fun to watch, even though I think the setup should be better if a next version will ever be prominent. And also go for Very hard next time you make a movie. The 2p round was highly entertaining as well. Very delicate planned! I'd love to see this movie published. Cheers! See you in future versions I hope.
Active player (367)
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I liked this movie, I liked most of the glitched fatalities, but they're not the funniest that this site has shown me. Still, all the little things you added, including the title, the level fatalities, and the well done 2P fights (instead of just having one player stand there like a zombie), all made this a better watch than I expected. Good fighting and good glitches, good stuff. The setup for the glitches wasn't as bad as I was under the impression that it was, but I still do wish it could've been cut out more.
Joined: 6/7/2006
Posts: 53
Because of the waiting involved, I wasn't a fan of the glitched fatalities. With two exceptions: 1. The Kung Lao beat-em-up that ends in a stage fatality 2. The part right before one glitched fatality where you're having Johnny Cage constantly miss a roundhouse - it's more the way the kicks are timed than the actual concept of it If you were to do this again, I say keep the stage fatalities, the Smoke and Jade fights, and these two specific parts I mentioned that were from glitch fatalities (probably mixing the two together in this case). (This also means leaving in the 2P fight, which I think was worth watching. The fight itself, mind you, not the glitch fatality at the end of it.) As well as your different combo techniques. I say leave out the rest of the glitching - maybe it's just me, but the wait wasn't worth the glitcharifficness (I interpret that last word to mean the use of glitches just for the sake of it - if anyone else want to use that word, feel free). Also: Surely enough there's a way to have three or four different characters involved in a single combo (I saw combos with two, but I'd need to be reminded of any involving three or more). That's something to consider for next time. If I could vote on this run (I don't have enough posts here yet), I'd vote 'meh'. I think it'd be worth seeing a third attempt if some of the stuff I mentioned happens. Before doing an MK2 run again, though, I would rather see what you can do with MK3.
Joined: 10/16/2006
Posts: 174
I'd vote yes for a concept demo (assuming it was redone on Very Hard), but not as an actual TAS movie.
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If I redid it on Very Hard you wouldn't really see a difference. I could probably get by without the use of the code that allows for more fatality time. Hmm, I'm thinking of canceling this run here and now and implementing some improvements. The glitched fatality set up is already pretty optimal because in order to justify the set up I have to shadow kick/uppercut and usually my enemy gets in the way. If I don't justify it, the invisible projectile is in weird, out of place locations, more so than the justified locations. Are glitched fatalities really a must for this run? I can see if I removed them that there would a better response from the people but I'd also lose some spectators. Quite a dilemma at hand. With the difficulty setting and the code used I feel this run is more of an embarrassment and would serve as a blemish to this site. I'm going to actively work on improving this run, I'd like more suggestions over on the Mortal Kombat thread so that I can get a better idea of what would make it better. Regardless, I'll leave this run up until I have another one done.
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leave 1 glitched fatality, that's enough )
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Alright, it seems that everyone enjoyed Kung Lao's the most. This movie is archived and since I'm going to fix the errors in it I don't see a reason for this to be published. I guess I should cancel it now but I'm a little bit confused. If I were to change the difficulty to Very Hard and not use a Code like in the original plan but still do many glitched fatalities would that be okay, for the concept demo anyway? What I was thinking is that I go back and redo the currently published run where there will be no glitched fatalities besides the ones the programmers somewhat intended and just spruce it up, show something new and with more fluidity because now I know even more about how this game's AI reacts upon my character's actions. But the biggest problem with that is doing the same fatalities, I could do the character's secondary fatalities but do we really need two runs of this game.
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The Sub-zero Fatality was cool, too. I could miss the glitched shang tsung fatality, as you do it again later. I see you don't use the secret Kintaro fatality, it would have taken too much time, I guess, but you could show how dumb the AI is at easy difficulty, too. On the PC version, you can duck and see how the computer punches the air without trying to grab you. This always gave me a chuckle.
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The Kintaro fatality can be done instantaneously upon the finish him remark, it's shown in my other movie that is currently published here. The way it is done is the 'B' is held down before the round starts and game thinks automatically that that button has been pressed for ages.
Player (149)
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This is AMAZING !!!!!! Very entertainment and glitched run...very well planned 2P fight and a lot of entertainment too... You didn't missed the Smoke and Jade fight this was cool...loved the Reptile vs Kitana glitched fatality...the freezed Shang Tsung in Kahn's Arena is nice and unexpected... =D The only thing that I didn't like was the time that you need to turn back to Shang Tsung and morph in Johnny cage...but I know this can't be avoided...and I will don't vote NO because this (because of this time to setup de glitch the run is amazing)... Good work in this run...and for me this run is PERFECT !! a great YES... =)
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I wrote:
Alright, it seems that everyone enjoyed Kung Lao's the most. This movie is archived and since I'm going to fix the errors in it I don't see a reason for this to be published. I guess I should cancel it now but I'm a little bit confused. If I were to change the difficulty to Very Hard and not use a Code like in the original plan but still do many glitched fatalities would that be okay, for the concept demo anyway?
I take it back, I am very unwilling to make another attempt, I just don't think I could get creative enough because you pretty much see the best that I can offer for MKII in this run and I don't want to make a rehash of this. So if anyone is up to making this run right then I say go for it, chances are this run will get rejected because of certain things about it. For the record, as of now, I have more confidence in this run than I did yesterday (but you wouldn't know for sure by the way I bad mouth it, heh) .
Player (206)
Joined: 2/18/2005
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I'm not a big Mortal Kombat freak, but this movie was entertaining to watch. I liked the crazy glitches and fetalities you showed in each fight, and I think they were worth the slow downs and the taking of damage in some of them. Also a nice and unexpected 2-player demonstration with showing some of the hidden fighters. Voting YES.
See my perfect 100% movie-walkthroughs of the best RPG games on Current TAS project (with new videos): Super Metroid Redesign, any% speedrun