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Woah.. didn't I just post this... Nah.. cheap gag that sucks too :) Anyways, I noticed the Shadowgate Time Attack [which showed me how to improve my speedrun via Torch usage and PROVES that you can get away with only 1 item for the Sphinx and the game not messing you around by demanding another item you DIDN'T get, so that can drop my time down to about 16 mins or so]... and I realized.. there's no Time Attack for Deja Vu! Now I just finished a speedrun I'm going to be sending in.. and it's JUST under 20 minutes.. and I made 5 stupid mistakes too :( I'm crying over the other run I had... PERFECTION [save for 2 baby mistakes of 2 seconds each].... RUINED Because I forgot to toss a piece of faked evidence! That DEFINITELY would have been close to, if not under 19 mins. Does anyone feel like taking a stab at this? I've ABSOLUTELY MINIMIZED what you need to do to beat the game... about to write a quick speed guide for gamefaqs due to this. I planned it out in a notebook and used an emu to test theorems... there ARE random factors that will have to be manipulated though.... 1. Slot Machine... because you need more then 7 coins to beat the game... on my botched run I got 3 cherries right off the bat which gave me 14 coins for a total of 20! [You need 15 minimum, 18 max to beat the game... I will explain soon enough]... other times it takes a while... my just under 20 run it was the 3rd attempt that netted me Triple 7's... a nice ego boost :) 2. THAT ^%#$# BUM that tries to offer you advice for 50 cents... [which is a waste!] He popped up twice in my under 20 run... only 1 time in my botched run... 3. The Mugger! I didn't see him ONCE in my botched run! [Which makes me cry more] You have to hit him to get rid of him, or give him $20... you can hit him 3 times before you MUST give him money... 4. The hot dame you put away! She's right in front of the Police Station... but she's random! In my botched run I NEVER saw her at all! You gotta punch her to bypass her, or she kills you. [Amusingly enough, if you have the gag, you can gag her ;)] These are the 4 major issues that can make a perfect run into %#%#%@!!! If anyone's interested in doing this run, I'll post my minimalist guide in this thread. Mr. Kelly R. Flewin
Mr. Kelly R. Flewin Just another random gamer ---- <OmnipotentEntity> How do you people get bored in the span of 10 seconds? Worst ADD ever.
Post subject: Re: Shadowgate
Editor, Active player (297)
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Mr. Kelly R. Flewin wrote:
PROVES that you can get away with only 1 item for the Sphinx and the game not messing you around by demanding another item you DIDN'T get
The Sphinx in Shadowgate asks a random question, and you need to have luck (chances are 1/6) so that the sphinx asks the question for the only item you do have. In tool-assisted movies, one can of course buy their luck.
Post subject: Re: Shadowgate
Joined: 5/29/2004
Posts: 757
Bisqwit wrote:
The Sphinx in Shadowgate asks a random question, and you need to have luck (chances are 1/6) so that the sphinx asks the question for the only item you do have. In tool-assisted movies, one can of course buy their luck.
Methinks I'm going to have to give my Shadowgate speedrun another quick go over then... mind you I can predict a lot of hair pulling ^^;; Mr. Kelly R. Flewin
Mr. Kelly R. Flewin Just another random gamer ---- <OmnipotentEntity> How do you people get bored in the span of 10 seconds? Worst ADD ever.
Post subject: Re: Shadowgate
Editor, Active player (297)
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Mr. Kelly, are you reading your private messages? Your avatar is still bigger than 80x80.
