xebra, Is getting from 287 across 35W (from south to north) really as confusing as it seemed to me?
Truncated, it would be easier for us to know where you should move if we know what you like. Besides JUDGING and TAS. I'll give you the specs for Houston and let you decide.
Social Structure: Who needs it?
Politics: We have an awesome mayor; he gave us SafeClear. We hate the Dixie Chicks.
Economy: It's a big city, there's lots of economy stuff. Booming housing market, although I advise against getting one of those tiny starter homes.
Weather: Hot. Humid. Rain is nice, but then it becomes humidity. Winter hasn't come for a couple years now.
Nature: We're closing a lot of our parks. Government cut the budget and now the parks can't afford to stay open. Rather than raise the budget back, they just close.
Girls: Every type. Even a police officer that got their sex changed to female.
Language: Three good choices. English, Mexican,
Etc: Generally low quality public education system. Took a stab at mass transportation with METRORail which recieved a lot of negative publicity, but is still being supported by our mayor (I love that guy). You can also take Park&Ride into town. Otherwise you get to use our freeway system, which is incredibly large (I think they were planning on making I-10 a 16 lane highway, still under construction). We have the med center, that's pretty cool; it even comes with indoor golf carts because it is so big. If you're a doctor this is a really great place. Crime rate has doubled since about a year ago.
If this sounds like a place you like, I'm sorry. Otherwise, try Sweden. I hear it's pretty good.