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Street Fighter Zero 2 Arcade mode completed on Normal difficulty with Gen. Time is assumed to be maximized but I aim to entertain the viewer where possible, although the movie can get somewhat repetitive because SFZ2 doesn't have as many impressive combos as the others do. Many fights are ended with a Super Combo to get the score bonus, even though that loses time (because of the "Super Combo Finish" message). All fights are Perfect (no damage), naturally.
Final score: 3,439,000
I played on Normal because many of Gen's attacks are not particularly fast, so to take no damage on Hard mode, the fights would have had to have used only the fastest, weakest moves in his arsenal, which would've made the movie much longer.
Gen is unique because he has two stances (movesets): the Crane stance and the Mantis stance. In the first level (vs. Ryu), round 1 shows off the Crane stance exclusively and round 2 shows off the Mantis stance exclusively; after that I switch freely between the two whenever I think it'll be faster or just look cool. The Mantis stance is almost never used for a Super Combo (only in level 1 round 2) because both of its Super Combos rely on the opponent not doing anything to stop it (both are quite easy to avoid/block), and they are also very long.
In Round 2 vs. Sakura, a glitch causes the game to incorrectly register that I completed the round with a Level 3 2-hit Super Combo, even though I finished it with a Fierce. I did perform a Level 3 Super Combo earlier in the fight, but that scored 6 hits. Not that I'm complaining about the extra points or anything, it's just noteworthily odd.
The game pits you against a "NEW CHALLENGER" on levels 5 and 8 if you complete the preceding levels in a certain amount of time. Obviously I do. Unfortunately you still have to complete the normal fighter afterwards, but additional fights give me more time to show off Gen's abilities. Oddly enough though, the new challenger for Level 8 is the same as the normal boss for Level 8 (Gouki for the Gen route), and after beating him as a challenger I still had to fight him again as the normal final boss afterwards. It probably makes sense if you can read the dialogue.
Some final notes:
  • There are frequent "hangs" in the game, as far as I know these are just emulation glitches.
  • The movie file has to last through the credits so I can enter my initials for the High Score table.
  • The initials don't look like they're entered in very fast because the system only recognizes one button (left, right, or B) every 8 frames, so this is as fast as it would go.
  • Due to an apparent lapse of mind, I did not skip the score tallying animation after Round 1 vs. Adon. By the time I noticed this I had already completed a few rounds afterward and did not want to rerecord them just save that one second.
I cancelled this submission because the general concensus is that this was not a good game to TAS.

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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #1181: curtmack's SNES Street Fighter Zero 2 in 17:58.07
Active player (436)
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Never seen this version of Street Fighter before. Reason why Im voting meh is not because of the good effort from the author (you did your best Curt), evidently, the punches and kicks does not inflict much damage, therefore the fights are a bit too long for my taste. Speaking of Street Fighter, I think Street Fighter Turbo should definitely be worthy TASing and eventually getting published.
Nitrogenesis wrote:
Guys I come from the DidyKnogRacist communite, and you are all wrong, tihs is the run of the mileniun and everyone who says otherwise dosnt know any bater! I found this run vary ease to masturbate too!!!! Don't fuck with me, I know this game so that mean I'm always right!StupedfackincommunityTASVideoz!!!!!!
Arc wrote:
I enjoyed this movie in which hands firmly gripping a shaft lead to balls deep in multiple holes.
natt wrote:
I don't want to get involved in this discussion, but as a point of fact C# is literally the first goddamn thing on that fucking page you linked did you even fucking read it
Cooljay wrote:
Mayor Haggar and Cody are such nice people for the community. Metro City's hospitals reached an all time new record of incoming patients due to their great efforts :P
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Hmm, I'm not sure what to say. You did a good job, definitely, but there wasn't a whole lot of variation throughout the movie, it ends pretty much the same way that it played the whole time. Sure there was a 7-hit or 8-hit combo occasionally, but it was just a better strike from the same moves. And yes the fights did seem long. The clincher for 'meh at best,' however, is the wait caused by those silly, constant hangs. I know that there wasn't anything you could do about them, but they add just that extra bit of inaction to the movie. This game is no SFA/Z 3, though it's a surprisingly good adaption of 2. I actually thought this was one of those pirate roms you see in the NES romsets until I actually looked at my roms and saw it there, clean and dandy. --I played with Ryu a little after the movie finished and was able to play around and keep fighting after almost every KO strike, but you never did that in your run. It'd be an interesting way to keep the movie going, but I don't actually think you can add to any combos like this. The game doesn't even let you continue combos through a dizzy, so 8-hit combos were pretty good, I realize. But yeah, I still have to go with a meh in the end. Nice try, however. I never use Gen in sfa/z games so that was interesting to me.
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Did you use custom combos at all? If not, you should add some in there. In the arcade and 32-bit console versions of this game, he can actually perform a 100% custom...sweep, repeat dp+K,K a bunch, then finish with dp+K and do the full 8 kicks.
but then you take my 75 perchance chance of winning, if we was to go one-on-one, and then add 66 and two-thirds ch...percents...i got a 141 and two-thirds chance of winning at sacrifice
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Voting "no". 1. This is a bad choice of game. SFZ series is very good, but this SFC port is rather lackluster. The load times and lack of fluid animations really kill it. 2. I get the sense that this video could be reproduced fairly consistently by a high-level player. It doesn't exploit any glitches, it doesn't perform interesting or difficult maneuvers, etc. It's basically the same fight over and over again, with the same level 3 Super Arts being pulled out after the same single attacks.. where's the linking, the custom combos, the countering, the cancelling, breaking the game, making the fights interesting? I would dearly love for a good -glitch demonstration- or -combo demonstration- video to be made, showcasing one or multiple characters. But "completes in fastest time" should never be a goal for a fighting game.
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It did seem a bit samey, though some of the moves were indeed impressive. Backing someone into a corner and wailing them (a la Tekken 4) is not much fun, and those emulator pauses just suck. Meh.
Voted NO for NO reason
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LagDotCom wrote:
...those emulator pauses just suck. Meh.
Actually, that's NOT the fault of the emulator. The actual game does that!!! I own Street Fighter Alpha 2, which is the US version of this game. And believe me, I hated this game solely because of that. Voting no because of bad game choice. There are plenty of good Street Fighters. This is not one of them.
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Looking back, I see what you guys mean. Seemed like a good idea at the time, but the moves are repetetive because they have to be, and in general this is a bad game for TASing. In addition, my education of the game was limited solely to the one article I could find about the character Gen, and through experimentation I could not find anything that would make the movie even remotely more interesting. The submission has been cancelled.
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om, nom, nom... blech, stale!