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Well, I don't feel like waiting for Gamefaqs to approve it and I figure someone will be interested enough, so with apologies for the delay, here's the Minimalist/Speed guide I finished typing up from my notebook. [notes before the guide itself, specifically for Time Attacks] A perfect run will A. Hit the jackpot and get enough coins from the slot machine first time round. B. Get 18 coins or more [Max required to cab around.. 15 coins minimum, but that will require an additional 2-3 screens] C. Blue Cabs it ALL THE WAY D. DOES NOT run into the Bum, The Mugger or the Hot Dame E. Will be able to use the scroll through the top and bottom of the screen and fast key hitting to manipulate the menu system, like in Shadowgate. A sub-19 should DEFINITELY be possible, especially as I said, the one run I botched still had mistakes... heck.. I wouldn't be surprised to see like 17-18 mins tops. Speed Guide/Minimalist Completion Guide --------------------------------------- 1. Open COAT and take COINS and WALLET! 2. Open WALLET and take KEY1 and CARD 3. Take COAT and GUN1 underneath before exiting the stall. 4. Look in the Mirror 5. Exit the bathroom, head into the bar and go upstairs. 6. Enter the room, OPEN the desk, OPEN ENVELOPE 1 and EXAMINE BILL [First Address now attained] 7. Unlock the next door with KEY1. 8. OPEN POCKET on the dead corpse and TAKE KEY2. OPEN the desk and TAKE KEY3 and PENCIL. 9. Exit through the window and climb the fire escape to the 3rd Floor and enter through the Window. 10. OPEN Wastebasket and TAKE CAPSULES! 11. USE Elevator Button, enter, and USE the 2nd from the bottom button. 12. Enter the casino and USE COINS on the Far Right Slot machine until you have 15-18 coins. [I'll assume you have 18 or more] 13. Exit Casino and USE 2nd Elevator Button from Top. Exit through the Window and go DOWN the fire escape to the ground. OPEN Manhole! 14. Exit Alley, go to the car and USE KEY2 on the door. 15. OPEN the glove compartment. Examine NOTE2, MAP AND SNAPSHOT before TAKING MAP and SNAPSHOT. Exit and OPEN Manhole in front of car. [Second Address obtained] 16. Go LEFT to Blue Cab, Enter, Go to WESTEND. [Third Address obtained] 17. Enter building, USE CARD on Elevator. Enter and USE CARD again. Enter the Penthouse, examine PICTURE, enter Elevator, USE CARD and then exit building. Go to KEDZIE. [Fourth Address obtained] 18. USE GUN1 on the door and enter. 19. Take NOTE3, open drawer, TAKE DIARY and KEY5. Exit and go to W.SHERMAN. [First ABSOLUTE MUST HAVE piece of evidence] 20. Enter building and go to the Right side! 21. Use KEY 5 on Dr. Brody's Office and enter. 22. Take 3 of the MEDIC. 6 and 1 of the MEDIC. 1 23. USE MEDIC. 6 on the CAPSULES and then on SELF 3 times in a row [Memory now regained] and then MEDIC 1 on CAPSULES. 24. USE GUN1 on Cabinet and then exit back to the junction before going LEFT. 25. USE GUN1 on the shadow behind the door before USING KEY5 to unlock the door and enter. 26. OPEN Cabinet and EXAMINE FILE5 before TAKING it and exiting the building. 27. Go back to PEORIA and to the Bar. USE KEY3 on the door and go back to the corpse. 28. USE NOTE3 on the safe. OPEN BOX and TAKE KEY4. OPEN FOLDER, EXAMINE NOTE1 and TAKE it. Exit to the street via the Window and Fire Escape. 29. Go to the TRUNK of the car and USE KEY4 to OPEN it. 30. TAKE GAG nd USE CAPSULES on woman. Immediately go to the cab! [Yellow if you only have 3-5 coins left, Blue if you have 6 or more left.] [FINAL ADDRESS!] 31. Go to AUBURN RD. 32. OPEN the mailbox and OPEN ENVELOPE 2. EXAMINE LETTER1 and TAKE it. [Second ABSOLUTE MUST HAVE piece of evidence] 33. Go to the door, USE Knocker and HIT Butler to enter. 34. Go upstairs, OPEN the Left door and enter. 35. OPEN Nite Table and TAKE Memo. USE PENCIL on MEMO, go back to cab. [FINAL MUST HAVE piece of evidence] 36. Go to PEORIA and back to the bar. Go Down the Sewer 2 screens, Center and Down 1. [Deepest part of the sewer] 37. OPEN Diary and TAKE BOOKMARK. Now the time consuming part of it all; 38. LEAVE GUN 1, MAP, SNAPSHOT, NOTE 1, FILE 5, BOOKMARK and NOTE 1 in the running water. [ABSOLUTE MUST DO! This is all the planted evidence against you] This should leave you with the following; COIN, WALLET, KEY1, CARD, COAT, KEY2, KEY3, PENCIL, CAPSULES, NOTE3 KEY5, DIARY, KEY4, LETTER1 MEMO 39. Go up 3 times to exit the sewer and back to the street. Go right 1 screen to the Police Station. Enter and congratulate yourself :) Once you reach the screen with Ace under the spotlights, you've essentially just beat the game! I hope this helps anyone who wishes to do a Time Attack for the game :) Mr. Kelly R. Flewin
Mr. Kelly R. Flewin Just another random gamer ---- <OmnipotentEntity> How do you people get bored in the span of 10 seconds? Worst ADD ever.
Joined: 7/24/2004
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Hi im new here, First i must say that i love all of ur speedruns, they are amazing. Theres a speedrun on shadowgate and uninvited, and now i really want to see a speedrun on Deja vu. Is anyone doing this or gonna do it? I love speedruns on storybook games :)
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I can probably do this when I got home. Uninvited was kinda fun to play and make a time attack of. No promises though.
/Walker Boh
Joined: 7/24/2004
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the way u played uninvited i dont think u will have a problem with deja vu ;) loved your speedrun on that game and really hoping on one for deja vu :D
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Great ;) It will come in time.
/Walker Boh
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but as I recall, one has to destroy all the evidence againts Ace(guns and whatnot) in the end of the game. Now regarding the time attack, this would probably be quite boring. I don't remember Shadowgate for example having such long, time consuming and boring but necessary activities. I'm not saying that you shouldn't do it, I'm just saying. On a side note, how much money do you need to beat the whole game? And how random are the lady beside the police station and the mugger near the cabs?
Joined: 1/1/2022
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The one for Shadowgate was a cute novelty, and the one for Uninvited should've never been accepted. Even without slowdown and savestates, storybook games like Deja Vu require no dexterity, so there's no limit of skill or reaction time to surpass. And without the text, the games are just a collection of crappy 8 bit pictures. Nobody fucking cares. Save yourself the troble and use the time you would've spent "time attacking" Deja Vu on picking a game that's actually worth watching a "time attack" of.
Editor, Active player (297)
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pierrot wrote:
Nobody fucking cares.
Considering that you are not the only one who has posted on this page, I must say you're wrong.
Joined: 7/19/2004
Posts: 7
Bisqwit wrote:
pierrot wrote:
Nobody fucking cares.
Considering that you are not the only one who has posted on this page, I must say you're wrong.
...and he's outta here... ^^
Joined: 1/1/2022
Posts: 1716
Bisqwit wrote:
Considering that you are not the only one who has posted on this page, I must say you're wrong.
Considering that there's one whole person who wants it, i'd say i'm not that far off target. Are there going to be standards, or are you going to nitpick? Make up your mind. EDIT by feitclub: No flaming, sorry.
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Storybook games are awesome.
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We want this game to be timeattacked.
Joined: 3/26/2004
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Would like to see a timeattack aswell. I always rather watch a game I've played, no matter how boring it is, than watch a game I've never played no matter how fun it is.
Joined: 7/4/2004
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i wonder, am i the only person who plays the timeattacks on slower speed, so i can catch all the writing as it zoomz by? hehe, i never played uninvited or shadowgate as a kid, so i think its fun to be able to watch them and get almost the full effect. In fact, thats what i enjoy most about this site, i love watching people play videogames! and damn good too....
"Like a spoon to spaghetti i am"
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pierrot wrote:
Nobody fucking cares. Save yourself the troble and use the time you would've spent "time attacking" Deja Vu on picking a game that's actually worth watching a "time attack" of.
lol. so what is worth watching in ur opinion? i dont like every timeattack on this page, and u know what i do when i see a timeattack on a game i dont like? i dont download it. thats simple isnt it? save your time and stop complain.
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?x?t?h?e?n?i?n?j?a?x? ?a?c?t?u?a?l?l?y? ?h?a?s? ?a? ?g?o?o?d? ?p?o?i?n?t?.? ?T?o? ?b?e? ?a?b?l?e? ?t?o? ?s?e?e? ?t?h?e? ?t?e?x?t? ?w?o?u?l?d? ?b?e? ?"?m?o?r?e?"? ?f?u?n? ?b?u?t? ?i?t? ?w?o?u?l?d? ?t?a?k?e? ?m?u?c?h? ?m?o?r?e? ?t?i?m?e?.? ?S?o? ?i?f? ?i?t??s? ?p?o?s?s?i?b?l?e? ?I? ?w?i?l?l? ?s?c?i?p? ?i?t?.? ?U?n?f?o?r?t?u?n?a?t?e?l?y?.?
/Walker Boh
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Deja Vu would be cool to see, I must agree. I've always loved these types of games.
Joined: 5/29/2004
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To anyone who desire to give this a run for their money and create a time attack [I've actually done a speed run on this and it was just under 20 mins, and I know it can be improved greatly.] Go figure.. I posted this to Gamefaqs.. and they told me it simply copied other guides.. where as None of them are even remotely as accurate for Minimalism as mine is. They get you to do other UNNEEDED things! Speed Guide/Minimalist Completion Guide --------------------------------------- 1. Open COAT and take COINS and WALLET! 2. Open WALLET and take KEY1 and CARD 3. Take COAT and GUN1 underneath before exiting the stall. 4. Look in the Mirror 5. Exit the bathroom, head into the bar and go upstairs. 6. Enter the room, OPEN the desk, OPEN ENVELOPE 1 and EXAMINE BILL [First Address now attained] 7. Unlock the next door with KEY1. 8. OPEN POCKET on the dead corpse and TAKE KEY2. OPEN the desk and TAKE KEY3 and PENCIL. 9. Exit through the window and climb the fire escape to the 3rd Floor and enter through the Window. 10. OPEN Wastebasket and TAKE CAPSULES! 11. USE Elevator Button, enter, and USE the 2nd from the bottom button. 12. Enter the casino and USE COINS on the Far Right Slot machine until you have 15-18 coins. [I'll assume you have 18 or more] 13. Exit Casino and USE 2nd Elevator Button from Top. Exit through the Window and go DOWN the fire escape to the ground. OPEN Manhole! 14. Exit Alley, go to the car and USE KEY2 on the door. 15. OPEN the glove compartment. Examine NOTE2, MAP AND SNAPSHOT before TAKING MAP and SNAPSHOT. Exit and OPEN Manhole in front of car. [Second Address obtained] 16. Go LEFT to Blue Cab, Enter, Go to WESTEND. [Third Address obtained] 17. Enter building, USE CARD on Elevator. Enter and USE CARD again. Enter the Penthouse, examine PICTURE, enter Elevator, USE CARD and then exit building. Go to KEDZIE. [Fourth Address obtained] 18. USE GUN1 on the door and enter. 19. Take NOTE3, open drawer, TAKE DIARY and KEY5. Exit and go to W.SHERMAN. [First ABSOLUTE MUST HAVE piece of evidence] 20. Enter building and go to the Right side! 21. Use KEY 5 on Dr. Brody's Office and enter. 22. Take 3 of the MEDIC. 6 and 1 of the MEDIC. 1 23. USE MEDIC. 6 on the CAPSULES and then on SELF 3 times in a row [Memory now regained] and then MEDIC 1 on CAPSULES. 24. USE GUN1 on Cabinet and then exit back to the junction before going LEFT. 25. USE GUN1 on the shadow behind the door before USING KEY5 to unlock the door and enter. 26. OPEN Cabinet and EXAMINE FILE5 before TAKING it and exiting the building. 27. Go back to PEORIA and to the Bar. USE KEY3 on the door and go back to the corpse. 28. USE NOTE3 on the safe. OPEN BOX and TAKE KEY4. OPEN FOLDER, EXAMINE NOTE1 and TAKE it. Exit to the street via the Window and Fire Escape. 29. Go to the TRUNK of the car and USE KEY4 to OPEN it. 30. TAKE GAG nd USE CAPSULES on woman. Immediately go to the cab! [Yellow if you only have 3-5 coins left, Blue if you have 6 or more left.] [FINAL ADDRESS!] 31. Go to AUBURN RD. 32. OPEN the mailbox and OPEN ENVELOPE 2. EXAMINE LETTER1 and TAKE it. [Second ABSOLUTE MUST HAVE piece of evidence] 33. Go to the door, USE Knocker and HIT Butler to enter. 34. Go upstairs, OPEN the Left door and enter. 35. OPEN Nite Table and TAKE Memo. USE PENCIL on MEMO, go back to cab. [FINAL MUST HAVE piece of evidence] 36. Go to PEORIA and back to the bar. Go Down the Sewer 2 screens, Center and Down 1. [Deepest part of the sewer] 37. OPEN Diary and TAKE BOOKMARK. Now the time consuming part of it all; 38. LEAVE GUN 1, MAP, SNAPSHOT, NOTE 1, FILE 5, BOOKMARK and NOTE 1 in the running water. [ABSOLUTE MUST DO! This is all the planted evidence against you] This should leave you with the following; COIN, WALLET, KEY1, CARD, COAT, KEY2, KEY3, PENCIL, CAPSULES, NOTE3, KEY5, DIARY, KEY4, LETTER1 MEMO 39. Go up 3 times to exit the sewer and back to the street. Go right 1 screen to the Police Station. Enter and congratulate yourself :) Once you reach the screen with Ace under the spotlights, you've essentially just beat the game! Mr. Kelly R. Flewin
Mr. Kelly R. Flewin Just another random gamer ---- <OmnipotentEntity> How do you people get bored in the span of 10 seconds? Worst ADD ever.
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Awesome, I will check this in a week or so when I return to my place.
/Walker Boh
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Mr. Kelly R. Flewin wrote:
To anyone who desire to give this a run for their money and create a time attack [I've actually done a speed run on this and it was just under 20 mins, and I know it can be improved greatly.] Go figure.. I posted this to Gamefaqs.. and they told me it simply copied other guides.. where as None of them are even remotely as accurate for Minimalism as mine is. They get you to do other UNNEEDED things!
There's some faqs on Gamefaqs that aren't that good. There's some games that need beter Faqs. Like Super Punch Out and I remember those miserable FAQS for Tactics Ogres. Track & Field on NES need a better FAQ too.
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There's some faqs on Gamefaqs that aren't that good. There's some games that need beter Faqs. Like Super Punch Out and I remember those miserable FAQS for Tactics Ogres. Track & Field on NES need a better FAQ too.
Man, don't even get me STARTED on their fighting game guides...movelists are usually fine, but just about anything there that tries to teach you how to play the games well is guaranteed to be horrible. -Josh
but then you take my 75 perchance chance of winning, if we was to go one-on-one, and then add 66 and two-thirds ch...percents...i got a 141 and two-thirds chance of winning at sacrifice